Commodore PET Projects
- petSD+ |
petSD+ - Ordering
Version 1
(Discontinued - available by special order only) |
Version 2
February 1st 2021
* * * A N N O U N
C E M E N T * * *
Unfortunately, my time manufacturing petSD+
has come to an end. Outstanding orders will
be fulfilled, but I won't be taking any more
orders from today. There are a number of
reasons for this :
1 |
Ongoing issues with either my
assembly of the hardware or the
undiagnosed firmware issue that I
have mentioned previously means that
I am spending a disproportionate
amount of time testing petSD+ to
find MCUs that work reliably and
quite frankly, I have had enough of
the frustration and wasted time. |
2 |
Brexit ! The fall out from this
has made ordering parts that I have
previously sourced from outside the
UK a real problem. Things may get
better over the months and years to
come, but in the short term, it has
caused supply issues and will lead
to increased cost - both of the
parts that I use and for end users
in Europe who will now likely have
to pay local VAT on top of my
previously VAT free prices. |
3 |
There are alternatives
available. When I started this
journey, it was driven by my need
for an SD card solution for my own
PET. The manufacturer of Nils'
previous model (petSD) had stopped
making them due to illness and
making one for myself was the only
option. I worked with Nils on
development of the upgraded petSD+
and began to offer them for sale,
mainly to help folks who couldn't,
or didn't want to, make one for
themselves. Since then, other SD
card solutions have become
available, and whilst I still
believe that petSD+ is the best one
out there, the availability of
alternatives means that there is
less call for the more expensive
petSD+. |
4 |
Other priorities. I have far too
many other projects on the go, there
is just not enough time available to
work on them all, so petSD+ has been
moving further down my list of
priorities for a while and now it's
time to call it a day! |
So, that's it ! - It's been fun (well,
mostly), but I'm done !
(I don't want
to leave previous customers high and dry, so
will probably make an exception for
previous customers who want to replace an
existing petSD+, or to add another for an
additional PET they might obtain, to
maintain a consistent hardware setup.)
June 26th 2020
* * *
Issues with NODISKEMU and REL Files * * *
Quoting from the NODISKEMU firmware
README file . . .
"Partial REL file
support is implemented. It should work fine
for existing files, but creating new files
and/or adding records to existing files may
fail. REL files in disk images are not
supported yet, only as files on a FAT
Note: this restriction also exists in other
devices based on SD2IEC firmware
August 29th 2019
I am
convinced that there is a bug in the
NODISKEMU firmware that prevents proper
initialisation of petSD+ at start-up with
SOME MCUs. I think that I have eliminated
all other possibilities and with the status
of NODISKEMU now being unmaintained,
this issue is unlikely to be fixed.
If you purchase a petSD+ Version 2, there is
a high probability that the device will
require a reset on power on before it starts
up properly. (See
here for details)
If you cannot
live with this minor, but nevertheless
undesirable, behavior, then please think
twice before ordering. Unfortunately, I am
unable to fix this issue and cannot accept
returns for devices that exhibit this
August 24th 2019
The petSD+ firmware (NODISKEMU) is now
Nils is
no longer developing or supporting petSD+ /
NODISKEMU Follow the link above for
details and the implication of this
development |
5th June 2019
Luis Fernando Salazar, has created a
really neat 3D printed case for petSD+
Version 2. For full details about the case
and how to contact Luis to order one
see this
13th May 2019
The case options
available for Version 1.x of petSD+ are not
suitable for Version2.x so have been removed
from the Ordering Page to avoid confusion.
For any petSD+ Version 1 owners who
may be interested, the information is
archived on the
Old News page
Please see the
Order Status page to track the progress of your
Please see this note (below) if
you intend to use Paypal from outside the UK
For earlier "news" / errata, see the
"petSD+ News" page |
NB : I am not a dealer or
trader, this stuff is just a hobby for me. There
isn't a fancy web shop or on-line ordering facility
- given the tiny quantity of items that I sell,
there's no justification for that, "orders" or
enquiries should be sent by
e-mail. |
How to get a petSD+
petSD+ has been designed as
Source Hardware and the NODISKEMU firmware is a fork of
sd2iec, free software released
GPL Version 2. The design files for the petSD+ PCB and the
firmware source and binary files are freely available from both
Nils Eiler's website or from
here. All of the information that you'd need to have your own
PCB manufactured and enable you to assemble it are available for
Or, With a little help from me . . . .
