The Sinclair ZX81
- Memotech Accessories |

Seeing the success of the Sinclair ZX81,
Geoff Boyd and
Robert Branton formed Memotech to make memory expansion modules
for the ZX81. (For additional details of the Branton/Boyd
partnership, see my History of
Memotech page.)
The first Memopak was released in the Summer of
1982. The range of add-ons was soon expanded and by September
1983 Memotech were selling:
- Memory extensions of 16 KB (£24.95), 32 KB (£34.95) and
64 KB (£49.95)
- An RS232 interface which also operated as a terminal
emulator (£39.95)
- A Centronics parallel printer interface (£24.95)
- High resolution graphics adaptor providing 256x192
pixels in monochrome (£29.95)
- A spreadsheet stored in ROM (£29.90)
- A word processor, also in ROM (£29.90)
- A Z80 assembler in ROM (£29.90).
The Memopaks were very successful as is explained by Geoff
Boyd : "This was because we built our own DRAM (memory) testers
and were able generate an order of magnitude greater memory
product throughput than the leading subcontractors at the time -
AB Electronics and Thorn EMI - who relied on
testers which cost over $1M each but which had the same
throughput as one of our 8080 [sic+] microcontroller based memory
testers costing GBP300 each. At one stage Memotech was the
largest purchaser of dynamic ram memory in the world! In effect
Memotech cornered the market for ZX81 (and Timex 2000 in USA)
memory packs and were able to put the big buyers at WH Smith,
Boots etc on allocation." By the end of 1984, some 250,000
Memopaks had been manufactured.
The success of the Memopak products had inspired the Company
to invest in land for the construction of a new factory in
Witney, Oxfordshire in order to expand their production
capacity. However, when Sinclair brought out the 48K
ZX Spectrum in 1982,
it was clear that the market for memory add-ons was going to
disappear and Memotech's backers decided that they should
refocus the business on the production of their own brand of
micro computer - which would become the
Memotech MTX.
+ In an
interview with Audio Amateur, Geoff recalled that the memory
tester was based on the Intel 8048 .
credits :-
of this information comes courtesy of Geoff Boyd, 09/11/2012
http://www.theregister.co.uk - 30 Years On - The Story of
the Memotech MTX, Tony Smith, 28/06/2013
- Memotech range and pricing
Interview with Shannon Becker, Audio Amateur in April 2013