Site Computer News

<< 2021
>> 2022
December 2021
November 2021
- Due to popular demand (OK, Martin asked), I have made access to
the pages on disassembling Memotech hardware more obvious and linked
to them from the Repairs index
- Added some info to my MTX
PSU page to document the internal fuse fitted to some MTX PSUs
supplied to Europe. The presence of this fuse makes no sense to me -
if you can explain it, please let me know.
October 2021
September 2021
- Martin has provided a Bug fix for the
August 2021
July 2021
June 2021
- Added another
disassembly from Martin - Goldmine
- Bill Brendling has ported Z-Machine (an interpreter for Infocom
text adventures) to the MTX. Bill's description of the process and
links to download it are available
May 2021
- Posted a copy of Martin's upgraded version of his
Z80 assembler
- Martin has also started to share some
code from MTX games that he has worked on. I have created a new
page for them
They should be instructive for novice, or even experienced, Z80/MTX
programmers. If anyone else has similar stuff to share, please let
me know and I will add it to the page.
- Added Martin's
latest program disassembly (Toado)
- Added Martin's
source and
listing files for Text Mode Invaders, released at
Memofest 2014
- Added a new game,
"Minesweeper", developed for MSX and ported to MTX by Under4mhz
- Added a new game,
"Vexed", developed for MSX and ported to MTX by Under4mhz
- Added a new game,
"Klondike Solitaire", developed for MSX and ported to MTX by Under4mhz
April 2021
- Updated MTX Sales page to reflect
recent increases in eBay prices for MTX
- Updated MTX Survey page and
associated statistics
- Added some information about the workings of the piggy-back
language ROMs to the
keyboard page, based on Martin's disassembly of a couple of the
- Added high res scans of the Chess, Draughts and Toado posters
scanned by Mikael Anker Madsen and uploaded to archive.org by Claus.
Available here on my Nick Mynheer
artwork page
March 2021
February 2021
- Another item for the collection! Jonas O'Brien in Norway
recently advertised a
Norbit Elektronikk Toolbox '85 on eBay but decided to donate it
to me instead. The similar looking Toolbox '84 was advertised for
use with MTX. The '85 has a slightly different lead and I/O sockets,
but otherwise looks identical. Jonas also sent me an unmarked unit
with the same lead and sockets as the '84 model for the MTX. Sadly,
I don't have any documentation for it, but it's a great find!
- Now that the much improved ReSource
is available, I will make the original version of
The Source available on
request to anyone that can provide other Memotech documentation that
is not already on the site -
contact me if this applies to you.
January 2021
- Expanding on Martin's original, Bill Brendling has contributed
updates to ReSource
- Another update to ReSource,
this time by Martin, adding the details of his Diagnostic ROM board
- Posted a review
of the MTX500 from What Micro? of March 1984 (Courtesy of Rob Green)
See Earlier "News"
2013 2014
2015 2016
2017 2018
2020 2021