If you do not want to go to the bother of getting your own
PCB made, you may wish to consider one of the options for
obtaining a petSD+ from me, if so, please read the bullet points
below :-
- As I am based in the UK, the payment
currency will be UK pounds, I have put
indicative prices in Euros and US dollars, based
on typical exchange rates in June 2015 of 1.3
Euros and 1.5 Dollars to the pound. The price
you pay may vary a little depending on the
prevailing exchange rates when you order.
- The most convenient option is probably
Paypal but the prices shown here do not include Paypal
fees, please either pay the fees yourself, or
add them to the relevant price. I am happy to
consider other payment options that you might like to
suggest. If you are a prospective
non-UK buyer considering using Paypal, please
read the note below.
- The prices do not include shipping - I will add
shipping costs to mainland Europe and the US
shortly, but in the meantime, please e-mail me
with your address with postcode and I will get a
price for you. Shipment will normally be using
Royal Mail's "Tracked and Insured" service
(which is not cheap), but I am happy to
look at other options, provided that you bear
the risks.
Buy a kit of parts from here
With help from Nils, I have put together a kit of parts
required to build petSD+, the parts are available from a number
of suppliers but not all from a single supplier, at least, as
far as I know. You can
probably source the individual parts cheaper than I have priced
the kits, but you may prefer the convenience of ordering the
parts in just the quantities that are needed for building a
single petSD+ from a single supplier - i.e., me :-) See the
Assembly page for details of
building the kit.
petSD+ can be configured in a number of different ways
depending on your preferences, the way that I have priced the
kits is based on the premise that a "standard" petSD+ is the
fully featured version which includes the following :-
Feature |
Description |
LCD Display |
Used to quickly select disk images to be loaded
into the virtual floppy drive and to set the Real
Time Clock. |
Real Time Clock |
Allows the current timestamp to be used when
writing files to the SD card |
External mounting |
Connected via the PET's external IEEE-488 port |
Power supply |
(Not included) Cable from the PET's external cassette port |
ISP Port Connector |
(Not included, not normally required if buying a
kit or assembled petSD+) |
Should you choose to drop features, such as the LCD,
the kit price will reduce accordingly.
Buy a fully built petSD+ from here
Should you not feel confident in your own ability to assemble the kit, you
may want to purchase a fully assembled and tested petSD+. It may
take me a few days to build and test each one, but I will get
them done as quickly as I can on an "as required" basis. Should
you want to buy a fully built and tested version, please drop me
an e-mail, I will start building it and
give you an estimate of when it will be completed. Only after it
is built will I ask you to pay.
The majority of orders to date have been for pre-assembled
units, although I am getting better/faster, I did underestimate
the time that it would take me to build and test petSD+.
Therefore, I have decided to make a small increase in the price
for pre-assembled units, the revised prices are shown below.
Given the time and effort involved in building them, I think the
price is very fair, but you are welcome to comment if you
Price Increase Effective 01 February 2019 Changed prices
shown in Blue
Base Prices 1
Kit Prices |
Pre-Assembled & Tested |
All features/external |
No LCD Display |
Internal (no LCD, no IEC) |
Power Cable2 |
Deluxe LCD Display
Examples :
If you
would like a kit without the LCD, the
price would be £65 - £5 = £60
If you
would like an assembled & tested unit without the
LCD, the price would be £80 - £8 = £72
1 US Dollar and
Euro prices are estimates, please pay in UK pounds
2 petSD+ would
normally get power from the PET cassette port via
short cable that connects to the power input of petSD+. If you prefer, I can supply a "wall wart"
AC/DC converter instead, for the additional cost
Non-UK purchases using Paypal.
