MTX User Written Assemblers |
ZASM - Z80 Opcode Assembler
under CP/M |
"ZASM is a fairly basic assembler for Z80 opcodes, along
the lines of the ASM assembler for 8080 opcodes.
It takes a source file in Z80 code, and assembles it
to an Intel hex file, which can then either be converted
to an executable using the CP/M LOAD command, or blown
to an EPROM." |

.zip |
Bill Brendling
User Manual |
Z80 Assembler (For
(Follow the link for more
detailed information on Martin's assembler) |
"Written in BBC basic for the 20
year old
RiscPC running
RiscOS 4. It ought to work on the Raspberry Pi
running RiscOS 5 as well, though the "Wimpslot" may
need increasing. The file should be readable in both
ArcFS and SparkFS it won't open in windows as it's
not a PC ZIP file." |

.zip |
Martin Allcorn
(2015) |
Updated Version (v0.09 May 2021)
Rewritten in ARM assembly language, resulting in
a 10 fold increase in the compilation speed. |

.zip |
Martin Allcorn
(2021) |
Z80 Assembler (Using
Version 220807 |
To allow users that don't run RISCOS
to compile Martin's source files, Bill Brendling has
written a Python tool that will compile Martin's
code under Windows and Linux. The tool also
compiles code written in Microsoft M80 or Bill's own
Updated version of Bill Brendling's
Python assembly tool
Key enhancements are:
Support for the following new pseudo-ops
from Martin's latest assembler: BORG,
Emulation of the simple left to right
expression evaluator of the ARM assembler |
Accepting CMP as a synonym for CP |
Reproduction of the closing quote bugs

.zip |
Bill Brendling
User Manual |
Extras |
Modeled on the
Memotech MTX
Computer Crib Card, Paul Daniels has produced a
"Developers Edition" lots of useful info for
developers, including the RST10 call, VDP and sound
registers etc.
Currently at Version 0.1, Paul
would welcome your comments over on Memorum. |
Paul Daniels |