The Memotech MTX Series |
Multi-Effect Video Wall - Example 2
An example Video Wall configuration, based on the hardware that
I bought off ebay in 2013 and my best guess of how it might
have been assembled. As noted on my
Video Wall photos page, I
think that I have components from two different systems -
this is the second one.
I think that it was a 8 x 8 Video Wall, using three
Decoder/Distribution Amplifiers, 8
Distributed Digital Frame Stores, a Reflex
Controller and a remote computer, which may, or may
not, have been a Memotech MTX computer. (Later Video Wall
systems could be controller by IBM PCs and compatibles.)
The 128 screen Video Wall installed in the Olympia
Centre, East Kilbride - then the largest Video Wall
in Europe, would probably have been made up of
double the equipment shown here. The central 64 screen
portion of the Olympia display is shown above - click on the
image to see the full 128 screen layout.