Site Computer News

<< 2014
December 2014
- Tony Brewer has written a very interesting piece about a
Z80 "Special
Reset" function - follow the link for details
is running! - Well, at least Martin's is, I still have
to finish off wiring up my
I/O board
- Added a number of additional Z80 reference books to the
Technical Library
Databook and
- Added a brief Technical Note on the
MTX Reset circuit
- Scanned & posted Memopad
Volume 4, Issue 1/2, from December 1987 (Originals courtesy of Jim Wills
Andy Key)
- Scanned & posted copies of two of the "missing" editions of
the Memotech Owner's Club Magazine,
Memotechniques, from December 1987 and January 1988 -
do you have any of the remaining missing ones? (Courtesy of Jim
- Scanned & posted Memopad
Volume 3, Issue 11, from November 1987 (Originals courtesy of Jim Wills
Andy Key)
- Scanned & posted Memopad
Volume 3, Issue 12, from December 1987 (Originals courtesy of Jim
Wills &
Andy Key)
- Despite upgrading to the Professional edition of
the Zoom search
engine, nobody seems to use it, so I added an annoying animated
GIF to draw your attention to the link at the top of the menu column
on all of the MTX pages.
November 2014
- The basic design of the MTXPlus+
board has been done and Martin and I have started construction,
the board layout should allow us to concentrate on getting a
keyboard interface working before the rest of the ports.
- The MTXPlus+
CPU boards are now functional, a couple of issues have been
identified that will need some wiring changes to resolve, but they
will not hold up development and testing of the
- Not many updates to the web pages this month, most of my time is
being spent on the MTXPlus+
CPU board
- Inspired by some problems with the CPU board, you may like
to look at my page about
- Martin and I have finished construction of our
CPU boards
for MTXPlus+,
ready for testing.
October 2014
- Posted a copy of Tony
Brewer's translation of
Martin's MTX ROM code into M80 Format (from
- By special request ! - posted scans (yes, pictures
!) of some Memotech software
distribution disks
- As more and more information gets added to the site, it's
becoming harder to find without a decent search facility . .
- So, I have now purchased the Professional edition
of the Zoom search engine - you can
try it here
- Posted a review of
Super Mindefield,
from a Danish computer magazine, "Alt om Data"
(Courtesy of
Claus Baekkel)
- Posted a couple of snippets about the
HRX from the PCW
Computer Show in 1984 (Courtesy of
Claus Baekkel)
- Posted an updated copy of my KiCad schematic of the
FDX 80 Column board
- Posted photos of the original
SDX Disk Controller
board, FDC-03 (Courtesy of Chris Marsden)
- Posted the final part of Tony's
HRX information - schematics and
parts list for the Video A/D board
- Posted board layouts and parts lists for
HRX Controller/Memory
and Double Memory boards
- Tony Brewer has just unearthed some more gems from his Memotech
days and has kindly shared them with me
- They are "lost" design schematics, parts lists and board layouts
for the Memotech HRX !
- I am in the process of going through them and will shortly post
them to a dedicated HRX page
- Posted a couple of very interesting pieces of Memotech history -
Courtesy of Tony Brewer
- Posted an updated version of Bill's
Crack the Code game,
released at
Memofest 2014 (Courtesy of Bill Brendling)
- The
MTXPlus+ video daughter board is now finished and being tested
using an MTX512
- Created a page describing how
MTX BASIC Variables
are stored in memory (Courtesy of Bill Brendling)
September 2014
- Now that the
MTXPlus+ boards are being built and tested, I have started to
make the
source files available
- Posted a NEW BASIC
game, Crack the Code,
released at
Memofest 2014 (Courtesy of Bill Brendling)
- Posted a NEW "text
mode" Space Invaders variant,
released at
Memofest 2014 (Courtesy of Martin Allcorn)
- Memofest Invaders now
included in MAGROM
Firmware Version
1.04 (at the expense of PCW Pong)
- Posted SASA, a
NEW MSX game conversion,
released by Claus at
Memofest 2014 (Courtesy of
Claus Baekkel)
- I am still trying to fix my faulty FDX 80 Column board, to try
and make fault finding easier, I have redrawn the schematic using
KiCad and posted it on the
Manuals page. I have also put out a "call for help" on the
Memotech forum - any help would be much appreciated.
- Added a "NEW" download,
Pontoon - the classic
card game (Courtesy of Paul Daniels &
Jim Wills)
- Another fantastic contribution to the collection -
MTX512 with FDX in
original boxes
- Generously donated by Andy and Dennis after it was passed to
them following the death of a colleague
- I have now tested it with mixed results, but I am still very
grateful to have it
- The MTX works fine, it's in nice condition and just about
perfect apart from a couple of sticky keys and the usual problem
with the modulator drifting off station as it warms up.
