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The Memotech MTX Series

Memotech Multi-Function Expansion System

MFX Engineering Changes

MFX Boot Screen

SD Card 80 Column Directory

 one ?)

Engineering Changes

January 2024

This page describes the engineering changes made subsequent to the first shipments of MFX. (The firmware page describes minor enhancements to the firmware, the focus on this page is purely hardware.)

The biggest issue that I experienced when completing MFX boards was supply shortages and the variable quality of the FPGA modules that we used in the design. (in hindsight, it would have been better to use a device that was not so near the end of its production life, but hey-ho!).

When MFX was released, the world was still in the grip of the Covid pandemic and electronic parts that were previously cheap and in plentiful supply suddenly became scarce and correspondingly more expensive. It was hoped that as the global situation improved, things would return to something more like normality, but, even by early 2024, that hadn't happened. The FPGA modules had increased significantly in price, and although many Chinese sellers were advertising as having them in stock, when orders were placed, they frequently failed to deliver, and when they did, the quality was variable, with many having faulty I/O, most likely due to poor quality assembly, or possibly the use of factory reject FPGA chips. Something needed to be done if MFX was going to continue without a major redesign . . . . .

The FPGA module was so common and (supposedly) available from so many different suppliers that I thought that it must have been an Open Source project, at least, originally, and as such, I expected to be able to locate the original design files with a view to having them manufactured and assembled by my usual PCB supplier. Unfortunately, I was not able to find the design for the original board anywhere on the web, however, I did find a possible solution . . . .

Ralf Thelen, the designer of a number of hardware projects for legacy pinball machines, had used the same FPGA development board for a number of his projects and had experienced the same quality issues that I had. As he notes on his website, "Because of this I made a 99% copy of the [Cyclone II Development] board which can be fully assembled by JLCPCB." Ralf described this and included links to his repository containing the design files on this page of his website,

The original development board on the left and Ralf's on the right - good isn't it!

The most obvious difference is that the JTAG port is not fitted, but MFX doesn't need it - programming is done using the ASP port on the left. This made space to place all of the components, including the oscillator and EPROM chip, on the front side of the board which makes the cost of assembly cheaper.

Obviously, this sounded like exactly what I was looking for, but things got even better! Whist supplies of the FPGA seem to be still available, at least in China, the Cyclone II is obsolete and will surely become harder to source before too much longer. I was really pleased when I saw that Ralf had also done a version of the development board with the same form factor for the Cyclone IV FPGA. This chip too is close to "end of life", but should be available for longer than the Cyclone II, with the added advantages that it is more powerful, with additional internal memory and it is actually cheaper than the Cyclone II.

It seemed that the Cyclone II version would allow me to secure my own supply of development boards as a like-for-like replacement for the originals and the Cyclone IV version would also be a "drop-in" replacement with the added benefit that the additional resources might offer scope for further developments for MFX.

Having made contact with Ralf, I have to say how helpful and supportive he has been. At this point, things are at an early stage, but I am actively pursuing this option . . .

Ralf's first Cyclone IV boards were for chips with a BGA package. BGA provides access to more pins than the TQFP package so the development board, would in theory, have more I/O capability, but as this is constrained by the header configuration, the point is moot.

JLCPCB charge more for mounting BGA devices than TQFP, so Ralf changed his design to use TQFP instead. Also note that Ralf has used a USB-C socket for the external power connection.

An aside - A FPGA Module Tester Board

Given the number of Development board failures that I had experienced, I had toyed with the idea of trying to create a diagnostic board. Again, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Ralf had already done exactly that and posted the design on his website with examples of the test output for good and faulty boards. In summary, the board includes 28 SMT LEDs laid out such as to create faux 4 x 7 segment displays. The board first tests these 28 outputs, then uses them to report failures should exercising all of the I/O reveal any faults.

I decided that this would be a great tool to test any FPGA modules that I might get fabricated as well as to try and reveal the exact issues with the faulty modules that I had on hand, and hopefully, be able to detect, and ultimately repair, the hidden defects.

