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The Memotech MTX Series

Memotech Multi-Function Expansion System

MFX Development

MFX Boot Screen

SD Card 40 Column Directory



This somewhat lengthy page is intended to give an insight into the effort that Martin puts in when designing add-ons for the MTX, this time, it was MFX. The page evolved as Martin kept me posted on his progress, it does not capture the detail of the many hours that Martin explored and resolved numerous minor issues that emerged as the design progressed. It does hopefully give an indication of the design process and major milestones along the way. I hope that you find it interesting - I do !

If you want to read about my turning the prototype into a "product", see the MFX Engineering page

When looking for a suitable FPGA development board that might be incorporated into a new MTX expansion card design, I did a little "Googling" and came across this minimum system development board based on the Altera Cyclone II FPGA.

The Land Boards wiki has some details about the board.  
The Art of circuits website has a copy of the schematic.

Some of the FPGA's I/O are assigned to on board components that you might need on a development board, including user LEDs, a power LED and a push button. In addition, some pins are connected to Vcc or Gnd which are not required if the board uses an EP2C5 and could potentially be freed up if required.

(This information only came to light as the design progressed.)

When I suggested it to Martin, it turned out that he already had one!

This board has been around for quite a while now and Grant Searle had used the board a few years ago as the basis of his Multicomp project - creating a number of different micros using the same FPGA development board, and Martin had implemented it himself as shown here.

Other than a few passives and I/O connectors, the only additional component is a RAM chip.
At this point, we were still thinking about a CFX replacement and Martin did a mock up sketch of how an external MTX add-on board might look. Note the presence of the 82C55 PPI intended to provide the CF interface.

After further discussion we agreed that the CF card would be better replaced with an SD card interface - particularly when the majority of the required FPGA code had already been developed by Andy for REMEMOTECH !  
Our previous MTX expansion boards such as CFX and MAGROM had all been designed to be smaller than 100mm x 100mm to meet a price point of the low cost PCB manufacturers that I had used in the past. However, given that I really wanted to design something that would fit inside the MTX case (which has reduced depth at the front, restricting the area available for mounting higher profile devices, such as the FPGA board), we agreed that the footprint would be larger for MFX than for our previous boards.

We also wanted to include the network interface that Martin had previously designed (NFX) and the desire to add an SD card slot on a daughter board, rather than as an SMT component, all meant the the board was going to be quite a bit larger than those of our previous projects.

With a prospective list of components, including :
VGA output connector
Video RAM
SD card interface header
WIZ810 headers
System RAM
Decode logic for WIZ810 & MTX side RAM
Level shifting for FPGA to MTX signals.

The board was definitely going to be bigger than 100mm square, but if it could be kept to the size of a Eurocard PCB, it would fit the PCB guide slots inside the MTX case perfectly.
Martin did a test fit of the WIZnet and FPGA development boards mounted on a Eurocard sized piece of prototype board and confirmed that there should be enough space to mount all of the components inside the case. (The phono connector above the WIZnet module is not present on a standard MTX - it's Martin's way of accessing the MTX video output.)

It can be seen that the mock up is the same depth as the MTX computer board and so fits nicely in the MTX case's PCB guides.
Space is tight, but there is adequate clearance below the keyboard PCB.

For this to work, the MFX PCB would need to be at the same level as the MTX computer board, i.e., the connector between the two boards would need to be straight, like the original Memotech ones, rather than the angled PCB connectors used for our previous boards. Such connectors are available, but have long lead times and are more expensive.
Martin's first version of a possible layout for the MFX board.

As usual, the layout is intended to guide Martin during the wiring of his prototype board and is therefore viewing the board from below, the board would be "flipped" to mount inside the MTX, so the orange strip at the right side would actually be located adjacent to the internal J0 connector on the MTX computer board.

Martin's prototype uses a Eurocard prototype board intended to have a DIN 41612 connector at one end. Although this will not be used by MFX, it is likely that a second MTX connector could be mounted in this area to allow the MFX board to be connected externally if required.

This provisional layout includes for sockets for the pin headers of the FPGA and WIZnet modules and for header pins for the SD card and VGA connectors.

Sockets are provided for 128kB Video RAM, 128kB boot ROM and 512kB RAM chips as well as GALs for RAM and I/O decode logic and level shifters for the connections between the MTX (5v) and FPGA (3v).
Martin's prototype taking shape . . . .

