The Memotech MTX Series |
PAL Reader / Decoder for

PAL Reader Software
You can see details of the design and construction of my prototype
on this page.
The Reader is based on 4 x 74LS163 4-bit binary counters
which are used to generate each of the possible 16384 input
combinations to the PAL. The counters are controlled by the host
computer using two outputs to control the counter clock (CLK) and reset (CLR)
signals and four inputs to read back the corresponding output states
from the PAL.
The 74LS163 has two counter enable inputs, "ENP" and "ENT",
both of which must be enabled to count, as well as a "ripple
carry output" (RCO) used to enable successive cascaded stages.
To generate the 16384 input combinations, four counters are
required, using 14 of the available 16 bits. The "ENP" and "ENT"
inputs of the first counter are held "high" which enables the
counter at every clock pulse from the computer. The "ENP" and "ENT" bits for the
subsequent counters are set by the RCO of the preceding counter
as shown below:

When counters IC1 to IC3 reach their maximum count (15) and
"roll-over", the corresponding RCO bit is pulsed to increment
the next counter in the chain. The individual counter output
bits are fed to the 14 inputs, I0 to I13,
of the PAL whose 4 output bits are fed to 4 inputs of the
computer I/O port.
Computer Program for CP/M, PALRD.COM
The program first synchronously sets the active low
CLR signals to low, clearing the counters,
and the CLK signal
high, generating a "0000" pattern on the counters. 16383
subsequent CLK low-high transitions (with
CLR held
high) "clock" the counter to generate each of the
possible 16384 input combinations to the PAL. After each counter
increment, the computer reads the state of the PAL outputs to
determine the output state for a given input combination.
The program then attempts to analyse the 16k states to find the product
terms that generate outputs and remove the redundant terms,
these can run into many thousands and whilst it is conceptually
simple, requires a not insignificant programming effort to
implement. To save on programming time, CP/M disk routines are
not supported and the CP/M "SAVE" command is used to
write the data to disk as either a Binary or Text file. The
program prompts the user to save a number of memory blocks to
file, for binary files, the user is prompted to "SAVE 64" blocks
(16kbytes) to disk, the number of blocks required to store the
logic expressions in text format depends on the relative
complexity of the logic, but the program advises the user of the
required number.
The Binary file allows the PAL to be read once only, then
replaced in its socket. The PAL program can be decoded from the
Binary at any later time on any system with the appropriate
Since the PAL decoder board does not know the
names or functions of the individual PAL input pins, the program can only
produce generic equations of the form :
/Output 1 = Input 1 *
/Input 2 * Input n . .
. .
e.g., /PIN17 = PIN2 * /PIN3 * /PIN4
* /PIN5 * PIN6 * PIN8 * /PIN9 * /PIN12
In this example, the output is a
function of a single "AND" term
Using the relevant board circuit diagram to
determine the function of the PAL input pins, you can then
manually translate the equations into the more usual form,
such as :
/CE = A13 * /A14 * /A15 * /MREQ * R0
* R1 * /R2 * /RELCPMH
In the second example, the output is
a function of the simple "OR" of two inputs
Note : |
not available for download.
Whilst it is beyond my abilities, for anyone
with a knowledge of Z80 assembler and CP/M,
writing the code to to exercise the PAL and
write the resultant data to a binary file should
be relatively simple.
Depending on whether you have access to
PALRD.COM, analysis of the resultant
binary file can be achieved in two ways,
as described below. |
Design Verification
To verify that the PAL Reader was correctly reading the logic
and creating the correct PALASM equations, a PAL (GAL) with a
known configuration was read and processed by PALRD.COM. Andy
had previously sent me a GAL to replace the one on my RS232
board should I ever want to run REMEMOrizer with the serial card
installed. The "raw" equations produced were "translated" into
the expected form by referring to the RS232 circuit diagram and
the resulting equations compared to the expressions in the
REMEMOrizer equation source file.
You can see the results of the
in this document, but the outcome was that the PAL was
successfully read and decoded, suggesting that the hardware and
software were working correctly.
Further Development
However, whilst generation of the binary file containing the logic
outputs was reliable, it was found that the equations
produced by the PALRD program, though
apparently correct for most PALs, when used with PALs having
more complex equations, could generate extraneous terms. Until
the obscure error causing this behaviour was identified+, Tony
developed a work-around, allowing the binary file to be analysed
using an external program on a PC. Tony found that a
tool called Logic Friday was
ideal for finding minimised equations from the binary file,
after formatting it for Logic Friday.
Decoding of the PAL then became a four stage operation :
- PALRD.COM generated a binary file
containing the output states for all of the possible logic
input states.
program, PALRD.BAS, formatted the binary file
into a
CSV file for processing by Logic Friday
- Logic Friday re-wrote the .CSV
file to save minimised equations
- PALRD.BAS formatted the Logic Friday
.CSV into a text file containing more readable equations.
PALRD.COM has now been modified to correctly
generate the PAL logic equations, but, providing that you can
generate the binary file as described, the mechanism of
analysing the file externally is described as
Option 2. Again,
PALRD.BAS is not available for download, but the program
description under Option 2 should allow you to
generate a suitable file for processing by Logic Friday
and find the PAL equations.
+ As it
turns out, the "obscure error" was caused by a bug in
MyZ80, the Z80
emulator that Tony used to develop PALRD.COM.
MyZ80 is a widely used, fully featured, Z80 emulator
for PCs, it is available on my
CP/M emulators
page. Version 1.11 of MyZ80 does not correctly execute the Z80 "RES
1,C" and "RES 1,B"
instructions. Tony uses the "RES 1,B" instruction
in PALRD.COM and upgrading his version of MyZ80 to
Version 1.24 has resolved the issue with PALRD.COM.
Analysis of the
binary file
As described above, there are two options for determining the
PAL equations
Option 1 - Using PALRD.COM
- the method that I use
Option 2 - Generate your own
binary file and process it on PC