When Ralf had the board fabricated, he already had a supply of the required pin headers, so his BOM did not include them. However, he kindly created a BOM for me with the headers and I used it to get some tester boards fabricated by JLCPCB.

This image is the JLCPCB representation of the Gerber files that I uploaded with my order.

(JLCPCB charge a little more for the "hand soldering and manual assembly" of the through-hole components, such as the headers, but the convenience far outweighs the small additional cost.)
The minimum PCB order was 5 pieces but you can choose to have a smaller number assembled, with a minimum of 2.

Although I wasn't going to need 5 of these, since the biggest elements of the cost were shipping and VAT, I chose to have all 5 assembled anyway. (The extras are available for sale if anyone is interested.)

Ta-da! - One of the assembled boards, ready to test my faulty FPGA boards.
The tester board has already proven its value!

One of my previously faulty boards, now testing as "Good". When first run through the tester, the diagnostics identified that Pin 8 was reading "low" when it should have been "high". (Pin 8 is used by MFX to enable reading of the VRAM.)

Although I had previously examined this board under a magnifying glass, I had not spotted any obvious errors. When the tester found an issue with Pin 8, I managed to reflow the FPGA pin which was enough to repair the fault.

Replacement FPGA Development Board

The original Cyclone II development board was designed to cater for the use of EP2C5 and EP2C8 devices (although all of the boards I've seen appear to have been fitted with the EP2C5). Since the EP2C8 has 4 fewer I/O channels available in the FQFP package, the corresponding four pins (26, 27, 80, 81) on the original development board were tied to either 1.2v or ground via 0 ohm resistors. Another pin (73) was connected to Vcc and ground for use as a power up reset and one pin (17) was connected to the 50MHz oscillator, making the signal available for external use.

These "dedicated" pins could all be repurposed and used as normal I/O by removing the extra components and connections. For MFX, we didn't do this to avoid having to modify every development board before use and invalidating any warranty in the process.

Ralf's Cyclone IV board has omitted these unnecessary components, meaning that it has an additional 6 I/O pins available on the same headers should we chose to modify the MFX design in future.

(The three pins connected to the onboard LEDs (3, 7, 9) and pushbutton (144) have not been modified.)

The Cyclone IV is not a stock item for JLCPCB, so I first needed to pre-buy some chips and store them in my personal inventory before the boards could be ordered. The price of the parts is initially estimated and you pay that estimated price when the parts are ordered. The estimate was quite expensive, but thankfully, when the parts arrived, the price did drop, though I ended up having to pay currency charges to my credit card for both the initial purchase and the refund.

The JLCPCB representation of the assembled board.

I thought that it would be a good idea to make the Cyclone IV board markedly different to the Cyclone II, so, going with a Memotech flavour, I chose the red PCB colour. I think that it will look awesome if I make future runs of the MFX PCB black!
One of the first batch of PCBs back from JLCPCB.

Loaded with a copy of Ralf's updated test program for the EP4CE6, the board passed testing with the Tester board. The next step would be to load the MFX application and see how it fared.
Solder side of the PCB.

As noted above, there are no components on this side, this slightly reduces the cost of manufacture.


Converting the MFX FPGA firmware to Cyclone IV

When the target device is changed in Quartus II, the pin assignments are reset. The best way to mitigate this is to copy the existing Quartus project into a new one and export the assignments before changing the FPGA type. Ralf created a script file that processed the exported assignments and remapped them for the new FPGA pin-out. After changing the FPGA type, the remapped assignments could be imported back into the new project.

The MFX application recompiled without error, but a number of warnings were issued related to the memory configuration. The Cyclone II can configure the memory bits as M4K memory blocks (each block being 4k bits) which have been superseded by the M9K memory type (each block being 9k bits ) in the Cyclone IV. Although the compiler converts the memory type without issue, the M9K type is ideally suited to the configuration of RAM with 8 data bits and 1 parity bit and some of the MFX memory programming may benefit from being modified to use new memory type. However, since the internal structure is essentially an array of single bits, it may make little difference, other than to perhaps code readability.

