Home Brew Z80 Systems
image from
The core of a Zilog Z80 from 1990 |
This page hosts links to "home brew" Z80 systems, at this point, there
are only a couple of links, to Bill Brendling's Z80 based systems that
he designed and built in the
1990s and to Martin Allcorn's ZX80/ZX81 "clones".
I expect to be flooded with exciting new Z80 designs from the folks that
Lez Anderson generously supplied with a fantastic range of ICs (see
here for details),
including Z80 CPUs, in March 2014 - watch this space ! :-)
(The table is listed by designer/builder name in alphabetical order)
Credits :
The cool Z80 die photo was downloaded from
zeptobars.ru. The Z80 die size is
3545x3350 µm. Clicking on the image above will open up a medium
resolution photo, but to see the fine detail, please download (rather
than display) the full size image (51MB!), by "right clicking"
and doing a "Save As"
this link.
Quoting from their website, "ZeptoBars is a Russian
based R&D company focused on microelectronics and high-tech. We are
having fun dissolving microchips in boiling acid, working on our
microcontroller core, software development tools for it and new design
of dye-laser."