Site Computer News

---- <<
2012 >>
December 2012
- With help from Bill Brendling, I now have
running on my
Raspberry Pi
- Picked up a BBC Micro Model B from
Freegle (it's like
FreeCycle) - why can't I get an FDX that way :-(
- Started a new mini-section on the
BBC Micro - I won't have time
to populate it for some time though
- Added a new page to track the
sales of Memotech MTX computers on ebay
- Added scanned article from DME on how to build your own
RS232 Interface
for the MTX
- Added scanned article from DME on how to build an
MTX Tape
- Added a scanned article from DME, a
review of the
MTX Computer
- Created a small
Monkey survey to collect some information about MTX
hardware - do please fill it in :-)
- The results of the survey are posted
- General site maintenance, going through the site
increasing the size of graphics thumbnails - mainly on the
MTX pages
- Posted a slightly better quality copy of the MTX Service
Manual on the Manuals
- Posted a copy of the Panasonic
KX-P1080 Printer
Operating Instructions - identical to the DMX80 printer
- If you just need the DMX80 DIP switch configuration
settings, they are on
this page
- Found a scanned copy of the original
June 1984 review
from Creative Computing
November 2012 - Memotech Developments
Website "optimisation"
As those of you using larger size screens will know, these pages were
not optimised for viewing at anything over 800x600 and the pages were
left justified, which leads to a lot of lost "real estate" on many of
today's screens. I am starting to work through this, but, unfortunately,
due the way the web site has evolved, rather than being designed, I am
not using anything fancy like Cascading Style Sheets, so it will take a
while for the changes to permeate through the whole of the site. I am
looking to change my web page editor, so will that that opportunity to
make the website easier to maintain - but that may take a while too.
At this point, I will not be making the pages completely fill large
screens, rather, I will going for a look similar to some of the "big
players" like Amazon and Facebook who use screen widths of around
960-980 pixels, centred on the screen. A line of text the full width of,
say, a 24" screen is just too hard to read - whatever the size!
Unofficial Survey !
- I have been advised that the font size that I use on these pages makes
them harder to read than need be. I am considering taking them up from
12 to 14 point.
Please let me know
if you have an opinion on this!
Some Possible Options For Fonts And
Sizes - Other Suggestions Welcome
12 Point Times New Roman - The quick brown fox jumps
over the lazy dog 12 Point Times New Roman - The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog12 Point Times New Roman - The
quick brown |
14 Point Times New Roman - The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 14 Point Times New Roman -
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog14 Point Times
10 Point Arial - The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 10 Point Arial - The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog10 Point Arial - The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog10 Point Arial - The quick
brown fox |
12 Point Arial - The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog 12 Point Arial - The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog12 Point Arial - The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy |
14 Point Arial - The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 14 Point Arial - The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog14 Point Arial - The quick
brown |
12 Point Tahoma - 12 Point
Arial - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 12 Point
Tahoma - 12 Point Arial - The quick brown fox jumps over the
lazy dog12 Point Tahoma - 12 Point Arial - The quick brown
fox |
12 Point Tahoma - 12 Point Arial -
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 12 Point Tahoma
- 12 Point Arial - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog12 Point |
14 Point Tahoma - 12 Point
Arial - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 14 Point
Tahoma - 12 Point Arial - The quick brown fox jumps over the
10 Point Verdana - The
quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 10 Point Verdana -
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog10 Point Verdana
- The quick brown fox jumps over |
12 Point Verdana - The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog 12 Point Verdana - The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog12 Point Verdana - |
10 Point Courier New -
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 10 Point Courier
New - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog10 Point
Courier New |
12 Point Courier New - The
quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 12 Point Courier New
- The quick brown fox jumps over the |
10 Point Trebuchet MS
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 10 Point
Trebuchet MS - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog10
Point Trebuchet MS - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog10 |
12 Point Trebuchet MS - The
quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 12 Point Trebuchet
MS - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog12 Point
Trebuchet MS - |
14 Point Trebuchet MS
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 14 Point
Trebuchet MS - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog14
Point |
[Given that there was a resounding silence on this subject, I did
not see the need]
[to make changes to the formatting of the web page, so they remain
as they were]
October 2012 - Memotech Developments
RAM Upgrade - Completed √
Though not in the way intended - read the details
Various updates to the Memotech site, including :-
September 2012 - Memotech Developments
was completed last month and is working very well.