Until I
reviewed my Paypal account after the first couple of
international sales, I did not realise that the
Paypal money making machine also screws more money
out of me if I accept Paypal for non-UK orders, even
if paid in UK pounds. This scam is called a "Cross
Border Fee" - it certainly made me very cross !
additional cost increases the Paypal charges from
3.4% +£0.20, to anywhere between 3.8% +£0.20 and 5.2%
+£0.20, depending on the country. This increased
cost will need to be added to the total price if
using Paypal to place an order for petSD+.
It is
possible to avoid having to pay these, or indeed
any, Paypal fees if you are happy to send the
payment as a "Gift". You may wish to consider that
option, assuming that you are happy to trust me :-)
To help
instill that trust, I thought that it would be
helpful to add a
page where people can enter their experience of
the ordering process and/or feedback their
experiences with petSD+.
Update : 22/07/2019
I have
been advised that that money making machine that is
PayPal charges the sender, even when making "Gift"
payments if they user other currencies than their
local one, at least, it seems to charge for Euros to
Pounds. I'm not sure if it is a percentage of the
transaction, or a fixed fee, but you may find that
is costs in the region of 3 Euros to send me the
payment as a gift.
NB : For the avoidance of doubt, petSD+
does not connect directly
to a PET computer, the "standard" build of petSD+ is
fitted with an IEEE-488 connector like those found
on PET disk drives. Most PET and CBM computers use a
cheap PCB edge connector to provide IEEE-488
connectivity, to connect petSD+ or a Commodore disk
drive, you need to use a Commodore IEEE-488 disk
drive cable (hard to find) or a
PET to IEEE-488 adapter
along with a standard IEEE-488 cable.
Units for
internal mounting are fitted with a 26 way IDC
socket for user connection to the PET,
no cable is provided as standard. The
user will normally use a 26 way IDC cable to connect
to the 2 x 12 pin internal IEEE-488 header available
on most PETs. The header block is usually not fitted
and will require soldering by the user to allow an
IDC cable to be connected. If ordering a
petSD+ for internal mounting, please ensure that you
know how you will connect it to the PET before
updated : 30th January 2018 |
expensive? - Please read this note
LCD Colour
Options The LCD displays that I am using
are available in a couple of different colours,
if you don't have a preference, I will fit a
display that I either have available, or can get
relatively quickly. If you want to choose a
particular colour, or specifically don't want
any of them, please let me know and if there is
going to be any significant delay in getting
the colour of your choice, I will let you know.
The white on blue comes out best in the
images below, but that is more to do with the
performance of my iPhone's camera - it does not
seem to do as much justice to the other colour
displays. I think that they are better than the
photos might suggest. Version 1 of petSD+ had a contrast
adjustment pot, but the display brightness level
was fixed by the value of resistor R2. The fixed
value that I used gave an acceptable
level of brightness for the majority of users,
but could easily be replaced with a different
value by the end user. Version 2 of petSD+ has
fully adjustable contrast and brightness.
For more detail, see the
LCD description
on my petSD+ hardware
To Order : Specify
"White on Blue" or "Green on Yellow" |
Standard Colours |
I know that Nils wasn't keen on
using a blue display, but I quite like this
one. Click on the photo to see the full size
image, the full size photo has not been touched
up - other than being cropped.
The photo is pretty much as it came off my
iPhone, taken with no flash to show up the
display better - at the expense of the LCD PCB
appearing overly dark. As you can see, the
display is pretty nice, well, I think so. |
This is the other colour option
that I expected to be popular, green text on a
yellow/green background. However, not many
people opted for this colour so I am not
stocking them, though they are available for
order if you want one.
The White on Blue and
Green on Yellow LCDs seem to be the most cost
effective ones and are the ones that I plan to
have available by default. |
"Deluxe" Colour Options
This photo is of the petSD+ that
Nils built for me, as you can see, it has a
green on "black" display and is quite pleasing
on the eye. It is also quite similar to the
PET's own display colours.
Because they
are harder for me to get, I had not
planned on making this display
available, but, by popular demand (OK, I mean
that I have had two requests), I am able to do
so, but they are slightly more expensive than
the ones above, so there will be a small extra
charge for this option. |
To Order : Specify
"Green on Black" or "Yellow on Black" |
Additional Cost £12 |
This is the "Green on Black"
FSTN display that I was able to supply.
