Site Computer News

<< 2020
>> 2021
December 2020
- For all you budding MTX programmers out there, Martin has
produced an updated version of "The Source" - originally written by
Keith Hook as a guide to programming the MTX in assembly language.
Martin's version is updated to include modern MTX add-ons, including
MAGROM and CFX. Download available on my
MTX Manuals page
November 2020
- Bjørn-Tore Boberg has sent me photos of his newly acquired
MTX512 with a Norwegian keyboard & ROM
- Bill Brendling has developed a fantastic FTP Daemon for Martin's
NFX hardware - see here for
- With NFX hardware and FTP, the MTX is now really at home on
my network!
October 2020
- Bill Brendling has created a FTP server for the
NFX hardware. The Server
makes transferring files much easier, allowing the use of FTP
clients such as FileZilla
and CoreFTP. (FileZilla is
available for Windows, Linux and MACOS, CoreFTP is available for
Windows only)
September 2020
- Bill Brendling has made some significant enhancements to Andy's
NFX.COM program for the NFX
hardware. The program now supports directory listing and allows the
network parameters to be set from a configuration file.
August 2020
- Martin has sent me one of his NFX prototypes to experiment with
- thanks a lot Martin!
July 2020
- Not really "news", but I thought that I'd take this opportunity
to post a reminder about my
PC Keyboard interface
- Designed in conjunction with Bill Brendling and Martin
Allcorn, it's a small interface that fits inside the MTX case
and provides the ability to use a PC USB or PS/2 keyboard with
your MTX. If you do much typing on your MTX and your original
keyboard suffers from sticky or bouncing keys, this makes the
MTX much more useable. I'm surprised that it has not been more
popular than it has.
- Bill Brendling has provided an update to his
fork of MEMU with
a couple of minor "fixes"
- Bill has also made a "tape" (.mtx) version of his Scroll Lock
mode driver for the
PC Keyboard interface
- Added a copy of the Personal Computer World
review of the
RS128 from October 1984
- Added a copy of the PCW "TJ's
Workshop" article on MTX Joystick use from October 1984
June 2020
- Arpad Virag has just shared more scanned copies of Memotech User
Group magazines - thanks Arpad!
- Jim Wills (Megastar Games) is making efforts to port DownStream
Danger to modern hardware. As part of that process, Martin Allcorn
has been able to recreate a
full map of the game levels, as well as 20 levels from Rolla
Bearing. Jim has agreed that the results can be posted here (but see
the restrictions on re-use on the page.)
- During this exercise, corruption in the original map file for
Rolla Bearing was discovered. Rolla Bearing is included in the
MAGROM image, a patched
image can be downloaded to replace the current
May 2020
- Lots of new updates from Bill Brendling :
- Updated (200510) version of his
Assembler written in Python
- Updated (200510) version of his
fork of MEMU with
CFX/CFX-II support etc.
- Updated (200510) version of the Propeller code and Z80 ROM
for CFX-II
- Along with a comprehensive description of the Video Modes
available in 80
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
- Added a copy of the 1988 Texas Instruments, TTL Logic Data Book
to the Technical
- Posted an audio file
of Maxima (Courtesy of Lars Muldjord)
See Earlier "News"
2013 2014
2017 2018
2019 2020