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The Memotech MTX Series

Memotech Multi-Function Expansion System

MFX Support

MFX Boot Screen

SD Card 80 Column Directory
Operator's Guide Revision Firmware Rev
1.21 (02/24) 13:15 14/01/24
  1.14 (02/24) 167
1.02 (09/22) 134


This page is intended to provide a brief overview of the main features available with MFX, for a detailed discussion of how to use MFX, please refer to the Operator's Guide. Whilst I am always happy to help with any problems or answer any questions, I have spent considerable time on the Operator's Guide, so please refer to it first.

The Operator's Guide contains most of the content from the original FDX manual so runs to ~150 pages, but the Contents and Index should allow you to quickly navigate the sections that you are most interested in - likely the SDX like functions that you'll use from BASIC.

NB: The gentle hint above doesn't seem to have had any effect; it's obvious that some people just can't be bothered to read a document and would rather someone answered every question for them. I may be (OK, I AM!) getting less patient in my old age, and I don't have the time to personally answer every question whose answer is covered in a manual that took me many hours to complete. From here on, my email response to questions that are answered in the manual will simply be a reference to the relevant page or section number in the manual.

I am of course, happy to provide answers to questions that are not covered, or where the text in the manual is unclear.

Alternatively, you may wish to pose a question on the Memotech Users's Forum. Please do not post questions or answers to technical questions in the Facebook group - Facebook is not a suitable vehicle for handling technical issues.


Boot Options

If no keys are pressed when the MTX is powered on or the system is reset, the MFX ROM will play an introductory chime and display the welcome banner on the MTX VDP output and on the VGA output from the MFX card. The welcome banner will display the amount of RAM detected, the type of CPU fitted (NMOS or CMOS) and present the available options for starting the system.

Pressing the <RET> key will enter MFX BASIC or the user can system press and release the RESET keys while holding down one of the listed keys to restart the system in one of the optional modes.

  • Reset while holding the "c" key restarts the system in 80 column CP/M mode

  • Reset while holding down the "m" key restarts the system in MTX mode (no "disk" support)


CP/M Mode

This is a full implementation of CP/M 2.2 as used by Memotech's FDX/SDX CP/M systems and recreated by Andy for REMEMOTECH and REMEMOrizer. The full suite of CP/M programs is described in the MFX Operator's Guide; the most commonly used programs are summarised in the following table

Executable Description Comments
Memotech CP/M Files Initialises the command startup string Displays the status of (emulated) disk drives or files Copies the CP/M system to the target disk  
Custom CP/M Files (Andy Key) Configures the available disk drives (SD partitions and RAM disc) Formats SD card partitions and/or RAM disk  
MFX Specific CP/M Files (Bill Brendling) Start the MFX Web Server Start the MFX FTP Server  Transfer files between MFX SD card CP/M and FAT partitions  Details 



This is an enhanced version of the BASIC supplied by Memotech for the SDX disk system. It includes many of the enhancements made by Andy Key for REMEMOrizer as well as additional features made available with MFX.

Entering "USER HELP" will display a brief summary of the available commands. The most used commands are briefly described below, but for a full description of their purpose and usage,  please refer to the Operator's Guide. 

User Command Description Example Syntax
Unmodified SDX Commands
USER DIR Lists disk contents USER DIR "*.BAS"
USER ERA Erases disk file(s) USER ERA "FILE.EXT"
USER STAT Displays disk and file status USER STAT
REMEMOrizer Additions
MFX Additions
USER DIR Lists disk contents USER DIR "[d:]*.BAS"
USER DRIVE Change logged drive for SDX USER DRIVE "D:"
USER HELP Display the available MFX USER commands
USER INFO Display status information from the MFX FPGA and ROM
USER VGA Switch between 40/80 columns USER VGA0 (40 columns. 24 rows)
    USER VGA1 (80 columns, 24 rows)
    USER VGA2 (80 columns, 48 rows)


Retro Mode

This is functionally the same as MFX BASIC mode but the VGA output has some minor tweaks to better reflect the look of the VDP output on a colour TV as you might remember it back in the '80s. The display includes vertical "hum" bars like you would see back in the day and the colour palette better represents that which you might have seen on your TV back then. From firmware version 01/01/24, this mode is no longer accessible from the boot menu but can be enabled by writing to the correct output port from SDX BASIC (see the manual).


SD Card Contents

The SD card distributed with MFX will contain a large selection of software, including many games files. The actual contents are likely to change over time as I refine the content. I think that the best way to publish the current content is to place it on line. Please download it as an Excel spreadsheet. The file will have a "last modified" date which, depending on when your MFX was shipped, may or may not reflect the contents of YOUR SD card.

Bitly shortcut


SD Card Image
See Operator's Guide for image manipulation tips
Version 240101  Latest release (no significant changes) 
Version 230226 Updated to include executable for HEXTRAIN on SDHC card
Version 220917 First Release
CP/M 3 For MFX with Cyclone II (the Blue FPGA PCB)
MFX Development has resulted in migration to using the more powerfull Cyclone IV FPGA. One of the benefits of this enhancement is that it frees up the VRAM socket and allows a Real Time Clock to be installed in place of the VRAM.
CP/M 3 includes RTC support for file time/date stamping and Martin has now ported CP/M 3 to MFX.
Taking full advantage of CP/M's features requires the presence of the RTC that is not available to MFX users with the Cyclone II FPGA installed.
However, for users of Cyclone II MFXs, CP/M 3 can be loaded as an executable file from the CP/M 2.2 partition. A new SD card image is required (below) but no firmware changes are needed, ie., the existing GAL, ROM and FPGA code do not need to be updated.

To allow this option to run on all MFXs shipped to date, this image does not include support for FAT partitions that was introduced in the 140124 firmware release. Since partitioning is not supported, there are no hoops to jump through to configure a multi-format card that can be the case when partition support is to be used, all that is neeeded is to write the image to a SD or SDHC (ROM version 140124 and later) card and boot the system into CP/M 2.2 as normal.
The executable file to start CP/M 3 is called GO3.COM, it is not pre-installed on the card and should be FTPd to the image once the system boots.
Version 250216 First Release of CP/M 3 card image image for Cyclone II boards
Unzip and write to a blank SD card
Version 250216 First Release of GO3.COM to start CP/M 3 from a CP/M 2.2 disk
Unzip to PC, rename to include the .COM extension and FTP over to your MFX running CP/M 2.2


Customised End Plate 3D Models

Martin has produced a model (.stl) for a 3D printed end plate with suitable apertures for the WIZNet module, VGA connector, external power source and SD card slot. End plates can be supplied with MFX but it is recognised that some users may prefer to print their own, perhaps in more exotic materials. To that end, the 3D model file is available to MFX purchasers on request.




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