We now have cases available for most of our 1-Wire devices. You can, of course, still
make your own - but ours have been custom designed and built to provide a simple,
professional finish for your Hobby-Boards devices. If you order an assembled device together with a case, we will install the device into the
case for you.
The remainder of this section provides the information you need to install your devices in
our cases. These instructions are valid if you have purchased your case to add to a
previously assembled device, or if you purchase a kit with a case. Note that all of our
cases are designed so that the devices will be connected using the RJ-45 connectors. If
you prefer to use the screw terminals, you will need to drill extra hole(s) for the wires.
Master Hub
To install the Master Hub into its case:
1. Assemble the Master Hub, leaving off the serial cable.
2. Insert the serial cable through the centermost hole in the front of the case, and
connect to the board. For strain relief, we recommend placing a tie wrap around
the cable inside the case.
3. Bend the heat sink over so that it will fit into the case.
4. Place the board into the top of the case, lining up the RJ-45 jacks in the slots in the case. The board should be
flush with the stand-offs.
5. Put the bottom of the case on with four screws (supplied).
To install the Hub into its case:
1. Assemble the Hub.
2. Bend the tab on the top of the heat sink so that it will fit into the case.
3. Place the board into the top of the case, lining up the RJ-45 jacks in the slots in the case. The board should be
flush with the stand-offs.
4. Put the bottom of the case on with four screws (supplied).
Power Injector
To install the Power Injector in its case:
1. Assemble the Power Injector.
2. Bend over the heat sink so that it will fit into the case.
3. Screw the board into the two standoffs in the base of the case, lining up the power
connector with the hole in the side of the case.
4. Slide the end panels into the case.
5. Put the top of the case on, and screw the case together from the bottom with two
screws (supplied).
Barometer; Temperature and Humidity
This set of installation instructions is valid for the Hobby Boards barometer, and for the Temperature, Humidity, and Temperature-Humidity devices, all
with RJ-45.
To install the Barometer, Temperature and Humidity devices:
1. Assemble the Barometer, or Temperature / Humidity devices.
2. Screw the board into the bottom of the case using either set of center stand-offs.
3. Put the end plates in, lining up the RJ-45 connectors with the appropriate plate.
The back plate is drilled with holes to allow air circulation.
4. Put the top of the case on, and screw the case together from the bottom with two
screws (supplied).
Solar Radiation Detector with RJ-45 and variants
This set of installation instructions is valid for the Hobby Boards Solar Radiation
Detector with RJ-45, as well as any combination of Temperature-Humidity-Solar device
that includes the Solar Radiation Detector. Note that this case does not fit our smaller
Solar Radiation Detector.
To install the Solar Radiation Detector and derivative devices:
1. Assemble the Solar Radiation Detector or Temperature / Humidity variant
devices, being careful to put the solar sensor at the right height to fit in the case.
2. Screw the board into the bottom of the case, lining up the RJ-45 connectors with
the front edge of the case (the edge closer to the lid-mounting standoffs).
3. Put the end plates in, lining up the RJ-45 connectors with the appropriate plate.
The back plate is drilled with holes to allow air circulation.
4. Put the top of the case on, and screw the case together from the bottom with two
screws (supplied).