MTXPlus+ Design Data - Additional Resources
Technical data and reference books relevant
to MTXPlus+
* * * A word about
the downloads on this page * * *
This material has been collected from various
archives freely available on the internet. Although many of the
books and documents available on this page are no longer in
print, they are still subject
to copyright of the respective authors & publishers. Given
the age of the material here and the limited interest in the
subject matter, I believe
that the documents here can be distributed without restriction.
However, if you believe that any material here does not fall
into this category, please let me know and I will remove it.
Additional Resources -
currently available |
These titles are very handy references
for building and using a Z80 based microprocessor. They are still
protected by copyright - see the note at the top of this page for my
understanding of their current status. |
Z80 Hardware & Programming
References |
to the Z80 Microcomputer Author
Adi J. Khambata
2nd Edition, 1982, 1987, John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 0-471-85287-2
Downloaded from
Archive.org |
Z80 Assembly Language Programming Author
Lance A Leventhal
Osborne/McGaw-Hill, 1979 ISBN 0-931988-21-7
Downloaded from
Archive.org |
Z80 Assembly Language Subroutines Authors
Lance A Leventhal & Winthrop Saville
Osborne/McGaw-Hill, 1983 ISBN 0-931988-91-8
Downloaded from
Archive.org |
The Z80 Microcomputer Handbook Author
William Barden Jr.
1st Edition, Sams, 1978
First Printing, 1978 ISBN 0-672-21500-4 (I do have a photo copy of this book
from when I borrowed it from the library back in the '80s - who's a bad boy
then?) |
The Z80 Microcomputer Handbook
William Barden Jr.
1st Edition, Sams, 1978
Eighth Printing, 1985 ISBN 0-672-21500-4
Downloaded from
Archive.org |
The Z80
Microprocessor Architecture, Interfacing, Programming and Design
Author Ramesh S. Gaonkar
McMillann, 1988
ISBN 0-675-20540-9
(Downloaded from the
World of Spectrum) |
Z80 Users Manual
Joseph J. Carr
1983, Reston Publishing
ISBN 0-8359-9516-X
(Downloaded from the
World of Spectrum) |
Z80 Programming for Logic Design
Authors Adam Osborne, Jerry
Kane, Russell Rector, Susanna Jacobson
Osborne & Associates, Inc.
(Downloaded from the
World of Spectrum) |
Z80 CPU Microprocessor Instant Reference Card
Corp, 1981
Downloaded from
www.ballyalley.com |
Z80 Microprocessor Reference Card
Nanos Systems Corp, 1981
Downloaded from
Archive.org |