The Memotech MTX Series |
Where have all the MTX Computers Gone?
Dave's latest doodle . . . . .
Known locations of Memotech computers in the UK, or rather,
known locations of Andy's
REMEMOrizer - the locations are taken from his
Ordering page where a town or city is shown. If your location
isn't shown, or my geographic knowledge of Englandshire is a bit
lacking, please let me know and I will add to or amend the map
as required.
Though not finished yet, the intention is that clicking on
icon will take you to the Facebook MTX500 Group Members list,
from where you can see the contact details that the member has
shared with the Group - you need to be signed up on Facebook
for this to work. If your location and/or Facebook link are not
shown, please e-mail me with your Facebook name and Town/City
and I will add the details to the map.