The headers have been mounted and the sockets for the DIP components soldered in. Mating the board to the MTX computer board provided further confirmation that there was enough clearance between the components and the MTX I/O connectors - including Martin's "special" video connector.
Solder side of the proto board with the memory chips and GALs about 50% wired - another example of Martin's excellent prototyping skills!

Martin planned to ensure that the ROM/RAM functionality was tested and working before moving on to the FPGA etc.
For the prototype, Martin chose to solder a bare SD card slot onto a small piece of proto board, rather than use a preassembled module.

This view shows the sockets for the FPGA headers and DIP packages.

The jumpers are to allow selection of the RAM area to be provided, i.e., whether the RAM is being used in a MTX500 or MTX512.
Now with the RAM and other, non-FPGA, connections fully wired, ready to test paging of the extended RAM
The board fitted, ready for testing.

As you can see, the SD card has been repositioned to allow the board to be fitted internally and a VGA connector has been connected to the header pins. The VGA connector has been positioned such that it is accessible through one of the RS232 port cut-outs. Space on the Eurocard sized board is getting tight - the production board may need to be wider!
Test of the paging logic on a 64k MTX512. The MTX page port only has 4 bits for the RAM page, so in BASIC there is the base 64k  + 14 pages of 32k from the 512k chip. With the boot memory test needing a blank ½, page 15½ pages + 16k common RAM is the maximum. The remaining 64k of the 512k is unreachable. In CPM mode all of it should be visible

Whilst doing some initial work on converting Andy's VHDL, Martin realised that a minor design change was needed.

The I/O code linking the FPGA to the Z80 is controlled by the CPU clock signal which was not buffered in the initial MFX build. As there were no free pins, an extra buffering chip was required and rather than decoding the I/O ports on the board, the FPGA will have to do that for itself (and the Wiznet)

That freed up the 16V8 GAL socket for a 3rd 74LVC244 instead. There would then be one 244 for the data bus, one for the lower half of the address bus, and one for control signals. That actually had some advantages, the LVC244 is cheaper than the GAL, doesn’t need programming, and looked to have better availability. It would also allow the inclusion of an emulated DART if FPGA resources permit.

Martin's modified board arrangement.

From a hardware perspective, things were looking good - at this stage, a quick count of the FPGA pins required was 67 out of the available 89, but the availability of the required logic resources (Logic Elements) needed to be confirmed.

Andy's VHDL for REMEMOTECH included emulation of the Z80 which was obviously not required for MFX - the emulation of the VDP was expected to be the most resource intensive requirement and early tests has indicated that this was not going to be an issue.
For initial testing, Martin was running the board independently of the MTX and concentrating on the video emulation.

The video output from the FPGA was seen to be "rock steady" - a very encouraging sign, given, the issues seen with CFX-II.

The 80 column Test Card graphic displayed on a VGA monitor.
More construction progress . . . . .

SD Card slot connected and chips inserted
Solder/wiring side of the board
At this point, it's worth noting some points from a conversation between Bill and Martin on the video side. I have recorded them here as others may find it as interesting as I do, it is pertinent to the MFX design and gives an interesting insight into how the development is progressing . . . .

Bill developed the VDP to VGA emulation used in CFX-II and commented that Martin may run into "the same problem as [Bill] had with the Propeller version, the difference in frame rate between the VDP and VGA. As a result the VGA frames will often be generated part way through a screen update. Not much of a problem from BASIC but likely to produce screen artifacts for games.

The ideal solution is to double buffer the VGA output. Render VDP frames at 50Hz, synchronised with the VDP (you will need to monitor VDPINT), but display frames at 60Hz. This means that every sixth frame will be a duplicate, but each of the displayed frame is clean. The Propeller had nowhere near enough memory to do that, but if you have an FPGA with additional RAM you may be able to do so.

Martin noted that the development boards Cyclone II EP2C5 has just under 5k logic elements against 20k on the DE1's EP2C20.However the on-board RAM definitely isn't big enough for the VDP, meaning the VDP code will need additional tweaking to use external memory. There's 13k RAM on the EP2C5 so my initial thought was that was going to be 4k screen memory, and 4k each for the alpha and graphic character ROMs. Andy's code is actually using logic for both character ROMs. Since the VDP won't ever fit into13k RAM, I may recode the alpha ROM as a memory block, to save logic resources if that means I can implement additional features.

If I get the 80 column board working properly, then I'll add in Andy's VDP emulation using external SRAM. I haven't looked at the code in any detail, but like CFX-II it will only be echoing the main VDP. VDP interrupts and the status register will still come from the VDP so update mismatch could be a problem.

