The Memotech MTX Series |
NB: Everything on these pages relates to CP/M 2.2 - the
version used by Memotech and the
BBC Micro.
For general information about CP/M - see
the About page
For information about CP/M 3 for
MFX see
this page.
CP/M is the operating system that was used on a wide variety of
8080/Z80 computers, including the disk expansion options for the
Memotech MTX series and the Z80 Second Processor upgrade for the
Acorn/BBC Microcomputer. The hardware for the various Memotech disk
systems can be found by following the
Memotech MTX link and the BBC
Z80 Second Processor by following the
BBC Micro link.
The Menu bar on the left will take you to a selection of my
pages which include links to various generic CP/M documents and
a range of CP/M software, as well as some brief technical
details of CP/M. This site is not intended to be a comprehensive
resource for CP/M - there are a range of excellent sites on the
web for that -
just type "CP/M" into Google ! Alternatively, a selection
of the sites that I have used is listed at the
bottom of the page.
This page hosts copies of the manuals for the
Memotech CP/M systems
Scanned copies
of my FDX Original Documentation, 2013 |
FDX Technical Manual
FDX Overview,
Disk Controller, 80 Column Card, Bus Interface Card,
Back Plane, Silicon Disk, Communications Board |
By Memotech Computers |
CP/M and
Memotech application software manuals
are on the CP/M
Documents page |
CP/M Related Books
There are copies of a number of
published books in the
Projects area.
Please read the note at the top of
that page about the basis on which these books are
posted. The CP/M publications are at the bottom of that
page. Titles include :- |
Mastering CP/M |
CP/M User Guide |
CP/M Handbook with MP/M |
CP/M Related Links
CP/M Programming & Development Tools
CP/M Software