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The Memotech MTX Series

Memotech Multi-Function Expansion System

MFX CP/M 3 (CP/M Plus)

New MFX Boot Screen

CP/M 3.1 startup screen

 one ?)


Memotech computer disk systems were based on the CP/M 2.2 operating system, as are all of the modern day Memotech removable storage systems, including REMEMORizer, CFX and the original release of MFX. Even the ostensibly non-CP/M SDX BASIC disk system's underlying disk structure was based on Memotech's version of the CP/M operating system.

Digital Research released a later version of CP/M as CP/M 3, also referred to as CP/M Plus. Quoting from the CP/M Plus Operating Guide, "CP/M(R) 3, also marketed as CP/M Plus(R) , is a single-console operating system for 8-bit machines that use an Intel(R) 8080, 8085, or Zilog(R) Z80(R) CPU. CP/M 3 is upward-compatible with its predecessor, CP/M 2, and offers more features and higher performance than CP/M 2."

Some home micros, such as the Amstrad PCW, featured CP/M Plus. For most users, CP/M 3 offers very few benefits over a CP/M 2 system, but the most significant are support for additional memory through bank switching and support for file time/date stamps with support for a Real Time Clock. The larger memory available (512kB) and the option to install a Real Time Clock in MFX meant that there was some incentive to port CP/M 3 to MFX.

Martin has gotten CP/M 3 running on MFX. The "disk" geometry is considerably different to CP/M 2.2, so the Memotech SDX ROM cannot access the disk from BASIC, but the the CP/M mode works well and can coexist with the CP/M 2.2 system on the same media with separate boot options for the two systems. Although games, including HEXTRAIN, can't be run from CP/M 3, the system can be booted to CP/M 2.2 and games run as before.


How it was done

The structure of CP/M 3 is pretty much the same as CP/M 2.2, being made up of a BIOS (Basic Input Output System), BDOS (Basic Disk Operating System) and a CCP (Console Command Processor) as described on my CP/M 2.2 Structure page. The BIOS is the interface to the hardware of the target system and must be customised to suit. 

The original Digital Research source files for CP/M have been released into the Public Domain and are freely available from The Unofficial CP/M Website on, a website dedicated to CP/M and computer history.

Digital Research CP/M 80 source files were all written to target the Intel 8080 using 8080 opcodes. Up until release 2.2, the source files could be compiled using the DR ASM assembler or MAC, Macro assembler. Release 3 required the relocating features of RMAC, the DR Relocatable macro assembler. For Z80 systems, DR did provide a kludge Z80.LIB  for cases where you could take advantage of the Z80's capabilities. However it was just that, a kludge. As noted on the S100 website, "it can be very frustrating looking up the Digital Research opcode of the equivalent Zilog one". 1      

When developing for MTX, Martin usually uses his self written Z80 assembler, running on a RISC OS machine, originally an Acorn PC, but nowadays, a Raspberry PI. Martin's first attempts at developing a CP/M 3 BIOS for MFX were to try to convert the 8080 opcodes from the DR source to the equivalent Z80 opcodes for processing by his Z80 assembler on his Raspberry Pi. This proved to be somewhat problematic so he took an alternative approach, much more in  line with the DR method. Installing a copy of RMAC under MFX's CP/M 2.2, he was able to compile the original 8080 source code as written before going on to modify the BIOS for MFX.

The source files that Martin used included the various "fixes" that Digital Research applied to CP/M 3.0, resulting in a version number of 3.1. These fixes also added the option to use UK date format (ddmmyy) instead of the default US format (mmddyy) as well as a patch to added Y2K compatibility. 

Anyone who runs CP/M 3 on MFX should be aware of the significant effort that Martin has put in to getting it running. To that end, I asked Martin to give me a better insight to what was needed to get a working CP/M 3 BIOS for MTX   . . . . . . .

"The source code archive contained the BNKBIOS.SUB script that uses RMAC to build the BIOS from the sources. On completion that calls GENGPM.COM to build the final CPM3.COM file. Once the initial parameters for GENCPM are set the entire process is automatic. The worst part for a Z80 programmer, is that everything has to be written in Intel 8080 assembler, with a macro library to provide support for the Z80 only opcodes.

The MFX Bios is built from 7 files:

BIOSKRNL – This is a DR file and other than adjusting the compile time switch to select between banked and unbanked builds DR documentation says it should not be altered.

BOOT – Contains the code to load the CCP which can be edited and the entry point for the system call to set the date and time that has to be supplied. Changes to the routine to load the CCP were minimal, TIME requires adding 150 or so lines of code.

MOVE – Contains 2 routines both have to be supplied by the BIOS writer, MOVE and XMOVE. XMOVE sets up the parameters for an inter-bank memory transfer. MOVE does the actual transfer for both inter-bank and intra-bank transfers.  Neither is particularly complicated and there’s only 100 lines of code to accomplish both

CHARIO – This is a big file, it’s need to provide all the character based transfer routines. MFX provides keyboard, printer and VDU based transfers, but not serial, those are programmed to just return dummy values. The keyboard code required translating 300+ lines of Z80 code from the CPM2 driver into the 8080 equivalents. The VDU handling code was another 700 or so lines translated from the original Z80 to 8080. The printer support was the easy bit, that only requite 10 lines of code translating to 8080. There’s no new code in here but a lot of translation required.

