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The Memotech MTX Series

Memotech MTX Manuals


This page contains links to a selection of hardware and software manuals as well as a listing of the books that were published commercially for the Memotech range.

 * * *    A word about the downloads on this page    * * *

Most of this material has been collected from various archives freely available on the internet. Although many of the books and documents available on this page are no longer in print, they are still subject to copyright of the respective authors & publishers. Given the age of the material here and the limited interest in the subject matter, I believe that the documents here can be distributed without restriction, particularly as most are unobtainable through normal channels.  However, if you believe that any material here does not fall into this category, please let me know and I will remove it.


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Hardware Manuals / Reference

MTX Technical Specification By Memotech Computers

Memotech Memory Extensions

- Fitting & Testing

By Memotech Computers
The MTX Series Communications Board
(Twin RS232) 

The contents of this manual are also reproduced in the Technical section of the FDX Manual)
By Memotech Computers

(Courtesy of Stephen User) 

MTX 500/512 Service Manual and Technical Information (30MB) By Memotech Computers

(Courtesy of Andy Key)

MTX 500/512 Service Manual and Technical Information (5MB)

This document has the same content as the one above, but is substantially smaller in size and actually slightly better quality.

This version also supports text searches.

Downloaded from :

(This web site is Spanish)

Memotech BASIC Tutor Reference and Operators Manual  (6MB) By Memotech Computers

(Courtesy of Bill Brendling)

Insert from the US version of the Operators Manual, describing the external VHF adaptor and channel selector switch on the rear of US versions of the MTX By Memotech Computers

(Courtesy of Jon Bradbury)

Memotech BASIC Tutor Reference and Operators Manual (German) (5MB)

Memotech BASIC Lehrgang Tecnisches Handbuch (Deutsch) (5MB)

By Memotech Computers

German translation by Profisoft GmbH

(Courtesy of Dr Stefan Höltgen)

Memotech Operator's Manual  (91MB)

(Revised Edition)

By Spencer Bateson / Phoenix Publishing

For Memotech Computers

(Courtesy of Jim Wills)

Memotech Floppy Disc System

Operator's manual

(FDX Version)

By Memotech Computers


(Scanned by me in high res)


This is the complete Operator's manual and includes the Operator's Manual, FDX BASIC, Technical Manual, NewWord, SuperCalc. The individual sections can be downloaded by clicking on the hyperlinks or the images in the cells below.


Memotech FDX Technical Manual


FDX Overview, Disk Controller, 80 Column Card, Bus Interface Card, Back Plane, Silicon Disk, Communications Board

By Memotech Computers


(Scanned by me in high res)

Memotech MTX Computer Crib Card

Keywords, operating, commands, graphics commands, sound commands, etc.

By Phoenix Publishing, for Genpat, the Memotech Owner's Club

(Courtesy of Paul Daniels)

The Operator's Manual also includes technical data such as circuit diagrams, including the power regulation circuit. By Memotech Computers
Circuit diagram of the VDP and VRAM, this detail is also included in the Operator's Manual and Service Manual. By Memotech Computers

Schematic of the SM1 Floppy Disk Controller

Clicking on the image will open it full size in your web browser, or you can download a Zipped copy by clicking the icon.

This came from the MTX User Club in Germany

(Courtesy of Peter Kretzschmar)

Schematic of the FDX 80 Column Board

As a set of three images in a Zipped file

It was originally marked "Branton & Boyd Ltd." for the "SM1" - originating before Memotech?

Another gem from the MTX User Club in Germany

(Courtesy of Peter Kretzschmar)

Schematic of the FDX 80 Column Board

The source was bit unclear, so my schematic may have some inaccuracies in it. I have made a few minor changes based on "reverse engineering" of my boards and added a few comments for my own benefit (which may, or may not, be correct).

Drawn by Dave Stevenson, using KiCAD, from the original document supplied by Peter Kretzschmar.

Schematic of the SDX "FDC 05" Disk Controller

(Includes the logic equations for the PALs)

Rev 2, 11/24. Drawing error corrected and design verified as working.

Drawn by Dave Stevenson, using KiCAD, from original documentation supplied by Tony Brewer.

Tony has also checked the schematics for accuracy and contributed a lot to its layout, so in the absence of any official circuit diagram, this is as good as you are going to get!

Schematic of the Memotech "Speculator"

(Includes the logic equations for the PALs)

Drawn by Dave Stevenson, using KiCAD, based on reverse engineering of his original design by Tony Brewer.

Again, Tony has also checked the schematic for accuracy and contributed a lot to its layout.

QumeTrak 142 5.25 Floppy Disk for FDX

Maintenance Manual

This copy has much better schematic diagrams

(This drive was also fitted to the IBM 5155 PC)

Downloaded from :

There is a wiki page on the drive, including some maintenance tips on this page.

  Later FDX disk drives were Epson SD-521

(So far, I have not found a manual for these)

Have you seen a manual for this drive?

