The Memotech MTX Series |

DME February/March 1984
When Memotech's MTX computer was launched at the Earl's Court
Computer Fair in June, it was clear that if it lived up to its
advance specification it would be one of the most substantial
and potentially powerful computers available in the sub-£300
price range. Now that it is available in production quantities,
just eight weeks after the proposed release date in August, the
time has come to look inside this new British Micro to see what
makes it tick.
Memotech seem to have provided everything bar the kitchen sink
in the MTX package. Inside the polystyrene box lies the
computer, all 2.6 kilograms of it and with an array of 79 keys
spread along its 49cm, width, a separate power supply (complete
with illuminated mains switch), five cassettes tapes, an
assortment of leads and documents, and the manual.
One of the leaflets explains that the manual supplied is
provisional and that the proper version is expected from the
printers and will be sent on to the MTX purchaser. In view of
this, it would be unfair to comment on the quality of the
provisional handbook, though at over 250 A4 pages it will
certainly keep most users happy until the proper version
The MTX computer is sold as an all-purpose computer, and from
its starting price of £275 inclusive, it can be expanded in
stages until it holds 512K of on-board RAM and quite a few
megabytes of memory on Floppy Discs, Silicon Discs or Winchester
Since the MTX is using the Z80 CPU as its processor, and that
can only address 64K of ROM/RAM, Memotech are using software to
page in and out the various options of on-board memory. This
process is transparent to the user, who merely enjoys the vast
amount of memory at his disposal, but to the software writers
who write the operating code for paged systems it represents an
extra challenge - paged software is that such more difficult to
An interesting point about the MTX memory map is that the ROM is
normally in low memory, so that the Z80 restarts may be
utilised, but the CP/M operating system requires RAM at low
memory so when an upgrade to CP/M is made, part of the memory
map alters. Figure 1 shows the memory map of the basic MTX 500,
and shows how the extra memory pages are filled in as extra RAM
upgrades are purchased. The 32K MTX 500 and the 64K MTX 512 have
their 24K of ROM represented by SYS-A, SYS-B and SYS-C, and have
32K of RAM from 8000H to FFFFH. The MTX 512 uses 16K of its
extra RAM to fill the gap at 4000H-7FFFH, (area (a) in
Figure 1) and the other 16K is banked up on page 1 between
8000H-BFFFH (area (b)).
The additional memory boards begin to fill up the pages as
appropriate in the order (a), (b), (c), (d) etc., while extra
ROM is added in a similar manner on top of SYS-B and SYS-C.
Eight pages of ROM are allowed, and sixteen of RAM, but the
diagram shows just four pages.
The MTX case consists of two aluminium extrusions hinged
together at the front. A single pcb slides into the lower part,
and the voltage regulators are bolted to the metal so that the
whole case acts as an enormous heatsink, which is very
effective. The keyboard is housed in the upper portion and
aluminium plates at each end of the computer hold to two halves
together. The whole assembly is extremely rigid.
To take a look inside you must first unscrew the screws holding
on the end plates. These screws are really quite childproof,
since you need a small allen key to turn them, but once the end
plates fall away the keyboard hinges up and the insides are
There are 48 chips on the main pcb, and a few more on a little
"piggy back" pcb near the UHF modulator. The little board isn't
a correction - in fact there are no signs of any last minute
alterations on the boards - but contains the British TV
circuitry; export models of the MTX will have different
piggy-back pcbs to suit the requirements of the recipient
There are edge connectors on both ends of the main board: they
are identical and contain all the important CPU signals (see
Figure 2).
One connector is intended for external ROM packs, such as a ROM
FORTH, while the other connects to any expansion board which may
be fitted in the large space beneath the auxiliary keypads. The
expansions may be RAM boards or the communications board. The
latter board carries two completely independent RS232 channels
and a disc drive bus, but not the floppy disc controller itself
since that and certain other boards fit inside the disc-drive
An Abundance of Chips, Sockets and Ports
All the chips are standard off the-shelf types, apart from a
small TTL ROM which does all the fancy decoding for the paged
memory. There isn't a ULA in sight, which perhaps explains why
there have been no serious delays in getting this micro into the
market place.
The TTL ROM and the larger ICs are socketed, and all components
are laid out neatly and without any space being wasted. Memotech
are using the Z80A processor running at 4MHz. At this speed it
runs a BASIC which is faster than the Commodore 64's, but not
quite as fast as Acorn's BBC computer. However, there are
rumblings at Memotech about fitting a 6MHz version of the Z80
chip, and if that is successful then the MTX would be one of the
fastest micros around.
