Site Computer News

<< 2019 >>
December 2019
November 2019
- Bill Brendling has created pre-built binaries for his fork of
MEMU. Bill has also created a help page which describes the various
builds for Linux, Windows and Raspberry Pi (Raspbian and Bare
Metal versions). See here for
- Uploaded various Memotech documents provided by Claus Baekkel,
including . . .
October 2019
September 2019
- Arpad Virag has just sent me scanned copies of Volume 1, Issues
2 & 3 from the
Memotech Owner's Club magazine,
they are now available to download from the
Memotech Owner's Club download
- The FDX system previously used by the
Memotech Owner's Club was sold
on ebay in July. Along with the system, the auction included a lot
of software and documentation, much of which had been missing from
my Memotech archive. The new owner, Arpad Virag, has kindly agreed
to share much of this material with the group and has just sent me a
scanned copy of Memopad Volume 00II, Issues 3&4 which is now
available on the Memotech User's
Group download page.
August 2019
- Memofest 2019
has been confirmed for Saturday 12th October at Andy's place
- Norman Lambert has kindly sent me the
Pascal ROMPAK that was
used with the MTX that he sent me in 2017.
- Paul Daniels has updated his GameBase for Memotech, download
available here (thanks
July 2019
- The FDX system that was used by the
Memotech Owner's Club was sold
on eBay this month, along with the MOC software library containing
some previously lost titles and miscellaneous club technical
- Memofest 2019
will be hosted by Andy Key in Southampton, see the
on Andy's site
- Bill Brendling has released an updated version of his
Python script for assembling
Z80 code. The main improvement is to the handling of M80 code.
The Assembler will now build the SDX ROM from the code on Andy's
- Bill has also compiled a modified version of
MEMU for Windows, it
includes CFX-II emulation, as well as the ability to run Alan Cox's
Fuzix (a
lightweight version of the Unix System V kernel).
June 2019
- Bill Brendling has released a
Python script for assembling
Z80 code. As well as supporting Microsoft M80 and Bill's own
ZASM assembler, it also supports Martin's
"home brew" assembler, allowing Martin's code to be compiled by
users who don't use RISCOS.
- Bill Brendling has released an updated version of his
Bare Metal version of MEMU
for Raspberry Pi
- Posted a copy of the MTX Communications Manual on the
Manuals Page (Courtesy of Stephen
May 2019
- Bill Brendling has released an updated version of his
Bare Metal version of MEMU
for Raspberry Pi
- An incompatibility between
CFX and the original RS-232/FDX Interface board has come to
light. As with REMEMOrizer, the FDX interface must be disabled to
allow CFX to work when installed in a machine with an RS-232 board
fitted. Martin has generated new GAL firmware that can be loaded
into a GAL16V8 and used to replace the Lattice PAL on the RS-232
board. The source and binary files are available on the
CFX page. If you cannot
program a new GAL yourself, please contact me if you need CFX to
operate in tandem with the RS-232 interface board.
- Martin has completed his System Diagnostic Cartridge (SDC)
prototype, it has lots of nice features, including a built-in hex
editor and disassembler. You can read about it here
April 2019
- Martin has been working on a plug in board to help diagnose MTX
boot problems, we have called it the MTX System Diagnostic Cartridge
(SDC). You can read about it here
March 2019
- Paul Daniels has updated his Memotech Software Catalogue - it's
available on my Software Wanted
- Bill Brendling has just released a bare metal version of
MEMU-PI. Just copy the
contents of the Zip file to a FAT formatted SD card and you are able
to boot straight into MEMU without needing to do any compilation or
February 2019
- It's been a while . . . . .
- Apologies for the lack of updates, things have been pretty busy
here - with no Memotech news to report
- Still, I'm back on the case now - more updates soon (ish!),
including a new "pet" project from Martin
- Posted a copy of the long missing
Composer by Xaviersine
(Courtesy of Bill Brendling)
- Converted Paul Daniels'
MTX Gamebase V0.2 to .Zip from .7z as my ISP now blocks .7z
January 2019
See Earlier "News"
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