The Memotech MTX Series |
Chris Marvell
Portions from Steve Marchant's e-mail to
Andy Key

Chris Marvell
(Designer of the HRX)
SM> I think they [Geoff Boyd & Robert Branton] just wanted to broaden their product range to
cover business machines as well as gaming machines,
unfortunately their timing wasn't ideal and although they later
briefly employed me and my colleague Chris Marvell to design a
32-bit workstation this never came to anything as the IBM PC had
by then completely asserted its dominance.
Memotech folded soon after and I went back to Nottingham Uni to
work in the Cripps computing centre. (Incidentally the same
place Robert Branton had worked for a while previously) Chris
and I started a consultancy company at this time which ended up
as RX Technology - to cash in on the emerging market for photo
souvenirs of thrill riders at theme parks, with technology based
on Chris's amazing HRX
graphics system. The company, now known as
Picsolve but no longer
run by us, is the world No. 1 in its field.
From "Laser Focus World", December 15, 1991 in (The 1992 Buyers
Guide, Directory, Manufacturers, Laser industry), quoted from
"Amtronics Inc, PO Box 24190, New Orleans, LA 70184;
504-831-0691, FAX 504-831-0969 pres, D. Rex Gay; vp r&d,
Dr. Chris Marvell; 1986 Develops and manufactures
the HRX[R] Digital Imaging
System for advanced, high resolution, full color,
real-time image processing. HRX[R] technology, with image
Management Systems and Picture Data Base, is the basis for
integrated systems in the medical imaging+, security/surveillance
and amusement park industries."
Amtronics Inc. registered a US
TradeMark for HRX
in 1989, the Trademark filing notes that first use of the term
HRX was in February 1985, this is consistent with development of
the technology with Memotech. The description was "Goods and
Services: imaging system comprising an imaging board, computer
chips for image capture, storage, processing and display used
with computer software."
I wonder if it's Chris's photo in the Memotech factory in the
Creative Computing Review
in 1984?
It sounds like there is some truth in the statement on the
Memotech MTX page that "Some of the Memotech inventions
still lived on, as several employees took some of Memotech's new
video editing systems for televisions back to the USA, where
they are believed to have ended up at Silicon Graphics".
consultants Ltd, 1985 - Present
+HRX in Medical Imaging
One use for the Amtronics HRX system is described in
this entry in Google Books for "Liposomes"
by Nejat Duzgunes (ISBN 0-12-182276-1), in relation to the analysis
of liposomes by the HRX image processing system.
The relevant section is "Visualization
of the Retinal and Choroidal Microvasculature by Fluorescent
Liposomes" used in the study of
age-related macular degeneration, the specific reference to
the HRX is on page 228.