It is often said that devotees of the Z80 and 6502 CPUs are not
capable of seeing each other's point of view, and I must declare
that I sit firmly in the Z80 camp. The Z80 chip allows
compatibility with CP/M, but that is of little concern to users
outside the business field. However there are more immediate
advantages associated with the Z80: all ports have their own
address allocation and do not intrude into the memory map; and
it is, on the whole, much cheaper to add memory to a Z80
computer; the fact that a 32K memory card for the MTX costs £50
and a 20K memory card for the BBC micro costs £114 hears witness
to this!
Most of the timing in the circuit is carried out by the Z80
Counter Timer Circuit (CTC) chip. This IC has four independent
timing channels, and two important tasks it has do for the MTX
are to control the video circuitry and operate a real-time
This clock is interesting, in that it is easily set up from
BASIC. Unfortunately the clock has no battery back-up, since the
CTC isn't a CMOS device, and draws rather a lot of current, but
it does count in hours, minutes and seconds while the computer
is running, up to a total of 99 hours, when it cycles round
again. Time-out signals from two other CTC timers are taken to
the edge-connector bus, which might prove convenient to the
builders of MTX add-ons
I would guess that one add-on which won't be needed is a sound
board. The MTX uses the Texas Instrument's SN76489 as its sound
processor, and very good it is too, especially if the output is
akin to a hi-fi. There are three tone generators and one noise
generator in this chip, and they can be manipulated quite simply
from BASIC using the command SOUND followed by 3 parameters or
more complex sounds including synthesised music can be created
using SOUND followed by 7 parameters.
Although there are no ULAs present in the MTX, the chip count
has certainly been reduced by the decision to use the TMS9929A
video-processor to handle the screen display. This is the
European version of the Texas chip, which simplifies the entire
video circuitry, but it still has a nasty habit of putting
oval-shaped circles onto our TV screens. Memotech are working on
a modification to improve matters, but I am told that the
problem is not nearly so bad on a video monitor. The video
socket is a high quality BNC socket and it shares the back edge
of the computer with eight other sockets of various types and
two cut-outs which are ready for the RS232 interface.
Apart from the usual power, cassette and TV sockets, there is a
Centronics- standard printer port, two joystick ports, and a
sound output for connection to an external amplifier. Not
content with that, Memotech has also provided an uncommitted
parallel I/O port on the pcb itself, and a suitable slot at the
back to allow ribbon cable to pass out.
The Software
The MTX has BASIC and powerful low- level languages all resident
in ROM. Figure 3 shows the BASIC commands
and functions available, which include a fair number of powerful
graphic and sprite handling commands.
A closer look reveals that some rather more standard words are
missing from the BASIC, presumably due to lack of space. TAB and
DEF/FN are missing, and there seems to be no IN to accompany the
OUT. Other more advanced commands that you might miss having are
MERGE, and the structuring facilities of REPEAT/UNTIL/DEFPROC
which the BBC micro has made popular.
The MTX saves its variables with the BASIC program, so you don't
need to worry about separate save commands for those, but there
may not be a direct way of saving and loading machine code -
this is an area where the provisional manual is vague. However,
most of the time any machine code that you write will be
incorporated in the BASIC listing and will therefore load and
save automatically.
This is possible because the MTX has a built in assembler, which
can be called at any time from within BASIC. If you type ASS.
10, the line 10 CODE will appear in the BASIC listing, and the
computer will pass into assembly mode. Using the assembler is
easy, and the editing and listing facilities are more than
adequate. The syntax of each line is checked at the time of
entry (as it is with the BASIC) so the system is a pleasure to
The object code created is placed in memory starting at the line
called CODE, along with a few other labels and essential pieces
of information, stored as well. The source code isn't saved, and
when you see it listed you are really looking at a disassembly
of the machine code itself; and you may have a print out of the
listing to scrutinise, if you so wish. The whole procedure is
designed to optimise the use of memory space and to encourage
programmers to use machine code at appropriate times in their
BASIC program. In fact one of the first uses you are likely to
make of the assembler will be to replace that missing IN
The Front Panel
The "front panel" is a software implementation of the flashing
lights and switches in which the original mainframe computers
used to specialise. It represents a view into machine- language
of the MTX, but as Figure 4 shows, the
modern day panel consists of alphanumeric information on the
VDU, rather than the fireworks display so beloved by the
directors of science fiction films.
Behind the "front panel" lies a machine code monitor which
enables the user to test and debug programs which have been
written on an assembler. The RML 380Z/480Z which is the micro
widely available in schools and colleges under the DOI scheme,
has a similar panel command, but the MTX version is definitely
superior since it has the ability to disassemble blocks of code.
Figure 4 shows that there are four
display areas; the hexadecimal tabulation at the bottom of the
screen shows the contents of memory around a specified byte (A
193 in the example) and you can scroll up and down the memory
ad-infinitum using the cursor control keys. It is also possible
to change the contents of the byte pointed to (F l in the
example) and so make adjustments to the program under review.