Avoiding the screen jitter that's visible on some monitors is the aim. Andy does have some 50/60 Hz features in the existing code, but I'm not sure they will be of any use. While I do have a spare pin to monitor the INT signal, monitoring VDPINT would need at least the CTC echoing as well. As there's no direct connection I'd have to try and watch for a interrupt address matching the one programmed into CTC channel 0. I'm also not sure a SRAM large enough to double/triple buffer the display would be fast enough.

MTX RAM and ROM are controlled by a dedicated 22v10 GAL and are already tested and working.    

Martin made some wiring mods to try to solve the problem of getting data from the MTX to the FPGA.

The main change here is the rewiring of the data bus to allow separate path for data in and data out, i.e., re-wired for fully independent read and write ports on the FPGA.
With the VHDL updated to match the new layout and after a little "tweaking", there is video output from the SDX boot ROM!

Despite being pretty garbled, you can make out the text from the SDX boot screen which would normally look something like this.
A photo of Martin's test setup . . .

Really just an excuse to promote the MTX to PS/2 keyboard interface adapter that you can see plugged into the MTX keyboard connector!

Here you can see Martin's MTX connected to a PS/2 keyboard, which as an added benefit in this case, allows the upper portion of the MTX case to be completely removed for testing. 
This image shows the VGA output from the emulated 80 column card when controlling it from SDX BASIC, by sending values to the emulated ports for the display generator. 

Writing to the ports as shown below allowed Martin to display the output from the character ROM and set the color attributes as expected. 
For the 80 column card :
   Ports 48 (30h) and 49 (31h) select the memory address
   Port 50 (32h) selects the character in the the alpha or graphics ROM
   Port 51 (33h) controls the attribute byte
With the output being as expected, this suggested that the SDX ROM display corruption could possibly be timing related.
Reading data back from the Testcard display helped identify the issue.

Here you can see The “MFX Test card version 1” text being read back and displayed as "IBX Pasp car' parsiij 1". Looking at the ASCII codes revealed that there was corruption of bits 1 and 2.
The issue turned out to be caused by the way that the development board dedicates some pins to allow for an external reset signal and has pull-ups/downs on some pins that are provided for if the board uses an EP2C8, rather than an EP2C5 Cyclone II which is typically installed.

Reassigning the D1, D2 and D7 data bus signals made a difference - there are a couple of issues, the green " should be a space and the RAM data is actually from the ROM - but this is great progress.
The data coming from ROM, rather than RAM, suggested that there could be an issue with the paging logic. However, the MTX being used for testing had a history of issues, so Martin tried a known good MTX.

As you can see here, the RAM test was now "OK" and the system tried to boot and read the startup string from the SD card. There are still issues, but progress was being made!  
With the system at least reading the SD card, Martin concluded that the SD access part was fine, particularly as Andy’s SD code was unchanged and it was all synchronised to the FPGA clock.

It appeared that it was I/O transfers to or from the FPGA that was being corrupted in some way. To display the boot message, it must have read at least 2 sectors from the right place – the boot sector and the bios sector with the text shown in the above image.

Martin updated the wiring "schematic" with colour coding for the "reserved" pins on the FGPA board.

(The reserved I/O pins reduce those available for MFX use. Whilst not ideal, it would be possible to make these pins available by removing the associated pull-up/pull-down resistors on the FPGA board should it be necessary. This would require minor modification to every development board which is obviously not something that we'd want to do.)
Updated prototype wiring.

The the SRAM chip intended for video memory wired up.

In addition, a 138 decoder has been added for the Wiznet to make it totally independent of the FPGA for testing. One advantage of that is that this way has already been proven to work on NFX.
Looking good !

With some minor optimisation of the VHDL code, here you can see the system booted from the SD card and running CP/M!

You can see one small "glitch" on the screen and intermittent data errors meant that booting sometimes failed, but things were looking good !

One significant difference between ReMemotech and MFX is the requirement for level shifting between the 5v MTX and the 3v FPGA. The external buffer for the FPGA outputs needs to be turned on when needed and the 74HCT245 had a typical cycle time of 20ns - the same as the 50MHz FPGA, so the buffer could potentially have been a whole cycle behind the FPGA.

In an attempt to speed up the transfer, Martin replaced the HCT part with a faster 74F245 which produced some improvement.
Whereas previously NewWord would not successfully load, this screen shot shows NewWord has loaded and is displaying a document when the faster buffer was used.

