***************************** * MTX USER CLUB GERMANY * ***************************** Public domain programs KLICK.001 ================================== - KLICK.DOC for reading Auxiliary program to display information -------------------------------------------- HELP.COM to display the * HLP files. : KLIX / K.HLP KLIXLIB.HLP KLIXPRG.HLP KLIXZEIT.HLP MTXLIB.HLP KLICK overlays : --------------- CALC.COM KLICK Calculator With ? the HELP menu is displayed, in which the Function keys are explained. With CTRL-P/Home the Calculator window packed on the original screen. HARD42.COM CLICK hardcopy INFO.COM/DOC/SUB KLICK - Info Board . Here all sorts of information that can required when programming be looked be. Info.doc is the source Generating the INFO.COM SUB INFO KALENDER.COM/DOC/MAC KLICK calendar ! There is tinkering with windows and clock display POST.COM/DOC/MAC KLICK little overlay with postage costs, with source KLICK programming tools for assembly ------------------------------------- KLIXLIB.REL KLIX routines for assembler Link with L80 MACRO.MAC A fine assembler library MTXLIB.REL Assembler routines that you simply need for this purpose link with L80 RAMJP.MAC The RAM4-System Variables / Jumps assembler as library KCLICK programming tools for Turbo Pascal ---------------------------------------- KLIX.DEK/INC KLIX routines for Turbo Pascal .DEK are variable declarations .INC are the Procedures KLIX/K.INC KLIX routines for Turbo Pascal KLIXZEIT.INC KLIX - time routines for Turbo Pascal Others --------- SAVSPOOL.COM/PAS Spooler content write to diskette SETSPOOL.COM/PAS Spooler inatller. In this case, the desired Size can be specified. SIZE.COM/PAS What actually where is the CLICK ? KILL42.COM/MAC Routine to delete CLICK overlays GENINS.COM Installer for ZCPR2 Utilites - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Google Translation of KLICK.DOC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hamburg -Bergedorf, 1/11/87 It took a long , but now it's time. The first public-domain disk only and exclusively about RAM4/KLICK/KLIX ! What is there here now ? Now that would be first of all the latest versions of the libraries KLIXLIB and MTXLIB , where it now finally also find documentation for KLIXLIB , namely KLIXLIB.HLP . The Pascal library KLIX / K.INC is still at it, even with HELP file . There are also two old utilities in new versions, namely KILL and SIZE , as well as two new utilities that SETS POOL and SAVSPOOL call themselves and deal with the spooler. A new KLIX program ( INFO.COM ) is a clear summary of KLIX variables and jumps and the libraries KLIXLIB and KLIX / K.INC . Then there is a Pascal library that deals with the time under RAM4 , together with HELP file . Last, but not least, a small program for Herbert , HERBY.COM , which uses a small trick to conjure up these cute flickering letters. Only think , then check the whole source , how it is made. A small view of the second PD about RAM4 that is in progress, but will unfortunately take some time. What do they offer? More detailed HELP- Files about KLIX , then all tied together and convenient to use . The new versions of GETREL and LOADER, that gives the opportunity to integrate libraries into the programs , along with descriptions . Yes, and everything up to that point yet so comes together. Who has interesting , go rouse people , and send , then it comes with the PD . So far, so good, Olaf Krumnow