Astec AC8151 Specifications / Datasheet

This is the PSU installed in the FDX

Downloaded from

Astec AC8151 PSU Repair Manual (12MB)

This is the PSU installed in the FDX

Also available in slightly lower quality. (3MB)

Downloaded from Kevin Pulo's Osborne 1 site.

(Product release announcement, from  "Computerworld", 8 March 1982.)

Cameron Video Wall User Manual

Cameron Video Systems (CVS) were the exclusive distributors for the Memotech Videowall System.

(Courtesy of Peter Kretzschmar)

(MEMOTECH MTX Computersystem )

Memotech Video Wall Product Description

Description of the Video Wall software from 1987, includes remote control command strings.

(Courtesy of Andy Key)

(Memotech Computers Limited)

HRX Graphics System -- HRG Utility Software Manual

User Manual and Software Description for the HRG Graphics Utility Software Package.

Also includes a description of the HRX graphics system hardware.
(Courtesy of Simon  Goodwin)

(Memotech April 1984)

DMX80 Operating Instructions

The DMX80 Printer was manufactured by Panasonic and was, apart from the colour, identical to the Panasonic KX-P1090.


This manual was downloaded from the Panasonic Canada website:-



  DMX80 Operating Instructions

Manual for the Memotech badged DMX80 
(Courtesy of Jan Seyfarth) 


Software Manuals

Memotech ROM Based Software


The Memotech Node "Oxford Ring" Token Ring Network.

Scan of the original hard copy manual

Memotech Limited


(Courtesy of Jim Wills)


The Memotech Node "Oxford Ring" Token Ring Network.

Slightly different Manual in PDF Format

From the original document, Node.DOC

(NewWord manual courtesy of Jim Wills)

Node - additional information

Technical Note by Bill Brendling, building on the ROM disassembly provided by Tony Brewer. Has details on Node variables and the Ring packet structure (PDF)   (Rev: 29/03/2015)

My Technical Note on Node Ring hardware
Memotech Speculator

Speculator - Tape 1 Instruction Leaflet

Memotech Limited

(Courtesy of Tony Brewer)

HiSoft Pascal User Guide

Memotech ROM Version

Memotech Limited

An OCR'ed version, cleaned up, checked and enhanced then "printed" to PDF - much improved over the original scanned document.

(Courtesy of Paul Daniels)

HiSoft Pascal User Guide

Memotech ROM Version

Memotech Limited

(Original manual - scanned, courtesy of Jim Wills)

Memotech Disk Systems Software

Memotech FDX Operator's Manual

I have also made a fully searchable PDF, as a result of the OCR process, the file has a slightly lower resolution that the original scan, but is much more "user friendly" for use on the PC

By Memotech Computers


(Scanned by me in high resolution)


Memotech FDX BASIC & Utilities Manual


Includes :


    Overlay8 and Cfig8 - R/W Televideo format

    Contact - Communications Program

By Memotech Computers


(Scanned by me in high res)

NewWord on the FDX and NewWord DIY

Version 2.1 for Memotech FDX (19MB)

FDX Preface by Memotech

NewWord manual by NewStar

(Scanned by me in high res)

SuperCalc User's Guide and Reference Manual

Version 1.2 for Memotech FDX (13MB)

Published by Sorcim

(Scanned by me in high res)

SDX CP/M Software Manual

(Italian) (6MB)


Il Sistema SDX CP/M

(Italiano) (6MB)

Enrico Fisoni / Stefano Groppioni

CNUCE (Centro Nazionale Universitario di Calcolo Elettronico)

(Courtesy of Andy Key)

3rd Party Software


Tape based Word Processor

Manual in Rich Text Format

(Courtesy of Paul Daniels)

EdAsm - Z80 Macro Assembler Manual as JPG images in a RAR file

(Courtesy of Paul Daniels)

MTX F.I G. Forth

User Manual

By Keith Jones, published by SyntaxSoft

(Courtesy of Diarmid Gibson)

Reference Manuals

The Source by Keith Hook

Produced by Orion Software - one of the many faces of SyntaxSoft.

Assembly language helper for using MTX features such as sound and graphics.

Download the PDF for a sneak preview of what you are missing - includes the contents list and 1 page from most chapters only


This copy provided courtesy of Jon Bradbury.

A group of us paid to get this publication professionally scanned, re-printed and bound.

With the release of ReSource, this version is pretty much obsolete, although not available for download, I will make a copy available to folks who have other Memotech documents to share.

Know Your MTX

Written by Ed Hollingshead but never actually published. (Upload coming soon)
Originally written in NewWord on FDX.

I have a corrupted/incomplete copy (without the intended attachments) that I have converted to Microsoft Word and attempted to recover.

The PDF document here is a work in progress and likely contains errors and omissions not present in the original.

An updated version of The Source.

Compiled by Martin Allcorn with contributions from Bill Brendling. Corrects errors in the original and having greatly expanded content, it provides useful guidance on programming the MTX and includes technical details of Martin's MTX add-ons, such as MAGROM and CFX. 

(Courtesy of Martin Allcorn and Bill Brendling) 

It is likely that others will have useful contributions to make. If you have anything that you'd like to contribute, please get in touch.