The issue has not been completely resolved - there are a few character errors which be seen in more detail by opening the full size image. If the issues are down to switching speed, then it is possible that an even faster buffer may help, alternatively, it could be a "noise" issue.
With the F245 parts having apparently made some improvement, Martin decided to try an even faster part - a 74AHCT245. These (A=Advanced ) parts, unlike the "F" family are CMOS, have the right output specs, and are a fraction faster as a bonus.

In an attempt to reduce any "noise", Martin also planned to install some resistors on the data lines.
With "noise" in mind, in order to cut down the amount of unterminated wiring on the board, Martin connected up the Wiznet adapter. After correcting a minor wiring error on the enable signal, the NFX programs for  FTP and HTTP were proven to be working.

With the Wiznet adapter connected, there appeared to be less screen corruption and accessing the SD card appeared to generate fewer errors. However, there were occasional dropped connections to the Windows FTP server, possibly supporting the belief that there were noise issues.

Updated wiring map with minor changes, including
   Correction to the Wiznet enable signal
   VRAM always enabled
   VRAM socket wired for 32k/128k or 512k RAM chips
      (although only 16k currently enabled)

With the hardware wired, Martin could then move on to looking at the VDP, starting with the import of Andy's VHDL code. Some changes were needed as the original assumed 20ns dual ported RAM and that the system could read/write its VRAM at will., whereas MFX was using 55ns single port RAM.

Having the CPU side write only was an advantage, the host VDP would  respond to reads, so the emulated VDP didn't have to. CPU writes could be directed to a 1 byte buffer to be transferred when the state machine had time. (This may be how the real VDP works without the luxury of dual port memory.) The now redundant code to do with VDP interrupts and the status register was also be removed.
Martin observed that the extra “activity” in the FPGA also made the SD and 80 column a little more unreliable.

The faster '245s arrived and were fitted, but had no noticeable impact on the occasional 80 column card output glitches and the SD card reliability, but work continued on the VDP emulation code.

(Once the real problems were diagnosed and resolved as described later, the replacement '245 level shifters were removed and the standard HCT versions were reinstated. The AHCT version's extra transition speed comes with its own problems with ringing, an unnecessary complication which could be avoided.).
Initially, it was text mode only while Martin dealt with the complications of single port RAM. Andy’s code takes advantage of the speed of the local RAM to do all the sprite processing in the horizontal blanking period. Martin couldn't do that as not only is the SRAM a lot slower, access also needed to be shared between the VDP and the CPU.

Although not quite "Ready”, the output was definitely recognisable. The obvious corruption issues were down to missed writes (since the real VDP deals with the reads). 
Understanding why some writes were being missed required some thought. In Martin's words . . . . . . .

The FPGA clock runs as 50Mhz, so each step of a process takes a minimum of 20ns. That’s the master clock for the SD card and the memory. The internal memory works in 1 cycle, the external needs 3 and I’m currently using 4 to guarantee some division between read and write.  

The VGA clock runs at 25Mhz, so has a cycle time of 40ns. Each line is approx. 32us made up of 800 clocks 640 active screen area 160 blank. Andy’s code does all the sprite processing in the blank area.

The pixel clock for the VDP output is half that of the VGA clock (12.5Mhz) because it’s only 256 pixels wide plus the VDP border to fill the rest. That means - theoretically - there’s time to access the VRAM on every pixel displayed.  For text mode, only 2 reads per character are needed. Read the character code and then read the pixel data for the current row of that character.

The CPU clock is 4Mhz, 250ns cycle time. I/O port. It’s not synchronised to the FPGA clock. But the ROM code does honour the VDP data sheet in that VDP writes in text mode are no closer than 8 CPU cycles and in G2 mode 32 cycles.

It should be easy to satisfy those timings. 8 CPU cycles is 2000ns that 25 VDP pixels. So fitting one CPU VRAM access slot for each character position (6 or 8 pixels depending on the mode). Should be more than enough.

[The previous] screen shot was taken with the CPU having 2 slots per character. And there are missed transfers. There must be something else affecting the transfers other than just the memory access slots.

It may be that solving that helps solve the problem with the other I/O. My biggest concern initially was the lack of synchronisation. The start and end of the CPU I/O cycles will never match the FPGA clock, so potentially the could be really small part cycles at the ends as the FPGA views things.

The other issue is the signals pass through 3 different down shifters. Is possible they won’t have exactly the same response times. So on a “runt” cycle some signals might still be changing when the FPGA starts processing the input. Noise on the bus could produce the same result.