- The FDX started off promisingly, I knew that it had been powered
up before it was sent and it powered up fine for me too - that is
until the dreaded exploding X2 capacitor and the plumes of white
smoke!! Not entirely unexpected and little more than a minor
inconvenience having had the problem on another FDX.
- Added a "NEW" download,
SuperBike - (Courtesy of Paul Daniels &
Martin Allcorn)
- Added a "NEW" download,
Micro Canvas - a small
drawing program (Courtesy of Paul Daniels &
Jim Wills)
- Posted a scan of the Tape Cover from
Music Pad
- Posted a scan of the Tape Cover from
- Posted a scan of the Tape Cover from
MTX Utilities
- Posted a higher resolution scan of the Tape Cover
from Highway Encounter
- Posted a higher resolution scan of the Tape Cover
from Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
- Posted a scan of the Tape Cover from
Word and Picture Matching,
pre-school education program
- Posted a scan of the Tape Cover from
Star Command, the original Continental
artwork by Nick Mynheer
- Added a "NEW" download,
Caves of Orb (Courtesy of
Paul Daniels and Diarmid Gibson)
- Added a "NEW" download,
Ruthless B. (Courtesy of Paul Daniels and
Martin Allcorn)
- Added the audio (.wav)
files for Caves of Orb and Ruthless B.
(Courtesy of Paul Daniels)
- Posted a good quality scan of the
Tape Cover from Snowball -
from my original copy of the game
- Posted a good quality scan of the
Tape Cover from Lords
of Time
(Courtesy of Diarmid Gibson)
- Posted a scan of the
Tape Cover from Ruthless B. (Courtesy of Martin Allcorn)
- Posted a scan of the
Tape Cover from Superbike (Courtesy of Martin Allcorn
August 2014
- Added some "type-ins",
taken from published Memotech books (Courtesy of Paul Daniels & Andy Key)
- Dice, Horse Racing, Safe Cracker, Shuttle
Lander and Snipers
- Added an OCR'ed version of
The Memotech MTX Program Book, by Peter Goode (Thanks for the
book Andy)
- Added a "NEW" download,
H&L Dump - dumps screens to printer (Courtesy of Paul Daniels &
Andy Key)
- My video
base board for MTXPlus+ is now complete, next step is building
the video conditioning daughter board
- Put together a small
Technical Note on how I think the Node Ring was
connected (comments / corrections welcome)
- Added a "NEW" download,
Football Manager by
Addictive Games (Courtesy of Paul Daniels & Andy Key)
- Martin and I have started building the prototype
video boards
for MTXPlus+, using the Yamaha V9958 VDP
- Posted scans of some missing tape
covers, (Courtesy of
Andy Key)
- Backgammon, Bouncing Bill,
Combat, Continental (Cosmic) Raiders,
Memotech Demo Tape,
- Little Devils, Salty Sam,
Snappo, Star Command, Tournament Snooker
- (Some are the very boring Syntax Software tape covers)
- As well as the Memotech Instructions and Adventure Map for
Emerald Isle
- The second batch of
MAGROMs have now all sold. Thanks to Martin, we have just
completed another
small batch
- BT Infinity
installed today (14th) - it won't make any difference to you, but,
hey, I thought I should gloat

- Added an update on the status of Dick Jannsen's
MTX keyboard
project (Courtesy of Dick Jannsen)
- Another donation to my
Memotech collection, a spare RS232/FDX Interface Card (Courtesy
of Martin Allcorn)
- Spurred on by Martin's
success, I have now fixed my previously failed
MTX500 RAM upgrade!
- Suggested
replacement cables for a broken MTX keyboard ribbon cable are
shown on the keyboard
repairs page
- The Video
board design for
MTXPlus+ has just been completed, ready for building on
prototype board
July 2014
firmware versions 1.02 and 1.03 are
now available if you need one or the other (Courtesy of Martin Allcorn)
- Finally, someone has successfully upgraded the
MTX500 onboard RAM to
64kbytes (Courtesy of
Martin Allcorn)
- My
REMEMOrizers have been upgraded to
r3 (Courtesy of
Andy Key)
- I have spent a lot of time recently converting old disks (mine
and Jim's) to image files - more details shortly.
Until my floppy
drives eventually give up on me (my original FDX ones already have),
I have the facilities to extract the data from old Memotech floppies
(FDX and SDX, 5.25" and 3.5") - providing that they are readable of
course. If you have any old Memotech disks that you believe contain
data that you'd like to recover and don't have the facilities to do
it, then I am willing to try to get the data off for you (free of
charge - other than postage).