When the project is compiled, Quartus II produces .pof (Programmer Object File) and .sof (SRAM Object File) files which are used in ASP (Active Serial Programming) mode. After compilation, it is necessary to use the File Conversion utility to create the JTAG .jlc (JTAG Indirect Configuration) file used to program the EPCS16 serial configuration device on the board. (Serial configuration devices are flash memory devices with a serial interface that can store configuration data for FPGA devices that support active serial configuration and reload the data to the device upon power-up.)

The Cyclone FPGA supports various output pin current drive settings that can be configured to meet the specification of the connected logic devices and to reduce system noise. The available settings for each pin depend on the physical location that the pin occupies on the package. The tables below are extracted from the Cyclone Handbooks, the available current settings for the EP2C5 are shown one the left  and the available settings for the EP4CE6 are shown on the right.

In both cases, the default current strength setting for a particular pin is the maximum available setting for the I/O standard and pin position.

It can be seen that the available drive currents for the EP4CE6 are much reduced from the EP2C5

For MFX, the FPGA is interfaced to both 3.3V LVTTL and 3.3V LVCMOS devices and during development, it was found that the output drive currents had to be reduced to the minimum in a number of cases to increase the stability of the system, so the reduced drive currents available in the Cyclone IV E were not expected to present a problem..

Programmer Issues

I was able to program the device in JTAG mode using the same cheap USB Blaster clone that I used to program the Cyclone II device. This programmer was purchased a few years ago and works fine in ASP or JTAG mode. However, many of the programmers that are currently available from China, though they appear visually identical, reportedly do not work in JTAG mode. Again, Ralf Thelen has some useful info on his site about this issue, but in short, most of the cheap clone devices currently available use a CH552 MCU with an integral USB host that only works in ASP mode, at least, when programming Cyclone FPGAs. (These devices don't have a visible crystal oscillator but the CH552 does have a 24MHz oscillator on the chip.)

To make sure that it would be possible for others to program the Cyclone IV board, I bought a bunch of the generic USB Blasters from AliExpress which turned out to be the CH552 model and, as expected, did not work in JTAG mode, the Quartus II Programmer utility failing with the message "209040 Can't access JTAG chain", so I needed to find an alternative.

Martin bought his original Cyclone II development board from Hobby Components, along with a Hobby Components "Altera FPGA/CPLD USB Programmer". The package looks identical to the other USB Blaster clones apart from the Hobby Components label. These devices are still available and listed on their website as "USB Blaster compatible" and, having some confidence that the claims made on a UK website would have some worth, I bought one of these to test and confirmed that it did work in both ASP (with Cyclone II) and JTAG (with Cyclone IV) modes.


I inspected the internals of the three devices that I had tried . . .

The major components in the cheap clones from AliExpress were the CH552 type, with resistors on the outputs to the JTAG lines.

The rest of the components are a 662K LDO regulator and supporting capacitors to step the 5V USB voltage down to 3.3V for the FPGA.

There are no components on the reverse side of the PCB.
My original programmer was identical to the STM32 device with the green PCB on Ralf's site, including the STM32, 8Mhz oscillator and HC244.

(All of the working Blasters on Ralf's site include a '244 (level shifter/buffer) on the outputs to the JTAG lines - could that be the difference?)
The reverse side of the PCB has quite a few passive components fitted, including the capacitors for the AMS1117 3.3V LDO regulator and resistors on the JTAG lines.
The Hobby Components device was much more basic than my old version, the layout was very similar to the AE clones, it had a 16 pin chip that had had its surface etched to remove its identification.

I suspect that it probably did use a CH552 as there was no external oscillator fitted and the chip footprint was the same. However, there was a LC244A fitted on the JTAG lines.

