Commodore PET Projects
- petSD+ |
petSD+ News
Version 1 Prototype
(minus the LCD) |
Version 2 Prototype
(minus the LCD and clock module) |
26/06/2020 * * * Issues with NODISKEMU and REL Files
* * *
Quoting from the NODISKEMU firmware
README file . . . "Partial REL file support is implemented. It
should work fine for existing files, but creating new files
and/or adding records to existing files may fail. REL files in
disk images are not supported yet, only as files on a FAT
Note: this restriction
also exists in other devices based on SD2IEC firmware
29/08/2019 Possible Firmware Bug
I am convinced that there is a bug in the
NODISKEMU firmware that prevents proper initialisation of petSD+
at start-up with SOME MCUs. I think that I have eliminated all
other possibilities and with the status of NODISKEMU now being
unmaintained, this issue is unlikely
to be fixed.
If you purchase a petSD+ Version 2, there
is a high probability that the device will require a reset on
power on before it starts up properly. (See
here for details)
If you cannot live with this minor, but
nevertheless undesirable, behavior, then please think twice
before ordering. Unfortunately, I am unable to fix this issue
and cannot accept returns for devices that exhibit this
The petSD+ firmware (NODISKEMU) is now
unmaintained. Nils is no longer
developing or supporting petSD+ / NODISKEMU Follow the link
above for details and the implication of this development
05/06/2019 3D Printed Case for Version 2.4 PCB
Luis Fernando Salazar, has created a really neat 3D printed
case for petSD+ Version 2. For full details about the case and
how to contact Luis to order one see this page
13/05/2019 Version 2.4 PCB - Case Options
The case options available for Version
1.x of petSD+ are not suitable for Version2.x so have been
removed from the Ordering Page to avoid confusion. For any petSD+
owners who may be interested, the information is archived below
Discontinued Case Options |
Case, including PCB supports, bolts,
etc. (Ordered on request) |
We had planned to offer a case option for petSD+,
based on the same style as used for the original
petSD. This is my
"Photo shopped" mock-up of how petSD+ might look with
the LCD display fitted to the case that Nils had in
mind (reichelt.de
stock no. SD 10 GR HALB/SD 20 GR HALB). Unfortunately though, although the proposed case for
petSD+ is workable, Nils found that the installation
was very tricky and time consuming, so it was not
really practical to offer the case as an option. |
For units with the display, not having a case is not
really a problem as the PCB supports raise the
bottom of petSD+ off the desk and make it level. For
units without the display, you might like to think
how the petSD+ will sit on your desk, particularly
as the battery holder is on the underside of the
PCB. Nils did buy a few cases with a view to
making them available as standard, now that we are
not going to do that, I have a few spares. The
bottom half of the case could be used without
modification to hold the PCB and if you wanted to
spend some time on it, you could add the holes
required in the top half of the case to completely
enclose petSD+ if you wanted to.
I can offer the cases, including the PCB supports
(shown below), for £5 ($7, Euro 6),
available in grey (shown) or black.
(These cases are suitable for petSD+
Version 1.x only.) |
Alternatively, if you just need a set of the PCB
supports, including 4 x M3 spacer bolts, 4 x M3
distance sleeves and 4 x Philips pan-head screws, I
can supply a set for £1.50. |
Rainer Fritz has mounted his petSD+ in a very
similar case, available from
Conrad Electronics as part number
521035 - 62. It looks to be the same case, split
50:50, rather than the 1/3 : 2/3 of the cases that I
have available.
Photo courtesy of
Rainer Fritz |
Rainer's petSD+, showing the rear of the case with
the IEEE-488 connector and power input lead.
Photo courtesy of
Rainer Fritz |
And a view from the front, showing the controls,
indicators and SD card slot
Photo courtesy of
Rainer Fritz |
Third Party Case Option -
Suitable for petSD+ Version 1 Only
For Information Only
Krieg has let me know that he has sourced a nice
acrylic case for his petSD+ from Michael Schön (plexilaser.de).
Michael is now making the case available though his
webshop. The case is priced at €19.00
including VAT (shipping extra). It's more
expensive than the cases that I am able to offer,
but is custom made for petSD+, so fitting it is a
much easier process than modifying one of my
off-the-shelf cases.