DRVTBL – This is just the drive table pointers, not the tables themselves and required minimal work

SDCARD – This is a completely new file, to provide disc handling, replacing the floppy drivers in the original archive. It’s based on the original MFX SD handling routines. There’s around 600 lines of Z80 to 8080 translated code that provide the 4 system routines read, write, init and logon that all of the disc transfers are channelled through. In addition, there’s 200 or so lines of new code for the drive tables, disc geometry calculations and memory bank control. Memory control is important as the disc buffers are in a different bank to the TPA where programs are loaded.

SCB – This is a DR supplied file and is required to be left untouched as it provides the System Control Block, the system variables basically.

Not masses of new code, but all the Z80 to 8080 translation was a chore. The biggest source of errors was forgetting that where the Z80 used LD  8080 uses umpteen different mnemonics depending on whether it’s 8 bit or 16 bit and whether the data is coming from another register or memory.

The worst thing to debug? JP it’s a valid instruction for both CPUs but does different things. Neither assembler will flag it as an error they just assemble different instruction.  JP is simple jump a new location on the Z80, and on the 8080 it means only do the Jump if the last result was positive. The eventual way to check accuracy of the translated code was have the 2 assembler output listings side by side and compare the hexadecimal output for unexpected changes. Using a program to check the output wasn’t really an option as the memory references in the final code were wildly different between CPM2 and CPM3 and swamped any real errors.

Once the CMP3.SYS file is complete, everything gets transferred over to the raspberry Pi where there’s a number of utilities to build a complete disc image for transfer to an SD card and testing on the MFX itself.

DR envisaged that the system tracks would contain a CPM loader, and that loader, which was essentially a non-banked BIOS/BDOS would load the full CPM3 from CPM3.SYS. Since there were enough problems just getting the banked CPM3 to run writing yet another version wasn’t going to happen. Instead, the disc builder utilities pick CPM3.SYS apart and put it onto the system tracks along with the bootloader etc.

The other annoying part of the process is actually getting original files that work. Of the 3 source archives, one has errors in the one of the pre-built modules, such that even when the BIOS was assembling correctly the BDOS was corrupt and the system failed to start. Luckily there was an uncorrupted version in another of the archives.

At that point the BIOS boot string would at least appear before the system locked up. The reason, the CCP in the archive with the working BDOS was corrupt!  The CCP from the original archive was fine. There have been similar issues with some of the other utility files too. "

Bank Switching - what's the point?

When I read that CP/M 3 provided RAM bank switching capabilities, I assumed that this would allow application programs to access more than the Z80's normal maximum 64kB of RAM. However, this is not the case, but what CP/M 3's RAM paging functions do facilitate is a larger CP/M system size, allowing system functions to be offoaded from the core BIOS to paged areas of RAM. Paging out of system functions increaces the Transient Program Area size.

To illustrate, the first Memotech FDX system had a CP/M system size of 54kB. Memotech SDX systems have a 59kB system size with the top of memory at 59k, above that are some buffers and the hardware drivers copied from ROM. Below that lies CP/M 2.2 which takes up about 6.5kB, leaving a TPA of about 53kB.

With the CP/M 3 system, where some system functions, including those for RTC support, are put into paged RAM, the TPA is increased to about 61kB - a useful increase of around 15%. This is despite the fact that CP/M itself is much bigger than CP/M 2.2. In the current build, the bootloader, BIOS and BDOS are taking up over 20k of drive space, with the CCP an additional 4k on drive A. That's instead of CP/M 2's 6.5k for bootlaoder, BIOS, BDOS and CCP plus external drivers. However the banking means that despite that 61K is still available to user programs.

How it works

Since CP/M 3 was going to be incompatible with Memotech SDX BASIC, including games, it was essential that support for the CP/M 2.2 system was retained. CP/M3 more or less required a new partition format. CP/M2 expects each track to be 26 sectors of 128 bytes, that works out at 3.25k per track. CP/M3 works with the native sector size, for CF and SD that's 512 bytes, meaning there's no way to define a track that is 3.25k long. It is possible that the track could have been made to be 6.5K long and things made to work. However a 4k track size and a 4K block size makes the disc geometry calculations incredibly simple.

To allow the system to be able to boot existing MFX SD cards and to avoid breaking HEXTRAIN, the MFX CP/M 3 SD card structure was kept the same as that used for CP/M 2.2. MFX firmware version 140124 added support for Bill's enhanced storage functions which enabled the MFX to support usage of larger capacity SD cards, allowing the extra storage space to be FAT formatted. The card structure was made up of the Master Boot Record,  followed by 8 x 8MB partions, then the HEXTRAIN data block, with the remaining card capacity able to be FAT formatted.Only 4 of the 8MB partitions were visible to CP/M at any one time, normally, partitions 18 to 1B were mapped to drives B to E, but partitions 1C to 1F could be remapped to a drive letter using the RECONFIG program. Normally, the 4 higher 8MB partitions were not actually used, leaving a 32MB block that could be made available to CP/M 3. The utility could be used to write a copy of the CP/M system tracks to any of the available partitions, which, when mapped to drive letters, were bootable.

