The Raspberry Pi
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: Now with
MEMU-Pi is Bill Brendling's implementation of
Key's Memotech Emulator,
MEMU, on a
Raspberry Pi (RPi).
For a complete description of the functionality of MEMU,
refer to the MEMU
page on Andy's site.
Bill's first MEMU-PI implementation was a stand-alone project based on building
the system on top of a base Linux (Raspbian)
operating system. The procedure for building a system of your
own was quite involved, but thankfully, this process is no
longer needed, though full instructions for building MEMU-Pi on Raspbian are archived
on this page.
In early 2019, Bill released a
metal version of MEMU-Pi. This did not require an operating
system to be preinstalled on the Pi, but the Project was still a
single fork of MEMU; separate code branches were needed to
support Bill's version of MEMU on Windows, Linux and Raspberry
Pi. The separate bare metal version is now also obsolete and
archived on this page.
Memofest 2019, Bill had a couple of requests to make a
version of MEMU that was easier to install and use. Some users
found that MEMU could be quite difficult to build from source
and the large number of command line options used to configure
MEMU could be quite daunting. (Bill had previously written an
launcher in Python which I use to run MEMU.)
In response to those requests, Bill has now released a
version of MEMU with a configuration dialog that supports most
of MEMU's command line options and has created a suite of
pre-built install packages for different systems :
- Microsoft Windows (32 bit).
- x86 Linux (32 bit).
- Raspbian (or other 32 bit Linux distributions on Raspberry Pi).
- Bare Metal for Raspberry Pi.
Consequently, the separate instructions to build Bare Metal
Memu-Pi previously found on this page are no longer necessary
(they they can still be found on this
Bill has now generated comprehensive instructions for using
his version of MEMU which is
here and contains download links for the install packages
that he has created.
Brendling's version of MEMU
Raspberry Pi
is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, this website is
in no way affiliated to the Raspberry Pi foundation.