The Memotech MTX Series |
David Netherwood
From his "Linked in" biography and e-mail

David Netherwood
David Netherwood worked for Memotech's in-house software arm,
Continental Software, developing educational
software before the release of the Memotech MTX.
Robert Branton introduced David to the wife
of one of his friends who had a background in education (Helen Reidy),
David and Helen developed First Letters, and probably
Word and Picture.
David recalls that when working on First Letters,
the biggest challenge was to fit as many pictures in as possible
without running out of memory. "Each image was 16x16
[characters] and I devised a way of smoothing them a little,
which at the time I though looked charming, but now looks awful.
The images themselves were done by me, you may have noticed, I'm
not an artist They were done on a paper grid and hand transcoded
into hex values. I seem to recall there was an art department,
but I don't recall it being involved."'

David went on to work on software for the
Memotech FDX floppy disk
David also recalls that working for Memotech was anything but
lucrative! He and David Fazackerley (Maths-1,
Physics-1, Reversi) had to negotiate a pay rise within his
first few months with the Company to reach even a barely
acceptable salary. David worked for Memotech for around one year
from January 1983 to January 1984, feeling that his position at
Memotech did not offer job security, and given an opportunity to
join the much more successful
Research Machines, also based in Oxford, he joined RM and
wrote demonstration software for the
Research Machines Nimbus PC. David has gone on to develop a successful career in IT
and is now a Senior Developer with
David's career is described on his "Linked in" profile
and summarised below :-
Senior Developer,
BSkyB, March 2003 -
Present : Development of interactive TV applications
Various contract
roles, including :
Developer, Go Interact TV, February 2002 – March 2003 :
Development of interactive TV applications
Technical Lead Developer, Systems Union, May 2001 –
January 2002 : Technical Lead on an accounting system
Developer, ORACLE,
September 1999 – April 2001 : Working on an Interactive TV
Securicor IS, August 1998 – July 1999 : Working on an
Information System for the Police
Developer, ORACLE,
October 1997 – July 1998 : Working on an Interactive TV product
Software Development
Manager, Intelligent Micro Solutions, March 1990 – September
1994 : Development team manager
Team Leader,
IMS International (Dunne & Bradstreet), July 1987 – March
1990 : Leading a team of software developers
Team Leader, Lion
System Developments, July 1986 – September 1987 : Leading a
small team of software developers
Junior Developer,
Research Machines, January 1984 – June 1986 : Wrote
demonstration software for the RM PC
Junior Developer,
Memotech, January 1983 –
January 1984 : Wrote educational software for the MTX