One of [the] “tweaks” was to only accept an I/O request if it was active for 2 consecutive cycles, which would hopefully eliminate both noise, and part cycles. But alas, it didn’t solve the problem (yet).
At this point, the VHDL as written, had the possibility of writing to an I/O port more than once. This would not have been a problem if it wrote the same data each time. However, since the clocks aren’t synchronised, this was likely not to be the case.

Martin stopped any early access being part formed and causing corruption, but also needed to put a stop any duplicate accesses and see if that improved things further.  
A complete re-writing of the handling of the I/O ports used by the VDP was done. Martin needed to account for the VDP worst case 15 (of 16) VGA pixels/cycles between the CPU issuing a write, and the VDP having the capacity to action it. - The VDP text display was now flawless!

The re-done code stopped any IO ports being written twice because the CPU is relatively slow compared to the FPGA. (The 80 column board and SD card ports I/O handling would be moved over to the same system to see if that cured the glitches there.)
The text part of Graphics Mode 2 was also working.

Graphics Mode 1 was probably working to, the code ws 80% the same a G2 mode, but not tested at this point.

Until the SD card R/W was working properly, there was no way of testing it. Work on the sprite engine was the next step . . . .  
A sprite test screen. There was some horizontal flicker, which appeared to be interference between the sprite engine and the regular SRAM access sequence.

Martin commented I need to track down the cause as Andy’s source indicates that the sprite stuff should only be active in the vertical blank.

To get round the sprite engine needing a total re-write for single port RAM, I invented a work around. I have one free SRAM access cycle per character cell per row. 384 (192 lines doubled) rows x 32 cells is more than enough to copy a the 2k block of sprite patterns and 128 bytes of attributes to dual port RAM. The sprite engine can then run from the on-board DP RAM at full speed and I’ll only need to edit a few pointers. The initial work is promising there is something getting output. I did manage to confirm it wasn’t the SRAM to DP RAM copy causing those glitches.
Progress of the sprite processing logic . . .

The upper image is the output from the MTX VDP and the lower image is the corresponding image being output to VGA from the FPGA. Though not visible on the images here, there was still a little corruption of the FPGA sprite images.

Parking that issue for the moment, Martin spent some time investigating the corruption in reading data from the SD card. . . .

To get a feel of what was going on, he used PANEL to compare the data read from the CP/M tracks by the SDX ROM with that read by REMEMOTECH.

Having scanned through 400 bytes or so, he found 5 errors, and all 5 were bit 7 being mis-read, both high and low.

As you may recall from above, in order to cater for the board's dedicated I/O pins, the FPGA to CPU D2 and D7 connections were previously moved to the other side of the FPGA which may have had an effect.

To eliminate that as the cause, he moved the D2 and D7 connections to the same bank as the other data bits, and having seen no improvement, Martin put his 'scope on the data to check the signal quality.
The yellow trace is the chip select, the blue is data. The scope was triggering on the first time SD select drops after reset, so in theory it’s doing the low speed device setup before moving to the 25mhz of flat out transfers.

In the upper image, with a relatively slow time base (10ms/div), you can see that the 0v level of the select signal is showing some pretty large spikes some exceeding a volt. The data doesn’t look as bad until you zoom in.

In the middle image, at 500us/div, there is lots of noise apparent on the chip select line and the data looks somewhat messy too.

The the third image, with an even faster time-base (50us/div), you can see that the signal appears to have some horrible spikes all over. With this level of noise, it is probably unsurprising that some data corruption is occurring!

Martin added some 100nF capacitors to the WIZnet and SD card headers and removed the duplicate SD card header wiring.

In this trace, blue is select and yellow the data with a time-base of 250us/div. The data is now very clean - Martin believed that removing the wires and the spare header probably did most of that.
As well as the minor hardware changes, Martin made more changes to the VHDL that should hopefully remove any runt signals from the FPGA if the CPU and VGA clocks happened to be particularly badly aligned.

There was a marked improvement. Here you can see Toado having loaded successfully from the SD card, and . . . .
. . . happily running and displaying its sprites on the VGA monitor.

This is probably a milestone moment! Martin had observed the occasional "flicker", likely sprite related, but felt that a little code optimisation would probably resolve it.

It seemed that as a proof of concept, the MFX project to date had been a success and confidence that an eventual product would result was HIGH !
Likely close to the final design, Martin's latest layout plan, updated to include the extra capacitors and show the data bit connection changes.

