Site Computer News

<< 2016
>> 2017
December 2016
- MTXPlus+
development continues :-
- I am currently working on resolving a CPU CPLD timing
- Tony is working on modifying the video board firmware to
handle Andy's
- The Eurocard prototype boards that I used are hard to find -
so I have designed a replacement
- Used some of the time over the holidays to
fix the
"colour" problem on one of my FDX 80 Column boards
- Martin has released a small firmware upgrade for
CFX, incorporating additional
commands from
November 2016
- Memofest 2016
was held at my place on 29/30th October
- Notable highlights included :-
- Phew! - now that is over, I can get on with MTXPlus+
etc. (I hope!)
- The MTXPlus+
is back from manufacture, with just one minor error this time!
- Testing was a nightmare, the board appeared to be u/s
but it was actually a PLCC socket fault
- (Martin was able to test the board and firmware on his
system to confirm that it was not faulty)
- Next up - the I/O board . . . . . . . .
October 2016
- I am just back from holiday - but things are coming along nicely
for Memofest 2016
September 2016
- Gilles Bronchain has kindly sent me
some photos of a pair of
MTX512s with consecutive serial numbers that he obtained from
Memotech's French distributor. The machines have what appears to be
a locally developed video convertor to generate a SCART output from
the MTX Video board.
August 2016
- The next MTXPlus+
PCB (the video board) is ready for manufacturing
- The firmware in
MTXPlus+ that allows the system to run at a range of clock
frequencies between 4 and 16Mhz, and the technique for switching
between them, has been significantly enhanced (thanks to Tony
- Arrangements for
Memofest 2016 are being finalised : confirmed as
29th/30th October in Aberdeen
- Drop me a line if you plan on attending
- The first MTXPlus+
PCB has been manufactured !
July 2016
I would really like to make the magazines from the
MTX User's
Club - Germany available on-line, although
they are in German (obviously), I think that they contain a
wealth of MTX related information that is at risk of being lost
to the annals of time. Unfortunately, the magazine editor will
not allow me to do this, see the details on my
MTX User's Club -
Germany page. |
- Posted Volume 5, Issues 3, 4 & 5 of the
Memotech Owner's Club Magazine
(Courtesy of Matthew Clark)
- Volume 1, Issues 1 to 3 are now the only ones missing from
the set - can you help?
- MTXPlus+
development continues, albeit, somewhat slowly !
- An exciting new development will be announced soon!
- I am also considering getting some
PCBs made -
let me know if you might be interested
- Martin has assembled a
single board
version of MTXPlus+ on an ATX form factor prototype board
- Adapted the DC only MTX512
that I got from Manfred to use a
standard Cisco PSU for the
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
- Posted a copy of
Intercept 7, a SyntaxSoft game with similar game play to
3D-Tachyon Fighter (Courtesy
of Matthew Clark). The .mtx file was corrupted, but our resident
game format expert has recovered it (thanks Paul!)
- Posted a copy of Son of
Qogo, this unbranded game looks like a development version of
Qogo that eventually became Qogo 2 (Courtesy of Matthew Clark).
- Posted a copy of Tape
Reader and Merge Version 2.1, published by the Software Source
(Courtesy of Matthew Clark)
- Posted a .bas version of
Flummox (Courtesy of
Matthew Clark)
- Matthew has also scanned and sent me a load of Memotech Owner's
Club magazines that I will post as time allows. I have posted the
first ones (Volume 3, Issues 2 & 3) on the
MOC Magazine page.
- Volume 3, Issues 4 & 5 are still missing, do you have a copy?
- Posted Volume 3, Issues 6 & 7 of the Memotech Owner's Club Magazine
(Courtesy of Matthew Clark)
February 2016
- Posted a copy of the "missing" MTX512
review from Personal Computing Today (Courtesy of Jim Wills)
- Posted a copy of MTX
Fontastic, an Epson Printer Utility, see
MTX World Issue 2 (Courtesy
of Matthew Clark)
- Posted copies of some
Memotech related documents (Courtesy of
Jan Seyfarth, Germany)
- Memotech Retail Price List - August 1984
- Memotech Software Price List
- Memotech computer - Guarantee Card
- Memotech computer - Registration Card
- Digital Research, CP/M 2.2 License Agreement
- Digital Research, CP/M 2.2 Registration Card for Memotech
- NewWord Registration Card for Memotech computers
- SuperCalc Registration Card for Memotech computers
- SuperCalc Answers Card
- Memotech
advert from Your Computer, March 1984, "The MTX series,
straight from the author's mouth"
- Manual for the Memotech
DMX80 printer, a badged version of the Panasonic KX-P1090
- Also posted a scan of the Your Computer advert downloaded from
The Internet Archive
January 2016
- New Year Bonus

- I have posted a selection of various
Z80 related
books in the MTX
Technical Library. These are already available in a number of
places on the web (including archive.org) but as I had already
downloaded them, I thought that I might as well re-post them.
- MTX-Pi (A
raspberry Pi pretending to be a real MTX) construction is
mechanically complete
- Update : It lives ! -
MTX-Pi running on a Rasperry Pi inside a real Memotech keyboard
(Thanks Bill !)
- Did you know? Memotech assembled MTX keyboards, rather than
buying them in like, say, Acorn for the BBC
- For a number of reasons, the "nameplate" speed of
MTXPlus+ has now been
finalised at 10MHz -
see why
See Other "News"
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