At the top right there is a display of the contents of the Z80
registers. They show zero until they are changed by the
programmer, or until a program is single-stepped, when they will
show their own content and the content of the address at which
they are pointing. Z80 flags are shown, as and when they come
into operation but the Interrupt Vector register is not show:
perhaps because it would be unwise to attempt to alter its
contents. In the example given, the Program Counter (PC) has
been set to 8D38 and that address holds byte 32H. The
instruction that begins at the PC address is automatically
disassembled and displayed at lower left as source code.
Entire blocks of memory may also be disassembled as a list (top
left) which can have a starting address quite different from
that set for the Hex tabulation. Remember, though, that machine
code DATA disassembles into invalid source code, and there is
never any way around that particular problem. However, Memotech
have made sure that when source code is listed under command of
the MTX ASSEMBLER, data bytes are correctly identified as such.
One command missing from the front panel is a "search for byte
pattern" facility, but I think that this is more than
compensated for by the facility of listing in source code
format, and Memotech are to be congratulated for providing this
most excellent of monitors.
Using the MTX Screens
The MTX screen can operate in four modes:
Graphics M 1: 256 X 192 pixels
Graphics M2: 256 X 192 pixels
Text Mode: 40 X 24 character positions
Multicolour mode: 64 X 48 positions
Text may be used within graphic modes 1 and 2, in which case
there will be 32 character positions across the screen, and a
pattern position will be made up of 8 X 8 pixels. In Graphics
Mode One 256 possible patterns may be defined for the 768
pattern positions, with two unique colours allowed for each
pattern definition. Graphics Mode Two provides 768 pattern
definitions for the 768 pattern positions, and all 16 colours
may be used in a single pattern position.
In Text Mode a pattern position consists of a 6 X 8 pixel grid,
and just two colours can be defined for the whole screen.
Finally, in Multicolour Mode the screen is broken into a grid of
64 X 48 positions, each of which is a 4 X 4 pixel pattern, and
each position can be given its own unique colour from the
palette of 16.
All the patterns created by illuminating the pixels exist on
what is known as the 'pattern plane' of the video screen. Behind
the pattern plane there is the backdrop plane, a somewhat larger
area which also happens to create the border around the pattern
Colour for these two planes can be easily selected by the
commands INK and PAPER, but there are many more complex commands
available to set up the pattern plane, and to create any one of
32 sprite planes which overlay the pattern plane.
Sprites can be created and manipulated using the powerful
commands of Memotech's extended BASIC. All the planes have been
assigned an order of priority, with sprite 0 taking top priority
and sprite 31 taking least priority. The pattern plane may be
regarded as 32 and the backdrop 33 in the priority hierarchy.
Whenever a pixel on a higher priority plane is transparent, the
colour of the next plane can be seen through that plane.
There is much more that could be said of sprites: they make the
writing of animated programs relatively simple, so that would-be
programmers at home or in school can concentrate on ideas and
style without being too far sidetracked by the time-consuming
task of writing code. The MTX has sprites, and you don't have to
buy any extras to use them. Twenty four pages of the provisional
manual are devoted to them and other advanced graphic features,
and the appendices are helpful in the detail they provide for
machine-code programmers.
If you never have the time to experiment with high resolution
graphics, there are many more features of the MTX which should
please you. The separate editing keypad and the function keys
(for typing in user-defined characters) allow for efficiency in
editing programs, accepting INPUT from the screen, and in
composing entire screen-fulls of text.
The Memotech computer has NODDY, a text-oriented language which
can be use its own right to create interactive programs, or can
be used from BASIC to call predefined screens. A direct screen
input (DSI) command allows the user to roam about freely within
the screen, ending when carriage return is pressed. Useful keys
such a 'tab" step the cursor forward in tabulation steps;
control keys have certain functions such as switching the cursor
on and off, and various "escape key sequences" do other useful
things - Escape, K duplicates a line for example.
Clearly, a great deal of thought has gone into the design of the
MTX range.
These days it is expected of a new computer that it should have
a large memory, high resolution colour graphics, multi-channel
sound facility and a joystick port. The MTX has all these
things. It seems to have remarkably few problems and
shortcomings and the track record from Memotech suggests that
bugs do not stay uncorrected for long.
The keyboard is superb - goodness knows how much it is costing
Memotech to fit it and it gives the machine a very definite
professional style. A closer inspection of the hardware and
software reveals that the professionalism runs Deep, and that
although the machine may be used by a beginner it is equally
suitable for the expert and likely to keep any user satisfied
for a good many years. If Memotech can get their MTX 500 and
good software support into the shops and the schools in
quantity, then I think they are set fair to take a large slice
of the market away from Acorn and Commodore.