Photos courtesy of Juergen
To purchase the acrylic case,
please contact Michael through his
webshop |
30/03/2019 Version 2.4 PCB Now Available
The SD card slot used in petSD+ version 2
has been discontinued by the manufacturer. The replacement card
slot that we are now using has a slightly different footprint
which has necessitated a minor change to the PCB. There are also
few minor layout changes
29/01/2019 Potential Issue with PET IEEE-488 Adapter
A small number of IEEE-488 adapters
shipped between July 2017 and January 2019 may have been shipped
with a construction error. If your adapter has an empty 3
position jumper block, or a jumper block with no link fitted,
marked "IFC" at the side of the IEEE-488 connector, please
contact me for further details of a potential issue with your
adapter. It is not certain that any adapters actually have this
issue, but it would be prudent to check that yours does not.
26/01/2019 Price Increase
There will be a small increase in the
price of petSD+ kits from 1st February 2019 Orders placed prior
to this date will be charged at the old prices. The prices on
this page have been updated with the new prices. (Increase is £5
on kits, the price of assembled units is unchanged)
25/01/2019 Version 2.2 SD
Card Slot Obsolescence
The SD card slot used in petSD+ Version
2.2 is now obsolete! I have a limited number of version 2.2
boards available and enough card slots to finish their
construction, but a new card slot needs to be sourced which will
require a change to the PCB layout. Nils is currently working on
the required changes and a Version 2.3 board will likely be
released in the next few weeks. Once the current orders have
been filled, I have enough parts to build another 8 petSD+s. If
you are in hurry to get a petSD+, please order now. I will use
the last of the parts for the current design on a "first come,
first served" basis.
03/09/2018 petSD+ Version 2 PCB Modification
There have been a few minor tweaks to the
layout of the PCB, the main change is to relocate the LEDs to
better suit its installation in a 3D printed case, such as the
one designed by Stephan Both
28/01/2018 Price Increase
There will be a small increase in the
price of petSD+ from 1st February 2018 Orders placed prior to
this date will be charged at the old prices. The prices on this
page have been updated with the new prices. (Increase ~9% on
kits, ~4% on assembled units)
17/01/2018 MAJOR
petSD+ Version 2 will be available
for purchase in 2-3
I need to work out the final price, but
it will not be dissimilar to Version 1. It is my intention that,
come 1st February 2018, ALL new orders for petSD+ will be
supplied as Version 2. I had intended to discontinue supply of
Version 1, but it strikes me that there are possibly two groups
of prospective purchasers who may prefer the option of a new
Version 1 petSD+.
1. Existing Users who want a
like-for-like replacement/addition to their existing setup
2. Users who want to purchase the
acrylic case
manufactured by Michael Schön
If you fit into one of these two groups
and NEED a Version 1 petSD+ let me know when ordering.
17/01/2018 Created this
new "petSD+
News" page, collating all previous newsworthy items
regarding petSD+
10/01/2018 Deluxe LCD Display
Update - the new displays have arrived
Note: the new displays use VATN
(Vertically Aligned Twisted Nematic) technology, rather than the
FSTN technology in the previous ones. In VATN displays, the
liquid crystals align vertically when the voltage is zero, this
creates a truly black background to the display. When voltage is
applied, the liquid crystals shift to a tilted position allowing
light to pass through and create a gray-scale display depending
on the amount of tilt generated by the electric field.
VATN displays have a super black background, there is no "bleed
through" of the backlight that could be seen on the FSTN
displays, they have a Super high contrast ratio and the text is
noticeably sharper.
This obviously comes at a cost, but
if you do want to splash out on one of these screens, you won't
be disappointed !
Due to the low volume of sales and
difficulty in obtaining them, a number of the LCD colours have
been dropped from the "Order"
page. I have archived the discontinued options here . . . .
Discontinued LCD Options |
Reflective Display
To cater for the
environmentalists out there, who may be looking
to save energy, I have a limited number of
reflective LCD displays available. (There is
absolutely no truth in any rumors that these
were bought in error!)
No longer
available |
"Deluxe" Colour Options
This is the "Green on Black"
FSTN display that I am
was able to supply.
It is
not apparent from the photo, but the colour is
very close to the display that Nils sent me,
shown above. In fact, I think that I will be
using the same supplier that Nils used.
No Longer Available |
I can also supply it
in what was described as "Yellow on Black", the
photo makes it look very yellow, but the colour
is actually much closer to Amber on black, very
much like the colours of the
IBM Portable screen.
For comparison, this is the seller's photo
showing the display colour, this is a much
closer match to what the display looks like in
06/12/ 2017 No Longer Available |
I also bought one
advertised as "Black letters, White background".
