***************************** * MTX USER CLUB GERMANY * ***************************** Public domain programs CLUB.034 ================================== Copy program MDC / SDC: Herbert to Nedden ---------------------- MDC / SDC.DOC documentation MDC L.COM Kopierprog, multiple-drive, long messages MDC S.COM Kopierprog, multiple-drive, short messages SDC L.COM Kopierprog, single-drive, long messages SDC S.COM Kopierprog, single drive, short messages IDC.COM IDC.PAS installation program Copy program MFT 5.1: Herbert to Nedden on the basis of ---------------------- MFT 5.0 out of non-public CLUB MFT51.DOC documentation MFT51.COM The copy program MFT51.MAC source to MFT51.PAT installation file for ThePatch of CLUB.030 Font editor for BRADFORD: Eugen Kaschubinski -------------------------------- The original is by Eugen BRAD FONT. I have two versions, namely the original BRADEDI1 and created my BRADEDI2, which differ in the key codes of the arrows: * 1 *: Memotech original CP / M * 2 *: ^ E ^ X ^ S ^ D (ie RAM 4.x and others) BRADEDI?. COM can be created from the FONT?. Bin with BRADRES ASCII files FONT? B. edit, then at Must be converted back into BRADCON FONT?. Bin. BRADRES and BRADCON are BRADFORD on CLUB.027 BRADEDI1.COM The editor for the original Memotech CP / M And the source BRADEDI1.MAC BRADEDI2.COM The same, but for RAM 4.x (arrow keys) And the source BRADEDI2.MAC FONT1B. Character Set 1 by BRADFORD at the disassembled ASCII version. This can be BRADEDI? edited are. dBASE tools: ------------ SORDIR.CMD Direktory sorter as dBASE program Peter dice SORDIR.DBF for - "- required database DBFLAG.TXT DBFLAG.HEX for several different base- Addresses of Kurt Bernd Rohloff (Bit processing under dBASE) Supercalc example programs by Michael Schluter --------------------------- SC-SC BEF.DOC commands AUTO.DOC documentation for the u.g. BETR.DOC Spreadsheets EABU.DOC EST-.doc MSS.DOC TAW-.doc ZINS.DOC ALLESQUE.CAL various spreadsheets AUTOKOST.CAL BETRIEBS.CAL EABU.CAL EST DEMO.CAL KALKDEMO.CAL LOHNKOST.CAL MKOST.CAL MSS.CAL SPRITKOS.CAL TAW 34.CAL VERBRAUC.CAL VERKAUFS.CAL ZINSEN.CAL ZINSTABE.CAL ZUSCHLAG.CAL S1.XQT command files S2.XQT UE.XQT SHOW.DOC display program. DOC'S SHOW.COM Super Calc Amortization calculation (see info) by Herbert to Nedden ------------------------------- AMOR.CAL amortization calculation -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Because of the better presentation possibilities for documents they have been created with NewWord. Documents created with NewWord contain a number of print commands so that printing using TYPE produces gibberish. Therefore please print documents in NewWord. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------