It is
not apparent from the photo, but the colour is
very close to the display that Nils sent me,
shown above. In fact, I think that I will be
using the same supplier that Nils used.
18/01/2018 I have been unable
to source further supplies of the "Deluxe" FSTN
LCD Displays, but have been able to source
higher quality VATN displays which are around
twice the price of the FSTN ones. I need to pass
on some (but not all) of the additional price to
buyers, therefore, the enhanced screen option
will now be £12 (previously £7).
(If anyone can point
me to alternative sources of the FSTN displays
I would appreciate it. If I can get the
displays cheaper, then I will be able to reduce the
additional charge for the enhanced display
Note: the new displays
use VATN (Vertically Aligned Twisted Nematic)
technology, rather than the
FSTN technology in the previous ones. In
VATN displays, the liquid crystals align
vertically when the voltage is zero, this
creates a truly black background to the display.
When voltage is applied, the liquid crystals
shift to a tilted position allowing light to
pass through and create a gray-scale display
depending on the amount of tilt generated by the
electric field.
VATN displays have a
super black background, there is no "bleed
through" of the backlight that could be seen on
the FSTN displays, they have a Super high
contrast ratio and the text is noticeably
This obviously comes at a cost,
but if you do want to splash out on one of these
screens, you won't be disappointed ! |
The Green on Black VATN display
(still with the protective film over the display
area) |
This photo is an attempt to show
the difference between the Green on Black FSTN
(upper) and VATN (lower) displays. The photo has
not been "photo-shopped" - merely cropped. Click
on the image to see the full size original
photo, where the displays were photographed side
by side on two simultaneously powered petSD+
Version 1 PCBs)
The contrast on the FSTN
display is turned up to maximum brightness level
before the backlight bleed through becomes to
high. The VATN display is adjusted to the
optimum level (to my eyes anyway). Hopefully,
you can see how much better the VATN display is. |
The Green on Black displays proved to be the
most popular "deluxe" option, outselling the
Amber on Black by about 10:1. Given the low
volume of sales of the Amber displays, I will
not be restocking these unless specifically
requested to provide them (which will result in
an 10-12 week delay before I could obtain them).
Available on back-order only |
Miscellaneous |
PCB M3 spacer bolts, distance
sleeves, pan head screws - set of 4 |
Retro Innovations IEEE cable adapter
(very limited "stock") |
MicroSD to SD card adapter (new) +
128MB MicroSD card (used) |
£ |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1.20 |
1.4 |
12 |
14 |
12 |
4 |
6 |
5 |
If you don't have a Commodore edge connector to
IEEE-488 cable, you might like to get one of these
IEEE cable adapters from
Retro Innovations in the US ($10). When I bought
mine, the shipping cost was another $10. I have
just bought another batch but I had to pay VAT,
Royal Mail's VAT collection charge and shipping,
which means that I have to put the price up. I can
supply one with petSD+ for
£11.50, or
£13 + P&P on its own. For buyers in
Europe, this is probably cheaper than you could buy
direct. |
Image courtesy of
Innovations |
: Take care when connecting the adapter to your PET,
Retro Innovations the web page :
The IEEE connector should be "under" the PCB
when installed (the PCB lettering should be "up").
IEEE-488 Cable, 1.0m long, new, with metal
Limited availability,
£17.00 + P&P
Note: This is a standard
IEEE-488/GPIB cable with 24-pin male & female
connectors at each end for "daisy-chaining" multiple
devices. Most PET users will also need one of the
cable adapters shown above to attach the cable to
the PET edge connector. (I have a very limited stock
of original commodore cables that don't need the
adapter - see below) |
I guess that most potential petSD+ users will
already have access to a range of PET software or
will be able to download it from the web.
For anyone who doesn't have software available, I
am considering making an SD card available with some
(to be determined) software on it.
