- A Game High score competition - any
suggestions for the choice of game(s) ?
- Claus will (hopefully) demo a new game
conversion for MTX
- Andy will (hopefully) demo his NEW game for
- Memotech Hospital - if you are bringing any
broken MTX kit ?
- If not, I have a few outstanding
jobs of my own to keep the doctors busy!

Feel free to suggest any
other topics or volunteer to lead something
interesting !
Soft drinks and snacks available throughout the
Hopefully, we can cover most things on the
Saturday, but I am quite happy to roll over into the
Sunday, although I know that some folks will be
travelling home early on Sunday, so may not have
time to come back out to the house. However, I know
a couple of folks will still be around on Sunday,
so, if there is any interest,
we can continue the "geek-meet" as time allows.