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The Memotech MTX Series


2013  2014  2015  Memofest 2016


Date : 29th/30th October 2016


"Confirmed" attendees to date : 6 (+ me)

Venue : Aberdeen

Projected Attendance 



See the thread on Memorum

Memofest 2016

A list of potential exhibits from my collection is shown below - the biggest constraint is space !
Item Status
MTX512S2+"New" SDX with single 3.5" disk Fully Functional
MTX512 with MAGROM+CFX, or REMEMOrizer Fully Functional
MTX2000 (disconnected from Video Wall system) Fully Functional
MTXPlus+ Prototype Fully functional
MTX PI Fully Functiomal
VideoWall hardware for 4x4 System (single monitor) Fully functional (I think!)
Available - with prior notice  
My original MTX512+FDX, upgraded to 3.5" disks Fully functional
MTX512+"Old" SDX with twin 3.5" disks Fully Functional
HxC Floppy Disk Emulator, attached to FDX or SDX Fully functional
DMX80 Printer Fully Functional
PAL Reader - decodes MTX PALs Fully Functional
Miscellaneous Video Wall hardware Various

DRAFT AGENDA - Suggestions to webmaster 
A few ideas for how we might fill the days are shown below.

Things will be pretty fluid, but I wanted to try and highlight a few things that we should try to cover over the two days. Ongoing activities throughout the event will probably include :- 
  • A Game High score competition - any suggestions for the choice of game(s) ?
  • Claus will (hopefully) demo a new game conversion for MTX
  • Andy will (hopefully) demo his NEW game for MTX
  • Memotech Hospital - if you are bringing any broken MTX kit ?
    • If  not, I have a few outstanding jobs of my own to keep the doctors busy!

Feel free to suggest any other topics or volunteer to lead something interesting !

Soft drinks and snacks available throughout the day

Hopefully, we can cover most things on the Saturday, but I am quite happy to roll over into the Sunday, although I know that some folks will be travelling home early on Sunday, so may not have time to come back out to the house. However, I know a couple of folks will still be around on Sunday, so, if there is any interest, we can continue the "geek-meet" as time allows.

Saturday 29th October
    From To  Lead
Arrival / Registration 09:00 11:00 --
Site Tour (a quick look around Dave's MTX stuff) 10:00 11:00 Dave
Video Wall Demo - (hardware willing)    11:00 11:30 Dave
Demo of Andy's REMEMOtech  11:30  12:00  Andy 
Demo of Bill's latest MTX hardware project 12:00 12:30  Bill
Lunch - probably a buffet of some description  12:30 13:30  Nicola
MTXPlus+ Prototype Demo    13:30 14:30 Dave
Demo of Claus's latest game conversion for MTX 14:30 15:00 Claus
Cake Fest 2016 -  the cake has been ordered ! 15:00 15:30  Nicola
Demo of Andy's NEW game for MTX    15:30 16:00  Andy 
The inner workings of Andy's new game !

 - Laptop Demo showing source code & other tools
  16:00  17:30  Andy  
Paul has a little something to show us    17:30  18:00  Paul 
Memotech Hospital - Part 1    18:00  18:30  All 
Dinner - home made chilli 18:30  19:30  Nicola 
Or, naysayers may need to make do with Pizza ! !  
Refreshments / "Networking" / etc. 19:30  late?   Dave
Sunday 30th October
Reconvene ! - Vegetarians speak up now !  09:30 10:00  Nicola
Memotech Hospital - Part 2    10: 00 12:00  All
Open   12:00 12:30  tbc
Lunch - probably a buffet of some description   12:30 13:30  Nicola
Open 13:30 14:30  tbc
Open 14:30  15:30  tbc
Open 15:30  close  tbc


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