There probably won't be any benefit in sending me disks that you
can't read because of disks errors - this isn't going to be a true
data recovery service - that would be beyond me. Rather, it is a way
of getting data from obsolete media into a format that can be used
today. If you are interested, let me know.
- Posted a copy of Martin's
tidied up MTX source ROM
code from
Andy's site (Courtesy of Martin Allcorn)
- Created a page featuring the
software development tools
being used for MTX related projects - any others ?
- Received original tapes of Ruthless B and
Superbike, I need to convert them for Paul (Courtesy of
June 2014
Things are still a bit quiet on the website
front - MTXPlus+ is still
taking up most of my time
May 2014
Not many website updates this month - my focus
is on the MTXPlus
Bus Diagnostics Board
- Having been looking for a replacement MTX case for sometime, I
have now been given one! (thanks Trevor)
- I have also built an
to allow me to run the diagnostic board on a standard MTX
- Phew! - after many hours slaving over a hot soldering iron, the
MTXPlus Bus
Diagnostics Board is complete !
- Added a few BASIC
"type-ins" (Courtesy of Paul Daniels)
- Added a couple of
and Genpat communications
(Courtesy of
Claus Baekkel)
April 2014
A flurry of "new" software, courtesy of Paul
Daniels this month!
- Added a "NEW" download,
Words & Pictures Matching (Courtesy of Paul Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a NEW download,
Texted (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a couple of snippets of
BASIC by Andy Key from
the 1980s (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a NEW download,
Quasimodo's Bells (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a "NEW" download, an unfinished Megastar version of
Pacman (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a a NEW
download, MTX Machine
Code for Beginners (Courtesy of Paul Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a "NEW" download,
MTX Data File (Courtesy of Paul Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added another MTX Demo
program, this one originally ROM based (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a new, unpublished, download,
Electronics (Courtesy
of Paul Daniels & Jim Wills, or rather, Jim's dad!)
- Paul's
MTX Software Catalogue in Excel,
updated 24/04/2014
- Added a NEW, as in
previously unknown, download,
Soldier Sam (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added another issue of
(Issue 22 / Vol. 0010 No.10)
- Added another issue of
(Issue 23 / Vol. 0010 Nos.11 & 12 combined)
- Not that I have any time for it, I have just bought a
Commodore (CBM) PET - no idea if it works
yet though
- Added a .com file (for CP/M) to the
Telebunny game download (Courtesy of
Claus Baekkel)
- Added a .com file (for CP/M) to the
Pacman game download (Courtesy of
Claus Baekkel)
- Added a "NEW" download, an unfinished Megastar version of
Kong (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a NEW, as in
previously unknown, download,
Pac Manor Rescue (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a NEW, as in
previously unknown, download,
TNT Tim (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a "NEW" download,
Scramble - "beta" of
Mission Alphatron (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a .mtx file to the
Reveal game download (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a NEW, as in
previously unknown, download,
Prontaprint Demo (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a NEW, as in
previously unknown, download,
Journey into Danger (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a "NEW" download,
Towers of Hanoi (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a "NEW" download,
Ghostly Castle (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Added a .mtx file to the
Murder at the Manor game download (Courtesy of Paul Daniels)
- Added a .com (for CP/M) file to the
Spectron game download (Courtesy of
Claus Baekkel)
- Added a "NEW" download,
Emerald Isle (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Paul's
MTX Software Catalogue in Excel,
updated 14/04/2014
- Paul Daniels is developing a comprehensive
MTX Software Catalogue in Excel,
I have posted a copy here
- Added a "NEW" download,
Colossal Adventure (Courtesy of Paul
Daniels & Jim Wills)
- Further, much to my surprise, after downloading a test program
to it, it works as expected !
- My
CPLD Development board and the
power board
for MTXPlus have been
built - ready for testing
- Not much new website stuff at the moment.
MTXPlus is taking all
of my spare (and more) time
- On a related note, all of the fabulous
"kits" donated by
Lez Anderson have now been dispatched - thanks Lez!
March 2014
- Slightly digressing from a pure MTX theme, posted some details
of Bill's 1990s Z80 based
- Unfortunately, MEMU-Pi
can no longer be distributed as a binary, users need to build it
from source - see here
- Another update from Bill of his
MEMU launcher,
essentially finished at
version 0.11, enhanced command line options
- Paul Daniels posted a "timeline" for Memotech computers on
Facebook, it is also available on my MTX
Trivia page
- Another update from Bill of his
MEMU launcher, now at
version 0.10, adding even more MEMU options
- Posted Volume 3, Issue 1 of the
Memotech Owner's Club magazine
(Courtesy of
Jim Wills)
- Another update from Bill of his
MEMU launcher, now at
version 0.09 and supporting advanced memory features
- A rare update to the BBC pages - added the
Hardware and Simple Test Programs
Service Manual
- I am trying to setup a search facility for the website : please
read the
details on the Memotech Forum
- Then check out the
test page, remember, only 50 of the Memotech pages have been
- Bill has made more updates to his
MEMU launcher, now at
version 0.08, it's getting better all the time!
