***************************** * MTX USER CLUB GERMANY * ***************************** Public domain programs CLUB.023 ================================== Automatic newword-letter NWBRIEF.DOC Called off. PERSD.TXT P1-P5 T1-T2 NEW.COM * Routine. DBF files to print with the DMX80. (Read this DBFORM.DOC!) DBFORM.CMD / DOC Tricky dBASE menu MENUE.CMD German description of REC of SIG/M.164-167, 173 GERMREC.DOC German newword message overlay. NWMSGS.BRF / DOC / OVR Reading a trace of disk READTRK.COM / DOC / MAC Improved VS 4 graphics routines VS4.1 / 2 Determine output of REL files and TPA Size: Two utilities. RELDUMP.COM / MAC TPA.COM / MAC Z80 opcodes listed so that you have a chance in HEX dumps OPCODES.Z80 -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Because of the better presentation possibilities for documents they have been created with NewWord. Documents created with NewWord contain a number of print commands so that printing using TYPE produces gibberish. Therefore please print documents in NewWord. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------