The Memotech MTX Series |
Memotech FDX Multi-Format
by David A Hill, 1986
A Customised FDX CP/M System
Back in the day, I made use of various
bulletin boards (even running my own PC based
Wildcat! BBS
for a few years) and "met" a chap called Dave Hill who
had built customised versions of the FDX CP/M Operating System.
The main FDX specific modification that Dave made was to
modify the BIOS to
increase the capacity of the FDX floppy drives by making changes to
the disk format parameters. Dave also replaced the standard
BDOS with BDOSZ Version 1.91,
an improved CP/M type BDOS and the standard CP/M 2.2
CCP with CCPZ Version 2.x.
I lost touch with Dave Hill many years
ago, so I have not been able to get permission from Dave to make
his work available on the website, but as he shared it with me,
then I assume that he would have no problem with this.
Dave, in the unlikely event that you
come across this, then
please get in touch.
An Alternative FDX BDOS
The advantages of BDOSZ are described in
"BDOSZ is a CP/M type BDOS for Z80 systems which offers
total CP/M 2.2 compatibility for the CCP and transient
programs. BDOSZ does, however, offer advantages over the
standard issue CP/M BDOS in that it attempts to be a little
more user friendly by making most of the BDOS error
conditions recoverable."
The BDOSZ document file also describes how to integrate the
BDOSZ functionality into an existing CP/M system - as Dave did for
the FDX.
An Alternative FDX CCP
The advantages of CCPZ are described in
CCPZ-V2x.DOC and are summarised below :
"CCPZ - A rewrite of the Z80 Version of the CP/M CCP.
CCPZ is upward-compatible with the original CP/M Version
2.2 CCP, but provides many extensions, including :
- The TYPE function can be made to page
or not page its output at the user's discretion.
- A LIST function is available which
sends its output to the CP/M LST: Device and does NOT
- The DIR command has been extended to
allow the display of the system files or all files .
- The ERA command now prints out the
names of the files it is erasing."
The CCPZ document file also describes how to integrate the
CCPZ functionality into an existing CP/M system.
An Alternative FDX BIOS
The biggest benefit that I gained from Dave's modifications
were his changes to the BIOS to increase the capacity of the
installed floppy disks.
The floppy disk drives supplied with my FDX were QumeTrak
142 drives, these are DS/DD, corresponding to Memotech
Type 03 disks and having a physical format of 40 tracks,
16 sectors per track and 256 byte sectors per side, giving a
formatted capacity of 320kbytes, i.e., (40 * 16 * 256 * 2) /
QumeTrak 142 drives were also used in
IBM PCs; when used with MS-DOS/PC-DOS, they were formatted with
9 sectors of 512 bytes per track, giving a formatted capacity of
360kbytes. Given the limited capacity of the disks, it appears
to have been very inefficient for Memotech not have have used
this space in the FDX which would have given in increase in
capacity of ~10%.
Dave modified the formatting used in the Memotech FDX version
of CP/M to take
advantage of this apparently wasted disk space, stretching it
even further than the PC format to 10, 512 byte sectors per
track, giving a formatted capacity of 400kbytes. Dave kindly
provided me with copies of
his customised system, which came in two versions which he called
MEMO1+ and his Memotech MFS (Multi-Format
The MEMO1+ system configured
the two physical drives as "A" and "B" with this format. The
MFS configured drives "A" and "B" in the same way,
but using the second physical disk, created logical drives with
different formats, including drive "C" configured as
a Memotech
Type 03 and drive "D" configured as a Televideo 802.
Dave also developed configurations to support 80 track drives
which would have given a corresponding increase in capacity for
Memotech Type 07 drives, but as I did not have 80 track drives back
then, I did not take up Dave's offer of copies of that
configuration too. Unfortunately, I lost touch with Dave many
years ago, so I don't have the relevant system files for 80
track drives.
Dave did give me copies of the source files for
his system which I have managed to copy to SD card using my
HxC floppy
disk emulator. Unfortunately, a couple of the Library files
have problems - a couple of the .MAC files are truncated,
meaning that it is not possible for me to modify and rebuild the
system, but Dave's system runs "as-is" on my FDX, albeit that I
can't use it in a Type 07 configuration with my HxC disk
The rest of the information on this page is intended to provide
a bit of background on
how CP/M disks are formatted and a description of Dave's BIOS
The information was put together as much for my education as
anything else,
I believe it to be accurate, but if you spot any errors, please
let me know
Background : The CP/M Disk Structure
The first version of CP/M used 8" disks which were managed
by the BDOS, the disk format was hard coded, making it
difficult to use other formats. From CP/M version 2.0, the
disk parameters were configured in tables in the BIOS called :-
Regardless of the physical format of the disk, CP/M treats
all disks as having 128 bytes per sector, and under CP/M 2.2,
usually 26 sectors per track. The number of logical tracks is
calculated by dividing the disk capacity (in bytes) by the
sector size (128) multiplied by the number of sectors per track
so, for example, a Memotech Type 07 disk having a
formatted capacity of 655360, i.e., (80 * 16 * 256 * 2) bytes has a
655360 / (128 * 26), or 196 complete tracks -
the fractional track (0.92) is unused and the number rounded
down the the nearest integer.