- Posted Volume 2, Issues 9 & 10 of the
Memotech Owner's Club magazine
(Courtesy of
Jim Wills)
- MAGROM update -
the PCBs have arrived, have been tested and are available to order
February 2014
Scam Website
Warning :
Although I know better, I was almost caught out by
these scammers, read my embarrassing story
- MAGROM update -
the PCBs ordered from
iteadstudio have arrived, being tested ready for
MAGROM assembly
- Added another issue of
(Issue 21 / Vol. 0010 No.9)
- Bill Brendling has written a really useful front-end to MEMU in
Python - you can download it
from here
- Created a page to record user
using the VGA output from
- Posted Volume 2, Issues 7 & 8 of the
Memotech Owner's Club magazine
(Courtesy of
Jim Wills)
Not many updates during the last couple of weeks of January, the
local machine that I use to create and edit the website content
suffered a hard disk failure. I don't think that I have lost any
data and "normal service" should resume shortly.
January 2014
- Started adding another set of CP/M library files from the MTX
User Club Germany (Courtesy of
Peter Kretzschmar)
- KLIX / KLICK (?) - Have
not worked out what it is yet, could be a CP/M CCP replacement?
- Added another issue of
(Issue 20 / Vol. 0010 No.8)
- Posted Volume 2, Issue 6 of the
Memotech Owner's Club magazine
(Courtesy of
Jim Wills)
- Created a page with details of the
EPROM programmer that
Bill demoed at Memofest 2013
(Courtesy of Bill Brendling)
- Created a page with details of the
PIC programmer that
Bill demoed at Memofest 2013
(Courtesy of Bill Brendling)
- Although I have not had anything to do with it, it's very
newsworthy all the same . . . .
- With Tony's help, Andy has now added
Speculator support
to his MTX emulator,
- Posted the "final" software version for MAGROM,
Version 1.00 (Courtesy of
Martin Allcorn)
- The next stage will be to move on to develop a production
PCB - in progress
- Added detailed photos of the Memotech
ROMPAK hardware (Courtesy of
Tony Brewer, as posted on Memorum)
- Posted Volume 2, Issues 3, 4 & 5 of the
Memotech Owner's Club magazine
(Courtesy of
Jim Wills)
- Minor website updates, added copies of a few
MTX Adverts
from outside the UK
- Created a page describing how the
MTX keyboard
interface works
- Posted MAGROM
software v0.21, this is likely to be very close to the finished
version (Courtesy of
Martin Allcorn)
- Posted Volume 2, Issues 1 & 2 of the
Memotech Owner's Club magazine
(Courtesy of
Jim Wills)
A brief review of 2013
(the 30th Anniversary of the MTX computer)
The Memotech MTX was featured in
The Register article, "30
years on: Remembering the Memotech MTX 500", if you have not seen it
already, it is worth a read.
The past year has been very busy Memotech wise, the
MTX500 Group continues to grow and the
MTX User Forum
is slowly starting to become more active. The first Memotech User Group
meeting for a long time,
Memofest 2013, was hosted by
Jim Wills in
September, although small, it was a great success and hopefully, the
first of what will become a regular event.
Thanks to contributions from a number of people, lots of "new"
material was added to the website, including Memotech product
literature, magazine articles and a various software titles - we are
well on the way to having a complete collection of Memotech software.
The technical info on the site has also been greatly expanded - again,
with contributions from various people in the Memotech "club".
My Memotech collection has had
lots of additions in 2013, thanks to some successful bidding on ebay as
well as generous contributions from other Memotech'ers.
Description |
Source |
Gift |
MTX500 (has 64k of RAM and 80 column board) |
ebay |
A Tektronics Logic Analyser |
Inaki Castillo |
y |
5,25" Floppy disk drive |
Tony Brewer |
y |
Old style SDX disk controller |
private sale |
DMX80 dot matrix printer |
Jan Seyfarth |
y |
Various items of Video Wall hardware,
including an MTX512S2 |
ebay |
MTX512S2 complete with SDX controller and 80
column board |
Diarmid Gibson |
MTX512 |
Gillian MacKenzie |
y |
SD card floppy disk drive emulator for use
with my FDX & SDX |
ebay |
Hi-Soft Pascal ROM board |
private sale |
A MAGROM board |
Martin Allcorn |
y |
A MTX Speculator |
Martin Allcorn |
More details can be found on the
2013 News page
See Other "News"
2013 2014
2015 2016
2018 2019
2020 2021