Site Computer News

<< 2018
>> 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
- Memofest 2018
was held on 13th October at
Martin's place in Hastings - see the event report for details
September 2018
- Memofest 2018
will be held on 13th October, as last year, it is being hosted by
Martin Allcorn in Hastings
- See the
Memorum post and contact Martin if you are interested in
August 2018
July 2018
- The MTX PC Keyboard
Interface is now available to purchase. I have redone the web
page and added an updated section from Bill Brendling on the
Parallax Propeller code that runs the interface. (Thanks Bill!)
June 2018
May 2018
Arto Kivimäki has generously
donated an MTX500. It was quite expensive to ship it from
Finland, but as I did not have an MTX with a language ROM, it was
worth it. As well as the Finnish keyboard and language ROM, the
machine came with a copy of the MTX Operator's guide translated into
Finnish in Finland.
- Details of the "new MTX hardware interface" are now available .
. . .
- MTX PC Keyboard
- It is a small internal PCB that attaches to the keyboard
header on the MTX computer board and allows a PC keyboard
(PS/2 or USB) to be used alongside, or instead of, your
existing MTX keyboard.
April 2018
- Not many web updates I'm afraid, but things have been happening
on the MTX front . . . .
- The "new MTX hardware interface" is progressing - more details
- Memotech disk controller (FDX/SDX) USB Floppy Drive emulator
available . . .
- Do you have a Memotech disk controller (FDX/SDX) with
unreliable drives ? It is now possible to replace the floppy
disk drive(s) with a Gotek USB floppy drive emulator thanks to
OpenSource firmware released by Keir Fraser. I have
added one to one
of my FDXs and it is working well - all for under £15 !
March 2018
February 2018
- Phil Fagan has generously
donated an MTX500 owned by his late brother, purchased when he
was serving his apprenticeship, c.1983. The machine came in it's
original box and polys, along with all of the original paperwork. It
is in pristine condition and is the best MTX500 that I have - thanks
a lot Phil !
- Exciting (not really "exciting", but
it is hopefully of interest) new MTX hardware interface coming soon
. . . .
- Paul Daniels has released an update to his MTX Development Tools
- MTXShell
January 2018
See Earlier "News"
2013 2014
2017 2018
2019 2020