***************************** * MTX USER CLUB GERMANY * ***************************** Public domain programs CLUB.013 ================================== - VS4 graphics routines (Wolfgang Tesch) In applying the VS4-graphic procedures sometimes has me annoyed if at plot parameters than can be represented of (0.0) - (255.191) was something drawn on the screen. Than obvious remedy seemed calculating with integer (rather than byte) Parameters and is drawn only when the parameters within the Dar- tion rated range. This is exactly the procedure done IntPlot. Onto IntPlot based procedures have also xLine and circle. As the name says, is characterized xLine lines, including for example those of (-1000, -1000) by (2500.2500), which of course only a small part is visible. Although this unnecessary amount is expected, it's still pretty fix. ] Ever, the algorithm is not the slowest, despite my 'Hauruck' programming (variable from memory - count - Variable in the memory, but also my second attempt until Assembly language programming) took the line procedure to perform the benchmarks' some 1000 times the diagonal from (0,0) to (255.191) can draw 'nearly half longer than xLine. (Even the pure Pascal version of the algorithm was faster than flies?). Circle Finally, a copy of the circle algorithm from c't 9/86. VS4.2a Pascal include file with the three above-mentioned Procedures INTPLOT.SOU XLINE.SOU KREIS.SOU assembler source code of the 3 procedures from the VS4.2A Format for INLASS. - Character editor for DMX80 (Wolfgang Tesch) The program allows, I think, quite comfortable creation a set of user-defined characters to the DMX80 and / or ] Transmission to the printer. Well, there are already such programs, but why should it dozing in my floppy box in front of him, perhaps yes someone finds pleasure in it. I did it a long time ago written to the then just-released first Window Try procedures, so it also requires no RAM3. Pascal source CHARED.PAS Even CHARED.COM run on 'naked' 54k system CHARED.DOC operating instructions WINDOW2.INC easily extended to other Window Procedures (Club.003) Filename.inc more auxiliary procedures for chared PRTREADY.FNC BITMANIP.PRC - Software for hardware clock on port 7 (Wolfgang Tesch) When publishing the clock circuit (Info 12, p.14) has promised: Related software to Club.005! Since there unfortunately none of it to find was, and to start anything with the clock may have been even a few applets knitted together: TIME.Z80 simply displays the time and date on the screen to My 1.Assembler program! (Assembler also been des- due to not for such a small program, the 10k- Runtime Lib. having to lug by Pascal) GETTIME.INC Sets the date and time in memory. Properly sense the clock history is yes only if the information used by other programs can be ... GETTIME.SOU INLASS source SETTIME.PAS First, the clock must be set so ... - Turbo Pascal routines for window technology. (Horst Kupka) WINDOW.BIB is the actual program window. Important: The first thing to observe the Procedur init Windows be called and finally the Procedur ExitWindows. The other important Proceduren are in 'bias' explained by WINDOW.BIB short. The WINDOW.PAR o.g. Routines work for [change the parameters in WINDOW.PAR on multiple computers. (As Schneider or the MZ800) - PARTNUMBERS turbo routines (Horst Kupka) In particular, some libraries for reasonable applications - DEMO's READCHAR.INC serves certain keys on the computer to Assigned Turbo function keys. SELEKT.BIB is a short routine to the user with a menu of choices to put at disposal. Here he is using the cursor keys or initials make his selection. DISKBAUM.BIB binary search function to disk MASKE.BIB screen mask input LISTE.BIB list processing NUMQUICK.SRT) STRHEAP.SRT) sorting method STRQUICK.SRT) HILFE.BIB is a powerful subroutine. Here you can text from Show a separate text file in a window. When calling help ('# name') the following happens: 1 The text file is opened. (Error if not available) 2 The auxiliary label '# Name' is sought. 3 In the line after the label must be the 4-Fensterkoordi ordinates are. The window opens. 4 The following text is up to the next double-cross (#) Written. 5 All following lines to 'helpend' in a SelektString field collected. 6 A smaller window will open and the procedure Selekt called. 7 Selecting Quit closes all open Help from Window and returns to the calling program. Any other selection again calls HELP with the respective Parameters on. Example of a text file # Name 20,5,55,20 text ..... text ...... text ..... # Input Output helpend # Input (from here on for text 2), etc. -. Demonstration programs for above * BIB u.s.w. (Horst Kupka) ADRESSEN.COM / DAT / PAS Very nice demonstration of the above modules! (WINDOW, HELP, SELECT, MASK, DISKBAUM.BIB) DEMO.COM / PAS Small demo of the above with built-in calculator! RECHNER.BIB calculator to DEMO.PAS HILFE.HLP / TXT Help files to the Demo's - Mill game (Horst Kupka) MUEHLE.COM / PAS MUEHLE01/02/03/04.INC - 3D rotation on VS 4 (Rudolf Gmerinwieser) GOBLET.COM / DOC / PAS -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Because of the better presentation possibilities for documents they have been created with NewWord. Documents created with NewWord contain a number of print commands so that printing using TYPE produces gibberish. Therefore please print documents in NewWord. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + MTX USER CLUB GERMANY - Public Domain + + C / o Frank Herbert Herberg Büschler + At sunrise + 2 + 3 Ochsenzolle + 76 2000 2000 Hamburg Norderstedt + + (040) 200 87 04 (040) 527 75 81 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +