***************************** * MTX USER CLUB GERMANY * ***************************** Public domain programs CLUB.022 ================================== New version of VS 4 - CAD by Manfred Flume PLAN.000/COD/COM/DSK/PAS/PLT PLANB / D / E / F.SYM PLANOVR.PAS PRINT.PAS / PRT PRINTOVR.PAS SYMBOL0/1/2/3.DAT Printer initialization of Peter Würfel CHARED2.INC DATA.CHR DATA0.CHR NORM.CHR RTNEU.COM / DOC / PAS PRTNEU1/2.INC WINDOW31.INC ZEICHEN.CHR -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Because of the better presentation possibilities for documents they have been created with NewWord. Documents created with NewWord contain a number of print commands so that printing using TYPE produces gibberish. Therefore please print documents in NewWord. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------