The Memotech MTX Series |
2019 was hosted by Andy Key in Chandlers Ford,
Southampton on 12th October
See the announcement on
Andy's site and the
Memotech Forum
I was unable to attend in person - being in Yokohama for the
2019 Rugby World Cup, although I did manage to call in
briefly using
FaceTime. Andy gave me a brief overview of the event and a
sneak preview of the cake - before it was revealed to the hungry
hordes in the next room.
Memofest went much better than the Scotland vs. Japan game the
following day - despite not being blown away by
Typhoon Hagibis, which made landfall close to Yokohama,
Scotland were blown away by the Japan rugby team, who progressed
at Scotland's expense to the quarter finals of RWC19.
The following event report has been compiled from the details on
Andy's page, with the majority of photos supplied by Claus.
Despite Martin, Paul and myself being unable to attend,
there was a good turnout, with Tony, Mark, Jim, Claus,
Mike, Bill, Stephen all turning up at Andy's place for
the event. |
As usual, Claus was the furthest travel and again
produced his own t-shirt in honor of the occasion.
The design is based on the loading screen present in
many Continental games for the MTX. |
The obligatory cake was provided - this time based on
HEX-TRAIN train driving game demoed at
Memofest 2016.
Although I was given a sneak-preview before it was
devoured by the attendees, I wasn't able to sample it -
though I'm sure that it tasted as good as it looked from
afar ! |
Andy's extensive range of original Memotech hardware was
on show ... |
As well as more modern hardware that could be used to
run MEMU
Hardware Developments - Andy |
Andy demoed his new
board, shown opposite.
The board has many
uses, including working like an original Memotech games
ROM, holding copies of the NewWord and Pascal ROMs and
even as a small, read-only, CP/M system. The companion
COMtoROM program is used to convert CP/M .COM
program into loadable images for the ROM board.
Andy generously gave a ROM board to each of the
attendees - and also sent one to the remote FaceTime
attendee (me!) - by post obviously:-) |
Andy also announced
This has a daughter card,
making full use of all GPIO ports on the Altera DE1. The
daughter board provides ROM 2 support (8 subpages),
centronics port, a better quality 2nd VGA port and port
7 support. In addition, there is now support for a
subset of the DART, allowing communication over the
serial port using programs like CONTACT.
Andy has gifted daughter boards to existing REMEMOTECH
users, including Martin and myself. |
Andy demoed the latest version of his miniature
Keeping on topic, the display here
is showing 4 separate images from
Weird Science when Lisa first appears. |
The original VideoWall software ran under CP/M on MTX or
on a DOS PC. Since DOS PCs are something of a rarity
these days, Andy has ported the DOS version to Linux
which is shown here.
Andy's VGA VideoWall can
therefore be controlled from original Memotech hardware,
REMEMOTECH r3 or from a PC running Linux. |
Hardware Developments - Bill |
Bill demoed the latest version of his Raspberry Pi MTX -
MEMU-Pi, this is a "bare metal" version of MEMU that
uses the
bare-metal environment.
It includes support for
the original Memotech SDX and CP/M ROMs as well as
support for the
CFX-II ROM and "tape" file support by loading .wav
files. |
Software |
Claus is curently porting the MSX Game "Exoide-Z" to MTX
and as it is almost finished, it was used for the
High-Score competition.
It should not come as too
much of a surprise to discover that Claus won the
competition - he was the only person to have played the
game before ! |
Memotech Hospital |
There were no patients requiring the attention of the
MTX surgical team this year :-) |