My attempt
to increase the RAM on my MTX-500 from 32kB to 64 kB has
stalled. The old RAM has been removed, new DIL sockets soldered
in and 64kb ram chips fitted. Unfortunately, the modified
machine doesn't work! I have not given up hope though, and will
be trying to see if I can find and repair the fault.
Installed the GameBase from
Paul Daniels - this works with
MEMU and
makes selection and running of MTX software a snip.
July 2012 - Memotech Developments
Following on from my notes on the main pages, since the growth in popularity
of eBay, I have spent a bit more time searching for stuff and eventually picked
up a second FDX and MTX computer in 2009.
The MTX was inside an MTX512 case and was sold as such,
however, the machine was actually an MTX500 which does not have
the RAM required (64k) to run the FDX CP/M 2.2 system (more
The good news was that I now had a second, supposedly working
FDX system. As it turned out, both floppy drives on this unit
appeared to be faulty and would not boot the CP/M operating
system. Still, I hoped that it would allow me to swap parts with
my faulty unit to isolate the fault to board level. I'd
speculated that the fault with my original FDX was probably on
the 80 Column card in the FDX which was losing the display
At this point though, I managed to seriously break things!.
The FDX unit was pretty well built, but unfortunately, not
"maintenance friendly"..... To get to the 8" card frame, you
pretty much have to disassemble the FDX. So, there I was, both
FDX units in pieces, but powering them on/off as required while
I swapped out parts, when, all of a sudden...... what's that
smell?........ Aaaargh, I'd shorted out something on the
good 80 column card with a piece of the case....... result - TWO
useless FDX units. At this point, my enthusiasm waned a bit and
the need to get my computer room in some semblance of order,
resulted in me consigning my Memotech kit to the loft, but still
with the aim of going back and getting it working at some point.
Sadly, that's where things had stalled, until now ........
Fast forward to 2012...........
As a result of an accident, I now have a lot of time on my
hands as I consider my future and may be heading towards an
early retirement. The positive side to this is that I do now
have the time and motivation to get back to my Memotech gear.
Having been fired up again, whilst "Googling" for all things
Memotech, I discovered Andy Key's excellent website (
which, amongst other things, describes his MTX/FDX software
emulator (MEMU).
Incidentally, Andy's site contains a wealth of technical
information on the Memotech range and is well worth a look.
In itself,
MEMU is a great piece of work, allowing the majority of MTX
software to be run on modern PCs under Linux or Windows. What
really appealed to me though, was Andy's
REMEMOTECH Project, in Andy's words, "REMEMOTECH is a
modern-day re-implementation of a Memotech MTX/FDX/SDX
compatible computer". The system runs on an
Altera DE1 Development and Education
FPGA board and offers the
exciting prospect of running MTX / CP/M software on real,
non-Memotech hardware.
About the same time as I discovered Andy's site, I also saw an advert on eBay
for a RAM upgrade kit to increase the RAM in my phoney MTX512 (above) from 32k
to 64k to create a true MTX512 capable of running the FDX system.
So, now I have two Projects on the go, well, actually three :-
2. Refurbish my Memotech hardware
2a. Get at least 1 FDX back in
operation -
2b. Upgrade my MTX500 to
a MTX512 -
I plan on each of the three projects listed above having its
own sub-site that documents the progress (or lack of) as each
project develops (or not!). Click on the links to go there.
In addition, I also plan on making the Memotech information that I have
available on-line. There are a number of great Memotech sites still around where
most, if not all, of this information is already hosted, but as I already have a
small website available, I thought that I'd just as well host this stuff too. My
repository of Memotech information can be found here.
See Other "News"
2013 2014
2018 2019
2020 2021