The Memotech MTX Series |

Memotech Site - The Begging Letter .....
If you have read some of the Memotech related pages on this
site, you will know how keen I am on these relics from the
1980s, hence the amount of time that I have put into this
portion of the website.
Although relatively rare, the machines themselves, at
least the MTX500 and MTX512, do pop up from time to time for sale
on eBay. However, other items such as the RS128 and
MTX512S2 machines, expansion cards, SDX/FDX disk systems as well
as the optional ROMs are hardly ever seen these days.
If you have any old Memotech MTX related hardware that you'd
be prepared to part with, please get in touch, even if its not
working, I would certainly be interested in taking it off your
hands to help you clear your loft space and save space in your
local landfill site!
I will happily pay any shipping costs etc., if you are in a
generous enough mood to donate the hardware free, but more
realistically, would hope that we could agree a mutually
acceptable price :-)
I realise that the chances of anything coming of this are
slim, but I thought I'd try!
Wish List |
Starting with, the Rarest of
the Rare ! |
MTX512 in a red case |
Built for the Russian sales push, not sure that
any still exist! |
Norbit I/O System |
Built for the Russian sales push, not sure that
any still exist! |
HRX System |
Probably only existed as a prototype - unlikely to
ever see one |
HDX Disk system |
Probably only 1 or 2 were ever made - again,
unlikely to be found |
Less "Exotic" products that are
still out there |
1. RS128 Computer |
These items were "mainstream"
products and whilst some are rarer than others, most
should still be around, probably gathering dust in
lofts throughout the country.
The ones that I have
any chance of getting hold of, however slim, are
in order of how much I want them! - This is probably
also a measure of their relative rarity.
Items in grey are ones that I
already have, though not necessarily working, but I
would still welcome any additional examples,
particularly working ones :-) |
2. "Node Ring" ROM(s) |
"Speculator" |
NewWord ROM |
3. MTX Power Supply |
4. Add-on ROM
board |
5. Video Wall Components |
SDX Disk
System - "new" |
Computer |
80 Column MTX
board |
SDX Disk
System - "old" |
Interface board |
FDX Disk System |
Hi-Soft Pascal ROM |
DMX80 Printer |
Any other MTX related hardware |
Getting any new hardware was a big ask,
but, much to my surprise :-
- Trevor has given me an empty
MTX512 case in nice condition
- Paul has given me NewWord and
Pascal ROM boards
Thank you very much ! - Your
donations are really appreciated |
Apart from looking for any unwanted Memotech
hardware, I am also hopeful that you may be
able to provide a copy of any literature that I don't
already have, for example, either of the MTX book by
Spencer Bateson, a copy of The Source by Keith Hook,
or anything else that you see that I don't have.
Thank you for looking