***************************** * MTX USER CLUB GERMANY * ***************************** Public domain programs CLUB.027 ================================== A More-than-NLQ public domain program ======================================== ALLFONTS. Print time according to what is in BRAD.DOC BRAD.DOC entry-level information in German BRAD1/2.DOC to read - is just 'n DOC BRADCON.COM / DOC to generate fonts BRADFIX.PAT patches BRADFORD for special requests BRADFORD.COM / INF This is the program that BRADRES.COM / PAS to disassemble fonts FONT1.BIN-FONTE.BIN defeat 14 fonts, of course, still German, i.e. with umlauts FONT1B. Source of FONT1.BIN (generated with BRADRES) TEXT1/2.WS Other docs for BRADFORD Library system LU / Nulu ====================== Small files take CP / M scary up much space. LU they managed therefore in library files, thereby saving precious Kbytes. Belongs to LU a number of utilities that simplify the work. The following files belong to LU / Nulu: LU. COM program LU LU. DOC English documentation for LU LUD. DOC German documentation for LU . Nulu COM alternative to LU: New-LU Nulu. DOC documentation Nulu . LDIR COM program LDIR - shows contents of LWR files. . LTYPE COM program LTYPE - lists of files LBR files. . LRUN COM program LRUN - starts from programs LBR files. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Because of the better presentation possibilities for documents they have been created with NewWord. Documents created with NewWord contain a number of print commands so that printing using TYPE produces gibberish. Therefore please print documents in NewWord. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------