Although the 8MB partitions supported up to 512 directory entries, as CP/M does not support subdirectories, 512 files in the root directory was not very user friendly and thought unnecessary. We decided that the 32MB of space could be better used by CP/M 3 if configured as a more, smaller, "disks" and decided that 8 x 4MB partitions was more appropriate. By defualt, CP/M 3 would have supported 256 directory entries, but enabling timestamping for a "disk" uses one of the four directory areas, reducing the number of directory entries to 192. A bit more restricive, but unlikely to be a problem.

With 8 x 4MB "disks", the online disk capacity is the same as the 4 x 8MB "disks" avaialble in CP/M 2.2, albeit that the number of available directory entires will be slightly less if date/time stamping is used.

In Memotech's implementation of CP/M 2.2, Drive A was always mapped to the boot drive. By default, the system booted from drive B which was then mappted to Drive A, although they appeared as different drive, the contents of both drives were the same. For CP/M 3, there are 8 partitions of 4 meg each from A to H, with the system booting off A. Drive C is intended to be the system backup, the other 6 partitions hand back 24k storage space by not having space allocated for system tracks. A new utility,, is used to write a copy of the CP/M 3.1 system to the backup partition.

The CP/M 2.2 and CP/M 3 disk image areas are only visible to the associated system version, there is no facility to directly transfer files between the two. However, this isn't really a problem as both systems can use FTP to transfer files via a host PC. It is possible that could be modified in the future to achive the same thing locally too (Bill?).

Hardware / Firmware Changes

Retaining support for the traditional CPM 2.2 on the MTX requires a separate boot ROM for CPM3. Since MFX is already using ROM pages 4,5 and 6, that meant re-programming the GAL to open up ROM slot 3 as well. The MFX boot screen has been given a make over and the colours changed to red on black to match the MTX themed black PCB & red FPGA board used for the most recent revisions of MFX. Other hardware changes are an RTC fitted to to the old VRAM socket and changes to the FPGA to provide acces to both the SPI clock and set up an off CPU memory buffer to support the banked memory.

No one left behind

As noted above, CP/M 3 is likely to be of most benefit to MFX users who have a Real Tume Clock fitted, i.e., MFX boards with serial numbers xx40 and above, where the VRAM socket can be repurposed to allow the installation of an RTC module.

However, it is possible for MFX owners with earlier PCBs to run CP/M 3, albeit, without the benefit of the RTC. A "softload" version of the CP/M 3 system can be loaded by an executeable program on the CP/M 2.2 system which invokes the CP/M 3 BIOS and swaps to the associated disk partition. In this case, a GAL replacement is not required as the system does not need to boot from ROM 3. A replacement SD card loaded with the CP/M 2.2 and 3.1 partitions is required, depending of the firmware version of MFX, the card may be SD or SD/HC (firmware versions below 167 only support SD media).

(Support for SDX BASIC and games, including HEXTRAIN, are unchanged from the original disk image.)

What it looks like

An updated look for the MFX boot screen, red on black to match the MTX themed black PCB & red FPGA board  combination.

Reset options are now :-
    < C > for CP/M 2.2
    < 3 > for CP/M 3.1

other options are unchanged from ROM version 167
Hitting <Ret> during the CP/M 3 boot process invokkes the Monitor ROM. You need to be VERY quick if you are to interrupt the boot process!
The most useful function available from the Monitor ROM is likely to be the ability to restore the system traccks on "A" from the backup tracks stored in "C".
Option C - not shown in this screenshot
The system booted into CP/M 3.1

The CP/M 3 equivalent to the DOS autoexec.bat command file is profile.sub. It can be used to submit programs for execution when the system starts. In this case, the file calls the SETDEF program to configure the date to use UK format.  
The default CP/M 3 directory listing is the same as CP/M 2.2, i.e., showing only the file and extension names, four to a line.
A screenshot from Martin's system.

With file date/time stamps enabled, date and times that the files were created and modified are available.

This screen also shows that the number of available directory entries is reduced from 256 to 192.
CP/M 3.1 "softloaded" from CP/M 2.2 on an MFX running with a Cyclone II FPGA and ROM version 140124


Download Support Programs Version
Source Object Build Date
n/a - Softboot of CP/M 3.1 from CP/M 2.2 system boot
Allows older MFX boards without the EP4CE10 FPGA to run CP/M 3.
Requires an SD card with CP/M 2 and CP/M 3 partitions loaded
250126 26/01/25
n/a - Release version 250216 16/02/25


  Title Publisher Source
CP/M Plus Operating System System Guide
CP/M Plus Command Reference
Digital Research ASM Manual s100computers
Digital Research MAC Manual s100computers
Digital Research Link-80 Manual s100computers
Programmer's Utilties Guide for CP/M (includes RMAC)

1. S100 Computers website A useful resource for generic CP/M programs and documentation


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