ReSource 2022 2022/06/27
ReSource 2021   (Update 3) 2021/01/26
ReSource 2021 2021/01/10
ReSource 2020 2020/12/30
Content Expanded Bill
Martin's Diag board added Martin
Content Expanded Bill
First Release Martin
Memotech Technical Notes
The following Technical Notes were sent to me by Claus.

They appear to have been sent to some early customers who were looking for technical information that was missing from the first manuals shipped with the MTX. From the correspondence that Claus supplied, it seems that before the familiar black covered manuals were shipped, early computers were accompanied by "draft" manuals with white covers. I have not actually seen one of these, but they appeared to lack much of the technical details that was included in the release version of the manual authored by Brian Prichard or the revised edition written by Spencer Bateson and published by Phoenix.

The copies are not brilliant and some text has been lost, mainly from the top of some of the pages. If you have better copies of these notes, please send me a copy. I think that the content from a number of these Technical Notes were included in an unpublished book by Ed Hollingshead entitled "Know Your MTX" - see above.

Note: these documents contain a mixture of printed output from the Assembler which is likely to be without error, and typed notes, which may not be - use them as you see fit. If you believe that they are in error, you might like to seek help on the Memotech Forum, I'm not familiar with Z80 assembly language and am not likely to be able to help.
  1st Technical Report 1984

The contents describe a Section 1 having answers to some customer questions (missing) and a Section 2 discussing Machine Code on the MTX under various topics - only the Video section discussing RST10 appears to be complete.
[References System Variables described in the Operator's Manual Software Appendix]
(Courtesy of Claus Baekkel)  
Sound Chip Introduction 

Using the SN76489A from MTX Assembler

[This document cross references entries in the original Operator's Manual by page number and so probably post dates its issue.]
(Courtesy of Claus Baekkel) 
The following Technical Notes were sent to me by Alan Wilson. Alan is the AF Wilson that you may recall submitting various items to a number of computer magazines back in the '80s. 
MTX Tape to Disk Conversion Booklet

Includes a copy of the assembler program
(Courtesy of Alan Wilson)
Power Graphics for Memotech, MSX and Einstein Computers

MTX Advanced Referenced Manual was updated to include MTX, MSX and Einstein computers and was renamed as VDP Discovered manual.
(Courtesy of Alan Wilson)
VDP Discovered

Advanced Reference Manual for Memotech MTX and Tatung Einstein
(Courtesy of Alan Wilson)


Memotech Related Books


Although they are still covered by the copyrights of their respective authors and publishers, all of the books published for the MTX series are now out-of-print and pretty difficult to obtain.


Andy kindly donated a copy of the Memotech MTX Program Book, meaning that I had a duplicate. Even though it was a shame to destroy the original, in order to make a high quality copy of the book available to the wider Memotech community, with Andy's permission, I have unbound the book and scanned it to PDF.


The document has been converted to recognisable text, so you should be able to search it as well as Cut and Paste the content into text documents to load into MEMU etc. The text recognition is not perfect, so you will probably have to do some manual editing, but it is better than having to type in the whole listing.


Should you actually do this. please consider making the resultant BASIC file available to the community.


A small number of the programs from the books below are available on the Type-ins page


Copies of Memotech Computing and The Memotech Games Book were downloaded from Archive.Org


The Memotech MTX Program Book

By Peter Goode (28MB)

Front cover, Back cover

Published Jan 1984 by Phoenix Pub. Associates.

(Out of print 20/10/2003)


ISBN 10 0946576181

ISBN 13 9780946576180

Memotech Computing

By Ian Sinclair (130MB)

Front cover, Back cover

Published March 1984 by Granada /  HarperCollins Distribution Services

ISBN 10 0246124083

ISBN 13  9780246124081

Downloaded from Archive.Org

The Memotech Games Book

By Owen Bishop and Audrey Bishop (32MB)

Front cover, Back cover

Published June 1984 by Granada Publishing

ISBN 10 0246124075

ISBN 13 9780246124074

Downloaded from Archive.Org

The titles below are listed for information only, I do not have electronic copies of these publications.

I don't think that either of the Spencer Bateson books were ever published, unless you know differently ?

Getting Started With the Memotech Mtx

By Spencer Bateson

Published September 1984 by Phoenix Pub Assoc.

ISBN 10 0946576165

ISBN 13 9780946576166

Advanced Programming With the Memotech Mtx

By Spencer Bateson

"Published" October 1984 by Phoenix Pub Assoc .

ISBN 10 0946576173   /   ISBN 13 9780946576173

(This title was deleted, Genpat Issue3 from November 1984, describes the "new Phoenix MTX Operators" manual as "including the best parts out of [this] deleted book"

I found this Finnish translation of a book by Ian Sinclair, I suspect that it is the "Memotech Computing" book, but as I don't read Finnish..... Published 1985 by Amersoft (Finland)

ISBN 951 35 3336 0


Major Component Datasheets

can now be found on the dedicated Datasheets page in the Technical Library



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