Again, the photo doesn't give a very good
representation of the colours, but as it
suggests, the display would be more accurately
described as "Dark Blue on Pale Blue" although
in reality, the blue is not as pronounced as the
photo suggests
It is definitely not Black
on White, but quite nice all the same.
For comparison, this is the seller's photo
showing the display colour, it does appear
closer to black and white, but, as I know now,
that is down to the quality of the photo, rather
than the actual colour.
No longer
available |
06/12/2017 Deluxe LCD Display
Availability & Price
The "Deluxe" LCD Displays are proving
difficult to obtain and are now almost twice
the price that I paid the last time that I
ordered a batch. Orders for the deluxe
displays up to order number #72 have been
filled but have used up my stock of these
The Green on Black displays
proved to be the most popular "deluxe"
option, outselling the Amber on Black by
about 10:1. Given the low volume of sales of
the Amber displays, I will not be restocking
these unless specifically requested to
provide them (which will result in an 10-12
week delay before I could obtain them).
I do intend to continue to stock the
Green on Black displays and have 10
additional displays on back order but the
supplier has advised that they will not be
shipped until week 6 or 7 2018. I also need
to pass on some (but not all) of the
additional price to buyers, therefore, the
enhanced screen option will now be £12
(previously £7).
If anyone can point
me to alternative sources of these displays
I would appreciate it. If I can get the
displays cheaper, then I will reduce the
additional charge.
20/06/2017 Third party case
Michael Schön (plexilaser.de)
has created a nice acrylic case for petSD+
and is making it available though his
webshop. The case is priced at €19.00
including VAT (shipping extra). You can see
a couple of
photos on my "Ordering" page or on Michael's website.
website is in German, use Google Chrome to
have the page automatically translated for
you, a local copy of the page, translated into English,
available here.
27/09/2016 Price Increase
Effective 01 October 2016
As I live in the UK, petSD+ prices are
quoted, and must be paid for, in UK pounds. Over the past year,
exchange rates have dropped significantly, sterling having
dropped from ~$1.5 USD or 1.4 Euros in October 2015 to ~ $1.3
USD or 1.1 Euros today.
Since I source most of the parts in
Europe or the USA, it has become significantly more expensive
for me to make petSD+, but the effective price for most
customers has actually reduced from about $105/E91 to around
$91/E77 today.
For the supply of petSD+ to remain
viable, I need to increase the sterling prices of the kits and
assembled units by 10% (less than the 15% exchange rate
difference). This change will only really impact the very small
minority of customers who are in the UK - international
customers will not see any increase over the Dollar/Euro
estimated prices on this page - they will just not get as large
a currency discount as they have seen over the past year, but
will still pay a little less than my estimated prices.
01/06/2016 Status Update
The current version of the firmware for petSD+
now fully supports disk read/write functions and the
Real Time Clock, in addition, the LCD can now be
used to change the Device Address, change directory
and load disk
The boot
loader is able to re-flash the MCU from a binary
file copied to the SD card, no additional user
programming of petSD+ is required. The firmware
release are
compatible with all versions of petSD/perSD+.
A copy of the
firmware binary file, is available from an
auto-generated nightlies page on Nils' site.
A modified version 2 PCB is currently being designed by Nils,
but this may take a little while to make it into production.
Version 2 is likely to feature enhanced control of the LCD
brightness and contrast using PWM and a few other minor
the meantime, a slightly modified
version "1.2" board is now on order, it corrects a
number of minor issues with earlier versions of the board
(1.0, 1.1, 1.1a), including :-
the MISO connection issue
described in Nils'
errata link
on his web page. (This issue is only relevant to petSD+ boards
that have the ISP port connector fitted which will not be needed
by most users anyway).
removal of the redundant capacitor, C12
petSD+ now supports IEC
(Serial IEEE-488), i.e. Commodore 64 (requires custom cable)
A modified Editor ROM with integral DOS Wedge is really a great step
forward . . .
Every petSD+ owner should have one!
To that end, I have been investigating the
possibility of being able to create one and
supplying it as an option for petSD+ purchasers.
Read the latest developments on
this page.
17/10//2015 Component C12 can,
and should, be removed from ALL petSD+ devices shipped prior to
17th October 2015.
Provided that you have some basic
tools, removal of C12 is straightforward. As C12 is
located behind the PREV
button, if the LCD screen is fitted it should be
temporarily disconnected to allow C12 to be removed
- more details
If you would have difficulty
in doing this yourself, drop me an e-mail and we can
try and work something out.