The first two tracks on the disk are reserved system
tracks, used for the CP/M CCP, BDOS and BIOS. The first sector
on a CP/M 2.2 system disk is reserved for an optional software
boot section. This feature was to support those disk controllers
that were set up to bring Track 0, Sector 1 into memory at a
specific location (often location 0000h). The program in this
sector, called BOOT, had the responsibility for loading
subsequent sectors into memory. On Memotech CP/M systems, this
sector is not used and the boot ROM has the responsibility for
loading the date from sector 2 onwards, into memory.
From sector 2, the first data is for the CCP, followed by the
BDOS and finally the BIOS, all of which are contained in the
first two tracks of a bootable disk. Although some disk formats
had provision for non-bootable disks, in the Memotech
implementation of CP/M, the tracks are always reserved for CP/M
- there is no advantage to not making all of you FDX/SDX disks
bootable, unless you add some of the utilities such as CONFIG,
After the system tracks, there are a fixed number of sectors
reserved for directory entries which contain the disk file names
and sector allocation. A Type 03 disk has space for 64 directory
entries of 32 bytes each, requiring 64 * 32 bytes, i.e., 2048
bytes or 16 sectors. The system and directory areas are not
included in the useable free space reported by, for example,
The structure of a directory entry is shown in
the graphic and table below, it can be seen that the directory
entry has provision for 16 bytes that contain pointers to the
consecutive areas on the disk that make up the file. If the
pointer referenced the sector number, since a byte can only
store numbers between 0 and 255, the disk would be limited to
255 sectors, or 32kbytes - plainly, not enough.
To cater for higher disk capacities, the sectors
are grouped into blocks, a block is
the smallest allocatable storage unit on a disk and varies with
disk capacity. CP/M supports block sizes of 1024, 2048, 4096,
8192 and 16384 bytes, a Memotech Type 03 disk for example, has a
block size of 2048 bytes.
With space for only 16 pointers to 2kbyte
blocks, the maximum file size would be limited 32kbytes, again,
far to small to be adequate, the solution to this problem is the
use of extents. In an extent file system, a file
made up of a number of smaller elements are bound together into
a larger structure known as an extent, meaning that larger files
can be stored, or their storage is optimised by storing the data
contiguously. Unlike extents in other file systems, under CP/M,
although the extents appear contiguously as a single block in
the directory, they do not necessarily correspond to a
contiguous data-area on the disk.
Directory Entry structure as
used in CP/M 2.2 |
Function |
Size |
Description |
Entity Type |
1 Byte |
E5h The directory slot is unused, 0
to 15 means the CP/M User number |
Filename |
8 Bytes |
Required, can be any printable 7 bit
ASCII character except: < > . , ; : = ? * [ ] |
File Ext(ension) |
3 Bytes |
if used, the same character constraints as
filename apply
The 8th
bit is used to denote the file status E0: read-only
E1: system file E2: archived |
Ex(tent) |
1 Byte |
counter - Low Byte. Range 0 - 31
0 if the
file is <16kbytes, otherwise, the extent
number in the range 1 -31 |
S1 (Bc) |
1 Byte |
Not used - set to 0 |
S2 |
1 Byte |
Extent counter - High Byte |
RC |
1 Byte |
Counter - the number of 128 byte "records" in this
If RC is
80h, this extent is full and there may be another
one on the disc. |
Disk Map
(Allocation Block Pointers) |
16 Bytes |
If the
disk capacity is less than 256 blocks, the AL
pointers are interpreted as 16 byte-values,
otherwise as 8 double- byte-values.
example, a 3k file might have allocation 5, 6, 8, 0,
0 . . . . 0 - the first 1k is in block 5, the second
in block 6, the third in block 8. |
Total |
32 Bytes |
Why do you need to know
any of this?
In truth, you probably don't, particularly if you just want
to use your original Memotech disks and format a few floppies in
the same way. However, if you want to explore other options such
as :-
then a knowledge of the physical and logical disk formatting
is called for.
/ cpmcbfs
Andy Key's
(for Windows) and
(for Linux) are built on top of cpmtools and
therefore use a disk definition file (diskdefs)
to describe the CP/M disk format using the parameters shown in
the table. Andy has provided a copy of the disk definitions for
Memotech disks in the diskdefs file distributed
with cpmcbfs/cpmfuse and I have
worked out the appropriate entries for the MEMO1+ format.
name |
Memotech |
Type 03 |
Type 07 |
MEMO1+ |
Sector size in bytes |
seclen |
128 |
128 |
128 |
Number of (logical) tracks |
tracks |
123 |
192 |
Number of (logical) sectors |
sectrk |
26 |
26 |
Block size |
blocksize |
2048 |
2048 |
Number of directory entries |
maxdir |
64 |
128 |
Logical sector skew |
skew |
0 |
1 |
0+ |
Number of reserved system tracks |
boottrk |
2 |
2 |
2 |
+ Determined by
the value used when formatting the disk under
MEMO1+ (I use 0) |
Dave's Disk Format Changes
More Details coming soon . . . . . .
References : CPMTools Documentation