(NB: Bill bought a Blaster from Hobby Components some time ago, it did not work at all. It used a PIC18 but was of a different design to the one on Ralf's site.)
There are no components on the reverse side

The FAQ on the Hobby Components support forum advises that the programmer "is not a general purpose JTAG programmer and will only program Altera devices in the supported list". This may help explain why so many of the USB Blasters are advertised as being JTAG compatible without being swamped with returns (maybe they are?); perhaps they are capable of being used with other, non-Altera devices to the purchaser's satisfaction or the buyers are only using ASP and don't encounter the JTAG issue?

The other solution known to work is the Waveshare USB Blaster V2. These devices are available from Amazon but in the UK cost around £35 - about 3x the price of the Hobby Components version. This device uses hardware much closer to the original Altera device, i.e., a FT245 (USB interface), a CPLD (an Altera EPM3064A) and a 244 (LVC244A) buffer/line driver.

It seems probable that the reason the very cheap clones don't support JTAG is the use of simple resistors, rather then proper level shifters/buffers, on the outputs. Another possibility is that the clock speed is too high for the Altera JTAG interface that's supposed to run relatively slowly (6Mhz). Either way, it doesn't really matter, the important thing is knowing which ones actually work.


Initial Results

Despite my confidence that the Cyclone IV FPGA board would work well, initial results were somewhat disappointing. Whereas the emulated VDP output from the Cyclone II board produced a crisp, clean, signal on my VGA monitor, output from the Cyclone IV board produced noticeable "hum bars" reminiscent of the legacy VDP monitor output. Results appeared to depend on the VGA monitor being used though, Martin observed similar results to me using his LCD display while Bill could barely detect a difference with his LCD monitor and saw no adverse effects at all with his analogue VGA monitor.

Although this was not a major problem, I felt any loss of display quality was a step backwards and needed to be addressed.

A number of theories were discussed that might explain the issue, including inadequate I/O decoupling, power supply effects and VRAM access timing.

Although the FPGA board has very few decoupling capacitors on the I/O lines, there are no loess than on the Cyclone II board and the Altera Cyclone IV Design Guidelines (AN592) advises that "Cyclone IV devices include on-die decoupling capacitors to provide high-frequency decoupling. These low-inductance capacitors suppress power noise for excellent signal integrity performance and reduce the number of external PCB decoupling capacitors, saving board space, reducing cost, and greatly simplifying the PCB design." Martin also tried tacking on some additional capacitors which had no effect on the display quality.

Another thought was the rate at which the VRAM signals were changing and potential signal slew issues. There was limited ability to change the signal transition behavior on the Cyclone IV; the slew rate on LVCMOS pins cannot be changed from the default. In an attempt to confirm that it was a VRAM (rather than VGA) signal issue, Martin created a test build that used internal FPGA RAM, rather than the external VRAM, as the video data buffer which resulted in the VGA output being more like that of the Cyclone II board's quality.

However, this could not provide the final solution as, despite its increased RAM over the EP2C5 (having13kB),  the EP4CE6 (with 30kB) does not have enough available RAM to cater for the expanded video modes created by Bill (a total of 36kB were required). This left two options, either drop the enhanced video modes (another retrograde step), or consider upgrading the FPGA to a higher spec Cyclone IV.

The next model up in the Cyclone IV range (the EP4CE10) is available in the same pin-out as the EP4CE6 and includes 46kB of RAM. So, another set of FPGA boards were ordered with the higher spec FPGA.

Second Attempt

When getting a set of boards made with the EP4CE10 fitted, I also used a right angled connector for the programming header. Not having the programming header on the MFX board was a conscious decision when the board was designed. It is not an issue for users, but does make it somewhat awkward to reprogram the FPGA during development.

The JLCPCB representation of the assembled board.

Sticking with the Memotech Red theme, see how the programming header now extends to the side of the board.
Updated board back from JLCPCB with an EP4CE10 fitted

Unfortunately, I did not check the clearance between the right angled header and the SD card slot header on the MFX PCB and found when the boards arrived, that it would still not be possible to reprogram the board in situ - oops!