I have picked up
a few second hand (ex.Nokia) 128MB microSD cards and could
supply one with an adapter for
- let me
know if you are interested. (The micro cards
are now sold out, but I now have some full size
ones) |
I have picked up a few standard size 128MB SD
Cards and I can supply the same software on these
cards for £5. |
Data cable for using petSD+ Version 1 with a Commodore 64
Fitted with an IEEE-488 connector and Commodore
6-pin DIN serial port connector. (Not
required for petSD+ Version 2)
availability, £10 + P&P |
Data cable for using petSD+ Version 2 with a Commodore 64/Vic
This is a standard 6-pin DIN cable, as used with
a C64 disk drive.
availability, £7.50 + P&P |
Original Commodore PET
IEEE-488 Data Cable - no adapter required
have just picked up a few "NOS" original PET-IEEE
cables, the metalwork is slightly tarnished with
age, but they work perfectly.
Limited availability - 06/06/2018 SOLD OUT |
Indicative shipping costs -
subject to confirmation |
Tracked &
Signed for |
Untracked (at
your risk) |
Option |
UK |
EU |
US |
UK |
EU |
US |
Kit - no LCD |
£3.90 |
£9.50 |
£10.50 |
n/a |
£4.50 |
£5.50 |
Kit - including LCD |
£4.90 |
£11.50 |
£13.70 |
tbc |
tbc |
tbc |
Assembled - no LCD |
tbc |
£10.70 |
tbc |
tbc |
tbc |
tbc |
Assembled - including LCD |
tbc |
£12.60 |
£14.50 |
tbc |
tbc |
tbc |
Prices are based on
using the UK postal service, Royal Mail.
Packages are transported to the destination
country and handed off to the local postal
service for delivery. I am happy to use other
shipping options if you prefer. |
Should you wish to take up any of these options, or have any
questions, please
send me an e-mail
See the
status of your order
A word
about the price . . . . .
The price of a fully assembled petSD+ is
now a little more than I had anticipated and probably doesn't
really qualify as "low-cost" anymore. I wanted to say a few
words about the price and, while not necessarily justifying it,
at least give some insight into how the price has been set.
At the outset, I would like to encourage
you to bear in mind the difference between
cost and
I think that the product closest to petSD+
in terms of form and features is the
HxC Rev. C Floppy Emulator from
Lotharek. Although HxC
although does not emulate PET/CBM floppy drives, it has the same
Prev/Next/Select buttons and LCD
screen (although half the size) functionality as petSD+. The
current (as of 24/08/15) price for a Rev C. HxC, excluding
shipping, is just under 70 Euros, i.e., about 20 Euros less than
HxC is more flexible than petSD+ in that
it can be used with a wide range of
Shugart compatible systems, including vintage home micros,
IBM compatibles and industrial systems. This brings economies of
scale to the HxC product; bulk component purchases will be
cheaper and the larger volume of production allows manufacture
to be outsourced to an automated manufacturing facility. For
petSD+, I have to purchase the components in small quantities,
build the devices by hand and absorb the cost of any, hopefully
few, failures during construction.
The time that it takes me to build and
test each petSD+ is not insignificant, if I paid someone to do
it at the price that I charge, I would be in breach of the UK's
minimum wage regulations :-) The time taken is obviously a
function of my less than impressive soldering capabilities, you
could probably build one faster, should you choose to, but the
price is based on the time that it takes me.
Kit Pricing
You can probably source the individual
parts cheaper than I have priced the kits, but you may prefer
the convenience of ordering the parts in just the quantities
that are needed for building a single petSD+ from a single
supplier. I do add a small mark-up to the cost of the parts,
this is intended to cover the time required to order the parts,
apportion the costs for price and delivery to individual kits
and the time taken for me to assemble the kits. If you have
received a kit, I hope you will agree that the time spent in
preparing it was reflected in the package that you received.
Your thoughts ?
I would be interested in your thoughts on
the subject, you can either
send me an e-mail , or
leave a comment here
Definitions from
The Free Dictionary |
: |
An amount paid or required in
payment for a purchase; a price. |
: |
An amount, as of goods,
services, or money, considered to be a fair and suitable
equivalent for something else; a fair price or return.