At this point, with the design expected to be essentially complete, the FPGA logic was only using around 38% of the available resources and Martin's thoughts turned to how he might utilise that spare capacity

Some potential enhancements were :
  add multi-colour mode and G1.5 that Andy hadn’t implemented
  add in Andy’s math accelerator
  add in some V9938/58 modes, e.g., Text 2 as used by MTXplus
  use the spare pins to have 2 VGA headers instead of one switchable
  use the spare pins for a simple RS232 port

We discussed the pro's and con's of the above and a few other ideas, but nothing was firmed up at this stage.
Additional reboot tests went well, with nice clean start-up and some CP/M side testing done in NewWord.

A few other games were checked with good results, including SMG shown here, which gave Martin some confidence that there weren’t any major clock sync issues.
Oddly, Andy's Turbo managed to break the sprite emulation - the car in the street race level failed to update, so some investigation and further work was required which turned out to be quite straightorward.

It seemed that Andy used G2 mode for the race track and G1 mode for the street race. This highlighted the fact that the G1 sprite code had not been updated when Martin re-wrote the code to reduce the sparkles. One cut and paste and a re-compile later and Turbo was now updating sprites correctly in the street race.

The next step would be to take the CFX codebase, splice in Andy’s SD card routines instead of CF and re-write the 80 column bits to use the “new” display.

One idea that I had for inclusion was to have some sort of SD card activity indication. CFX, CFX-II and REMEMOrizer all have easily visible LEDs to indicate CF/SD "disk" activity. With all of the components of MFX intended to be internal, this was not going to be an option, so I suggested that some sort of on-screen indicator should be included.

We also discussed the media that would be required for the SD card slot. Andy's web pages for REMEMOTECH and REMEMOrizer both suggests that the SD card used should be no larger than 1GB. Cards as "small" as this are becoming less common and we had some concerns about their long term availability (potentially a similar issue to the lack of availability of CF cards). To better understand the 1GB "limit", Martin did some research around SD/SDHC differences and found that

  1 gig or smaller SD cards a guaranteed to have a block size of 1 sector, 512 bytes
  2 gig SD cards report 1024 byte blocks, but should still accept 512 bytes clock read and write commands
  SDHC/SDXC cards use a different sizing system and uses blocks between 4k and 64k

Trying to deblock a card with 64k sectors would be very inefficient; to update update one entry in the directory would mean having to read and write 64k of data - SDHC support was not going to be an option and this likely explains why Andy stipulates cards of 1GB or less.

Since Andy's SD/CF file system only supports 8 x 8MB partitions (64MB), I had envisaged that a 64/128MB would be adequate but Martin pointed out that 512MB would be better as it would allow Andy's HEXTRAIN game to be loaded. This prompted Martin to test its operation on MFX.
When Martin first tried HEXTRAIN, the HTSD version from REMEMOrizer loaded fine and the output from the VDP was as expected. However, screen corruption was evident on the FPGA VGA output.

This game really pushes the MTX to the limit and relies on cramming lots of data for the VDP into the vertical blanking period. To read the details, see Andy's page on the technical details for HEXTRAIN.
For comparison, HEXTRAIN's output from the MTX VDP. The output was perfect, confirming the data was being read from the SD card without issue.
Martin's initial thoughts on HEXTRAIN were that it was an issue with the shadow VDP implementation and very similar to the problems that Andy saw when coding the version for MTXPlus+, i.e., the problems were possibly related to the CPU to VDP memory timings.

For HEXTRAIN, during the horizontal blank Andy pushes pushes more data than when the VDP is drawing the screen. Running on MFX, Martin felt that the problem was almost certainly not the video generation itself, but the corruption of what gets copied into the shadow VRAM and noted that:

A:  I need my CPU to VDP memory access to work at the blanking period rate all the time. There’s no way to synchronise the 2 screens, even if the frame rates were the same, and the default is they’re not!

B: The VHDL needs to be able to cope with partial address updates. Which is one of the tricks Andy mentioned on the MTXplus+ version write up.

Some rough calculations suggested that it was not actually a timing limitation; the shadow VDP access slots for the CPU are 0.64us apart. A Z80 can’t generate requests faster than 2us apart, and even allowing 3 CPU cycles for the time the I/O port is active, there’s still 1.25us inactive, that’s double the required amount.
As noted on Andy's page, HEXTRAIN and a few other games only output the low byte of the VDP address register if the high byte is unchanged. Implementing this feature eliminated the gross errors in the HEXTRAIN video display.

There were still some minor glitches that can be seen if you open the full size version of this image.
Martin had also implemented an on screen disk activity indicator. In 80 column mode, the cursor turns red when the disc is active and for a short time after, just like a real disc activity light.