The good news is that that that board works well, with all of the required memory now available inside the FPGA. The change is almost cost neutral; although the larger FPGA is more expensive, the external VRAM and socket can be omitted. Getting these boards produced myself will end up a little more expensive that using the cheap Cyclone II boards, but the quality and reliability makes the small increase in cost acceptable (to me anyway). 

Form over Function?

As I mentioned earlier, I thought that the red FPGA boards would look really cool on a black MFX main board, so I had a small batch made to check it out . . . .

The bare PCB.

With the ambient light at the time and the reflections, it's not a great photo, but it's hopefully good enough to show how nice the black PCB is.

As an aside, Martin noted how much more difficult it is to trace the track routing with the copper obscured by the black mask, but that's not really an issue once the design has been proven.
A mock up of how the final board would look - one of the EP4CE6 modules placed on the PCB.

Do you think that it looks as good as I do ?
Fully populated with MFX components  

I think that the black PCB with red FPGA board looks great and matches the colour scheme that Memotech used for the MTX, it's almost a shame that MFX is hidden inside the case! In terms of features though, the Cyclone IV version currently doesn't offer much beyond what the Cyclone II version delivers, other than perhaps some additional expansion potential. However, we have been unable to think of anything that can easily be added to the current design, so, if you have any ideas, let us know . . . . .


Expansion Potential ?

With the MFX VRAM chip no longer being required, the 25 FPGA I/O pins connected to the VRAM socket are freed up and available for other purposes. There was a brief discussion on the Memotech forum on possible uses for the additional I/O and logic resources, some suggestions were :-

  • Z80 DART emulation to facilitate adding RS232 connectivity
  • Floating Point Accelerator (as in REMEMORizer)
  • Additional monitor support to allow simultaneous VDP and 80 column card output
  • Direct Memory Access (DMA) between the SD card and the Z80
  • Upgraded sound output
  • A to D / D to A interfaces
  • Digital I/O (GPIO) chip
  • Real Time Clock (RTC) chip with battery back up

The majority of these ideas would require changes to the MFX PCB but using the connections to the VRAM socket there are some possibilities, albeit that, since there are no level shifters on these connections, anything connected to the VRAM socket pins needs to use the 3.3VDC levels used by the FPGA.

The simplest, and potentially most useful, modification is probably a Real Time Clock. Martin had bought some 3v RTC modules based on the DS3231 and made a small adapter board to connect it to the VRAM socket. He modified the FPGA code to support the RTC and added USER commands to the MFX ROM to facilitate its operation from MFX BASIC.

Having the RTC opens up other possibilities, including the option for Bill to enhance his FATCOPY program to include time-stamps when creating files on the FAT partition. Going further, if CP/M 3 was ported to MFX, file time stamps would be possible on the CP/M side too.   

The RTC module shown here is widely available from many sellers with quite a few different product labels such as MH, ZS042, SPX, etc. but the design is the same.

The main components are a DS3231 RTC and a AT24C32 EEPROM chip. The modules are typically advertised as being suitable for 3.3V or 5V operation.

They may be supplied with a CR2032 non-rechargeable coin cell, a LIR2032 chargeable cell, or no cell at all.
The schematic for the RTC module is shown here.
However, there is a fundamental flaw in the design of the simple "charging" circuit. The battery is connected to the supply voltage through a diode and a resistor, feeding a slightly reduced supply voltage to the cell - this is a really bad idea when using a non-rechargeable battery
Some modules are supplied with a LIR2032 rechargeable cell, but that is not a solution to the problem. Using a 5V supply, even allowing for the presence of the diode, the charging voltage is slightly too high for the LIR2032. With a 3V supply, the charging voltage is much too low. So, there's little point in using the more expensive rechargeable cell and the best course of action is to break the connection between Vcc and the cell and use a CR2032.

The easiest way to prevent feeding Vcc to the cell is to remove the resistor or diode in the Vcc line to the cell - the components shown at the upper right of the photo above.







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