The Memotech MTX Series |
UPS Tracking details for Altera DE1 shipped from Thief River
Falls, Minnesota to Aberdeen, UK.
(All times below are
relative to British Summer Time, BST).
03/07/2012 17:50
(BST-6) Order processed by UPS, Thief River Falls, Minnesota
03/07/2012 16:42
(BST-6) Entered into UPS system, Thief River Falls, Minnesota
03/07/2012 19:23
(BST-6) Departed UPS, Thief River Falls, Minnesota
03/07/2012 19:41
(BST-7) Arrived UPS, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
03/07/2012 22:23
(BST-7) Departed UPS, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
04/07/2012 01:10
(BST-5) Arrived Louisville, Kentucky (UPS "Worldport"
air hub)
04/07/2012 08:19
(BST) Released by Clearing Agency, in-transit for delivery.
Castle Donnington, UK
It looks like customs
clearance are organised even before the goods have left the US.
04/07/2012 04:12
(BST-5) Departed Louisville, Kentucky (UPS "Worldport" air hub)
service so far, I hoped that it had made it onto a transatlantic
flight within ~12 hours of the order!
I spoke to soon.....
I'd hoped "Worldport" was the gateway to Europe, but obviously
04/07/2012 05:41
(BST-5) Arrived Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
04/07/2012 08:25
(BST-5) Departed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Maybe it's on a plane
to UK now?
04/07/2012 20:02
(BST) Arrived Castle Donnington, UK
(Overnight in Caste
05/07/2012 05:15
(BST) Departed Castle Donnington, UK
05/07/2012 06:08
(BST) Arrived Edinburgh, UK
05/07/2012 06:40
(BST) Departed Edinburgh, UK
05/07/2012 08:05
(BST) Arrived Dundee, UK
05/07/2012 08:44
(BST) Out for Delivery, Dundee, UK
05/07/2012 13:40 (BST
Delivered, Aberdeen, UK!
Two days door-to-door
- not bad at all!