In VDP mode, the border flashed on the VGA screen. With "standard" MTX games, such as Rolla Bearing, there was a brief border colour change as the game loaded, then it reverted back to the defined border colour once loading completed.
This worked well, however, when used with HEXTRAIN, which constantly accesses the SD card when the game is running, it was distracting. The border “flash” flips the top bit of the border colour when the SD card has been accessed which is why HT is showing red (colour 1 flips with colour 9).

To prevent this, a “switch” was added that enables the VDP border flash. The switch is set by the SDX boot ROM, and cleared by the CPM boot ROM.
When implementing the "flash" feature, Martin found some missing CPU to VDP transfer slots that were causing the odd missed transfer.

Having corrected these, HEXTRAIN issues now seemed to be resolved.
An updated, perhaps final (?), update to the layout plan.

With plenty logic resources still available in the FPGA, logic to decode the I/O address of the WIZnet module was added to the FPGA. The 74HCT138 was no longer required and could be removed.

A final word on the (lack of) Speculator support in MFX. As noted previously, whilst it would have been neat, it has not been included, and is not possible for a couple of reasons. Additional I/O decoding would be required, which, in itself, would probably not have been too much of a problem, but the main issue is the lack of available I/O pins on the FPGA module. Both REMEMOTCH and REMOMOrizer had level shifting capability on all of the FPGA's I/O pins. With the FPGA board used in MFX, level shifting has to be done externally and an additional range of address lines (A9 to A15) would need to have been made available to the FPGA to cater for Speculator's Spectrum keyboard support. Unfortunately, there were not enough spare I/O pins to allow this.
During development, Martin's FPGA board was powered from an external DC PSU. When we checked how Martin's system performed when the FPGA was powered from the MTX, a small amount of "wobble" appeared on the VDP AV output. Martin's MTX has a PS/2 keyboard interface fitted which most users wont have, but provision for an external 5VDC supply was added to the PCB design.
With the design essentially complete and FPGA I/O allocation finalised, it was time to take a closer look at the detail of a suitable PCB design.

Over to Dave for that bit . . . . details will be available here in due course

In the meantime, Martin continued to develop the MTX ROM software that would interface with the FPGA.

The starting point for the firmware used by all of our xFX expansions are Andy Key's SCPM and  MTX SDX BASIC ROMs. Starting with CFX, Martin modified the firmware to support the CFX hardware and added a number of additional USER functions. CFX-II added VGA output and an 80 column option for CP/M and MTX BASIC.

Initial testing of MFX was done using Andy's REMEMOrizer ROM to prove the concept, the next steps were to develop custom firmware for MFX that integrated Martin's previous firmware enhancements and introduced the modifications required to support the MFX hardware as well as enhancements possible with the upgraded hardware. Some possibilities were:

    Additional colours available in 80 column SDX BASIC mode
    Possible introduction of some of the enhanced V9958 graphics modes developed for MTXPlus+

All of these possible enhancements were to be included with the hardware design frozen.
VGA output shadowing the VDP's 40 column text mode, displayed on a wide screen monitor, set to preserve the 4:3 aspect ratio.
An early version of the MFX specific boot ROM VDP output
Corresponding Boot ROM output to VGA

Different versions of the SDX boot screen were needed in CFX-II due to the way that the Parallax Propeller VGA output was configured. For MFX, the VGA output will default to VDP shadow mode when booted into SDX mode, so separate boot screens are not required and this screen never made it into the final build. - Preserved here for posterity !
VGA shadow of VDP output in SDX boot mode

In another change from CFX, the "Searching for boot drive" string has been removed. In CFX, the Compact Flash boot drive only gets searched for on boot, in REMEMOrizer whose SD code has been cloned for MFX , the card's presence is checked at every access.
There have also been some "behind the scenes" changes based on suggestions by Bill Brendling and Andy Key

Readable Page Port Configuration

On the MTX computer, the Page port, (Output Port 0) is used to configure ROM and RAM; paging memory greater than the Z80's maximum address space of 64k in and out of the 64k range as required. As it is output only, its current state cannot be read back by the system. BASIC keeps a copy of the page port in the PAGE system variable, but CP/M has no way of knowing the current page configuration. This makes it difficult for CP/M drivers to make use of routines in ROM. Bill suggested that a shadow copy of the page port could be stored in the FPGA and another I/O address configured that could be used to read it back.

Martin had already created a control port for the FPGA. Since the emulated 6845 CRTC for the 80 column card uses ports 38h and 39h, like the original Memotech 80 column card, Martin thought it logical to use 3Ah for the FPGA control port. He has now created a readable page port at the next address, i.e., 3Bh.

Screen Control Optimisation

The BASIC clear to end of line ROM function prints one space character the required number of times to clear the text to the end of the line. This takes approximately 100 Z80 cycles per character. For the VGA output, it is possible to offload much of the processing for this logic to the FPGA and tell it to execute the character print code "x" number of times. Executing the function using the FPGA means that that each Z80 cycle can print 1 character - a significant increase in speed in that particular scenario on the 80 column BASIC screen.

WIZnet Port Assignment

Andy Key maintains a list of I/O ports used by Memotech and modern day add-on devices. The NFX prototypes used I/O ports A0 to A3 which are also used by REMEMOrizer's arithmetic accelerator. After seeing the NFX prototype, Andy suggested changing the I/O ports used by NFX to unique port numbers. There are only a very limited number of NFX prototypes in the wild, so the impact in changing them for MFX is minor. However, to support different port ranges, Bill has created new versions of NFX.COM, FTPD.COM and HTTPD which have user configurable I/O port address ranges. The port addresses for WIZnet on MFX have now been changed to 90h to 93h.

A Minor Failure

As mentioned above, one possible enhancement was the inclusion of Andy's arithmetic accelerator into MFX. When Martin also looked at this in detail, it turned out not to be possible, Unfortunately, the code required over 5000 logic elements for the accelerator alone - with the FPGA we're using only having a total of 4608 LE's, the accelerator was obviously not going to be an option.
Enhancement - Multi colour sprites

The TMS 9918 used in the MTX supports only single colour sprites to a maximum of four on each scanline (although a multi-colour sprite effect can be created by stacking different colour sprites on top of each other).

 - single colour sprites displayed by the MTX VDP
The TMS9938 introduced multi-colour sprites and Martin has implemented this as an option for the VDP shadow display to the VGA monitor.

The colours are set on a per sprite basis, so even if they use the same patterns as in the screen shot, they can have different colours. It makes it possible to do “MFX enhanced versions” of games, without breaking them on the normal VDP display. Martin has buildable sources for some games and may try customising some games in due course.
Cloned from CFX-II, Martin has implemented an 80 column SDX BASIC text mode for editing, similar to that of CFX-II., but without graphics. This is supported by the USER VGA command
USER VGA x VDP Output VGA Output
0 40 Columns 40 Columns
1 (passive) 80 Columns
With the FPGA having some unused RAM available, I suggested to Martin that we should code a serial number into the FPGA board.

Martin quickly confirmed that this was a trivial task and implemented it, allocating 8 bytes of read only storage, accessible via port 35h.

A short from of the serial number will be presented on the system boot screen - "MA00" in this example
And also displayed in the CP/M bootstrap PROM string

On these screens, the serial number will display customer initials and serial number.

Additional fields in the serial number string will probably be used to record the PCB hardware and firmware revision levels.
Other Video Enhancements

The emulated VDP has a choice of two colour paletts using either 3 or 4 bits per pixel colour. The "rich" palette uses 3 bits per pixel colour and the “historical” palette, more representative of how the MTX video output looked on a TV back in the day, uses all 4. Selection of the palette is done by writing to I/O port 58d (3Ah)

In another throw back to how the MTX VDP output looked back in the day, Martin has implemented a vertical "hum" bar effect in the VGA shadow mode, like you see on the MTX VDP output.

(You will probably need to open the full screen image to see them.)
Now that there were quite a few user configurable parameters for the VGA output, Martin added a USER INFO option to the SDX RM to provide a user friendly way to view these parameters.

In 80 column mode . . .
And 40 column mode
Final (?) version of the MFX Boot Screen.

Although still supported, the Reset <space> option to start MAGROM has been removed. The majority of games on MAGROM are available as disk files, it is unlikely that (m)any users will want to run MAGROM with MFX.

A new "Retro" mode option has been created to invoke the vertical "hum" bars and set the colours to the historical, less-vivid, palette for a more authentic feel when playing games.

At this point, the MFX firmware design was pretty much complete and our focus moved to testing on the initial batch of PCBs that I had manufactured.

Somewhat to my surprise, despite the PCB design have no serious design or manufacturing flaws, when running the firmware on the PCB, a couple of issues came up. The problems and resolutions are described in detail on the MFX Engineering page. Suffice to say, Martin was able to resolve these issues, updated MFX PCBs have now been produced and finished products are now being assembled.





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